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Can Bangladesh economy be stronger than Pakistan's?

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indian ecconomy in ppp terms is has been stated by the world bank at 2.1 trillion dollars recently a grt drop from the exzagerated heights. with a pop of 1.2 billion the per cap income interms of ppp is about $1700 or less, please correct me if im wrong. the pak ecconomy in ppp terms is about 450 billion dollars with a pop of 159 million. this is a ppp income of $2900.
i think we should give aid to the indians.
often the corruptness of our country is potrayed with our grey econommy being larger that the real. even the italians want to include their grey economy to keep the figures real, we should aswell so the av income is more than $6000.
i think we should give aid to the indians.

That would be really great. India needs estimated USD 500 Billion for infrastructure development by 2012. See how much Pakistan can give aid :)
Pakistani economy vs. BD economy? Good thread.

BD economy can overtake Pakistan if they an attain internal stability. Pakistan has quite a few more problems to deal with apart from the local political scenario. There is the GWOT factor, for as long as this goes on, FDI (which is key to economic development) will be restrained.

For BD, the external threats are lesser than what Pakistan is faced with. This allows for more money to be diverted towards social uplifting and infrastructure development. Pakistan still has to spend a considerable amount on defense.

Pakistan's economy has been extremely resilient even during the times of sanctions (interestingly enough, the years quoted in the original article which show a very limited growth in the Pakistani economy are the ones that Pakistan was massively sanctioned economically). BD has not faced the same sort of sanctions as imposed on Pakistan (this is a good thing for BD, but Pakistan paid for having a nuclear program).

I don't buy into this "intelligent race" bs. It sounds similar to the "superior" race crap that was fed to the world by Hitler et-al..:P

Education is key. The higher the literacy rate, the quicker you move to the goal. Pakistan has a long way to go here. Not saying that BD and India don't, but this is one thing Pakistan has to rectify very quickly.

In terms of potential, I really see no reason why either BD or Pakistan can not become South Asia's economic powerhouses. Having worked with brains from Pakistan, BD, India and SL, at least I can attest to the fact that we have folks who are just as good as anything that the West can throw at us. Individually the potential has to be realized and channeled appropriately.

Its just that Pakistan and BD, both, have to fix the internal instabilities and attain focus on economic development. This is the big challenge...whether they can overcome these internal issues.
People Pakistan's GDP (Purchase Power Parity) is 504.53 billion USD, GDP at nominal current values is 162 billion USD.

The following comparions have been made by IMF, ADB and World Bank.

Per capita (nominal current values)

Pakistan - 916.693 USD

India - 826.871 USD

Bangladesh - 427.733 USD

IMF -Report

Projection shows it will increase to 1033 USD in 2008!
These are facts!
i think the figures say it all,
to put it in context it is more likely that indias ecconomy overtakes china that bangladesh overtake pakistan, both these scenarios are v unlikely.
considering the indians are the cleverest and the bengalis almost the same both are doing a lot worse than the thicky pakistani, heh nah ashfaque
People Pakistan's GDP (Purchase Power Parity) is 504.53 billion USD, GDP at nominal current values is 162 billion USD.

The following comparions have been made by IMF, ADB and World Bank.

Per capita (nominal current values)

Pakistan - 916.693 USD

India - 826.871 USD

Bangladesh - 427.733 USD

IMF -Report

Projection shows it will increase to 1033 USD in 2008!
These are facts!

If you had bothered to check, these datas that you have presented are from IMF's economic outlook Database Sptember 2006 (Check the top right hand corner of the report). Here is the economic outlook report from April 2008.

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects

Check the disparity in the 2007 per capita income in both the report. However these are only the estimates as indicated by the grey shaded areas.

The actual calculated data is below.

World Bank estimates

India - Per Capita GDP
Nominal - $820
PPP - $2460

Pakistan - Per Capita GDP
Nominal - $800
PPP - $2410

Economist's estimates

India - Per Capita GDP
Nominal - $1033
PPP - $2777

Pakistan - Per Capita GDP
Nominal - $871
PPP - $2497

Hope it clears the air.
As I said earlier, there are major problems with Bangladesh. But as one of my friend said in one post, mind is most precious resource and thinking is most deadly tool to human being. In both case Bangladeshi's have major advantage to Pakistan.

