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Did you lived in Turkey ? is Turkish of Turkey easy to adopt for Azeris ?
No, alot of reading, watching TV and such helped me with learning it completly, but I think reading helped more, watching TV can help you to a point, if you want to learn perfectly, you should read alot aswell. By learning it completly I mean completly learning it, if you know what I mean. This includes writing.

I do not know, but I guess its easier for us than vice-versa. I do not know about others, but I can talk in Istanbul accent just like a native person from Istanbul.
Did you lived in Turkey ? is Turkish of Turkey easy to adopt for Azeris ?

For Azeri it is a non issue I heard.

For people people from other Turkic states such as Kazachstan, Kirgizstan and other countries where they speak Altiac language it is also very easy to make the transition.

I heard even Japanese, which is branch of Altiac, has similarities to Turkish and people who speak Japanese say there are a lot of similarities.
Indeed, understanding is not a problem we are easily getting used to it but adopting to speak Azeri is a bit hard :D
Düzdü bizim ləhcədə danışmaq biraz daha çətindi sizin üçün. Ancaq istəsən öyrənərsən. :D
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