Even after having lot of resources, Gulf nations are still barberic and utilize their mind less, this is genetic problem and showing its symptoms many places.

I will say BD has massive advantage over pakistan when intellect come in picture, and this can change the whole scenario in near future.

I think Pakistanis are good intelligent people what we need is to be proactive, at present we are in a reactive mode. We need to plan and manage things I think Pakistan’s growth in IT sector is remarkable although there is some time required for the industry to be strongly matured but the gap of education was there which we are filling quite rapidly.
I believe if Pakistan and Bangladesh can form a union they can challenge India as we would have a bigger economy then.
I think Pakistanis are good intelligent people what we need is to be proactive, at present we are in a reactive mode. We need to plan and manage things I think Pakistan’s growth in IT sector is remarkable although there is some time required for the industry to be strongly matured but the gap of education was there which we are filling quite rapidly.
I believe if Pakistan and Bangladesh can form a union they can challenge India as we would have a bigger economy then.

Salman, I wish Pakistan should start thinking about challenging not only India but other countries on economic front. But FDI needs conducive atmosphere, both Pakistan and BD lacks stability.
Also Perception about country is very important for FDI, currently Pakistan clearly struggling to create a Positive sentiment at world forum.

Another important thing I would like to tell you, IT sector is one of the most sensitive area of business because most of the time we have to deal with sensitive data of companies. I do not think Pakistan would be able to attract major companies from IT due to very obvious reasons.
I can say confidently after travelling UK for few months, there is huge fear and negative sentiment for Pakistan in Europe, I think same in US. For positive sentiment India has taken a clear lead, I could see this first time I landed to LHR airport and where ever I go, people simply take notice for work we are doing. I know this was not the case 10 years back, but in next 10 years (which is very short period) there will be huge GAP between Indian and rest of south Asian economies.

If you go to Indian cities you will simply find people doing really hard work. There is clear change in trend for job perspective in India. This year people from my college preferred to go in their core areas rather than joining IT companies, just because no IT companies are ready pay better package, which shows core sectors are taking lead, which is very encouraging sign. Gist of story, there are major positive things happening on ground in India.

Wish you good luck.
I fully agree with you that we have to work a lot to take the lead but the only objection I had was that you said that Bangladeshis are more intelligent than us which is wrong I think they are very much similar to us and we are equally intelligent. Yes IT industry is the most sensitive business but in this world of Knowledge based economies it has a lot of potential. In core areas like banking Pakistan is doing very well but yes Pakistan needs stability to attract FDI.
Bangladesh can NEVER beat pakistan unless they get rid od fundamentalism. Till then they can talk till the sun rises and sets.

Ability to learn doesn't make one more intelligent than others. The Sub Continent has produced many scholars, great writers, scientists, philossophers etc and they all represent South Asia, not a particular race.

Its true that some cultures have moved forward with education and human development, Bengal and Southern Indian States are a model when it comes to these factors but it does not make them racially superior to others, its just a matter of how one picks his priorities. Education is given much importance in these area's resulting in higher human development.

As for Pakistan, we too have a huge population exceeding 160 million. With 41% illetteracy rate we leg behind in human development but again it does not make us inferior to others. The youth will do much better than their older generations since they have better access to modern facilities.

Pakistan is already marked as the next major IT hub by many, the sector recorded more than 500% growth during last 7 years. Its a misperception that western companies will avoid us, most of IT investement is coming from USA and Europe.
Ability to learn doesn't make one more intelligent than others. The Sub Continent has produced many scholars, great writers, scientists, philossophers etc and they all represent South Asia, not a particular race.

As for Pakistan, we too have a huge population exceeding 160 million. With 41% illetteracy rate we leg behind in human development but again it does not make us inferior to others. The youth will do much better than their older generations since they have better access to modern facilities.

Pakistan is already marked as the next major IT hub by many, the sector recorded more than 500% growth during last 7 years. Its a misperception that western companies will avoid us, most of IT investement is coming from USA and Europe.

Couldnot agree more NEO. Compulsory education (not religious) from the age of 6-16 will get rid off most ills of Pakistan.


I would like to see more schools and educational reforms in rural area's aswell.
Rural families still have 5-6 children and unfortunately half the kids don't make it to basic education due poverty and traditional family business i.e. working in the fields with the parents.

Governemt must come up with subsidies to ease the burden on poor farmers to allow their children to go to school.
Another important thing I would like to tell you, IT sector is one of the most sensitive area of business because most of the time we have to deal with sensitive data of companies. I do not think Pakistan would be able to attract major companies from IT due to very obvious reasons.
I can say confidently after travelling UK for few months, there is huge fear and negative sentiment for Pakistan in Europe, I think same in US. For positive sentiment India has taken a clear lead, I could see this first time I landed to LHR airport and where ever I go, people simply take notice for work we are doing. I know this was not the case 10 years back, but in next 10 years (which is very short period) there will be huge GAP between Indian and rest of south Asian economies.

If you go to Indian cities you will simply find people doing really hard work. There is clear change in trend for job perspective in India. This year people from my college preferred to go in their core areas rather than joining IT companies, just because no IT companies are ready pay better package, which shows core sectors are taking lead, which is very encouraging sign. Gist of story, there are major positive things happening on ground in India.

Wish you good luck.

My firend I am not sure what line of business you are in but I do see a a lot of inaccuracies and off the mark assumptions in your post.

Another important thing I would like to tell you, IT sector is one of the most sensitive area of business because most of the time we have to deal with sensitive data of companies. I do not think Pakistan would be able to attract major companies from IT due to very obvious reasons.

Companies coming to India for backoffice, call-center type of work can do the same in Pakistan or BD without ever worrying about compromising on the security of their data. No major company hosts Data Centers out of India or Pakistan or BD. All of the major companies and financials have their Data Centers in either the US or Europe. The kind of work which has provided growth to the Indian IT market can very much be done in Pakistan and BD. The issue with instability in Pakistan has to deal with the ability to support call-center/backoffice type of work should there be, lets say riots. These are things that the local governments need to fix in Pakistan. Otherwise there is nothing stopping these companies from coming over...quite a few already have, but its a perception issue that most have to get over. Those who have come over are making money and laughing at others who have yet to make a move into this space in Pakistan.

I can say confidently after travelling UK for few months, there is huge fear and negative sentiment for Pakistan in Europe, I think same in US. For positive sentiment India has taken a clear lead, I could see this first time I landed to LHR airport and where ever I go, people simply take notice for work we are doing. I know this was not the case 10 years back, but in next 10 years (which is very short period) there will be huge GAP between Indian and rest of south Asian economies.

Huge fear and negative sentiment will remain for as long as the GWOT continues. Nothing can be done about it. A lot of it has to do with mis-information and lack of knowledge about what Pakistan can offer. India is in the same boat as most of the SE Asia. Not much going on so there is stability and foreign governments and companies see no disruption to business.

The gap has to increase not because others are not doing anything, rather it has to do with 1.2 billion population of India. For a country the size of India, comparing it to Pakistan or BD is silly any which way you look at it. In everything, India is 10 times the magnitude Pakistan or BD. Maybe a better comparison would be with first world economies to figure out the gap.

If you go to Indian cities you will simply find people doing really hard work.
I was in Pakistan a couple of years ago and caught up with my buddies from school days, they are working like slaves (16-18 hour days) working for Pakistani and MNCs. This is a global phenomena, its not just the Indians who are working hard. All who are part of this global economy have to perform at a much higher level than before...the challenge is the ones who are not a part of this global economy (which all put together in the India, Pakistan and BD) would be a number about a billion or so....the work is cut out for all three of the countries.
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