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Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

Please don't give your blood for money. Have some respect for the lives of innocents lost. If Pakistan has nothing to gain, why is it part of WoT?
Again cheap comment.......Let me edit my post so that your mind can get it....
Hindoostanys Uk isnt giving us 3 billion in assistance... so get up and smell the vegies.

---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 PM ----------

Again cheap comment.......Let me edit my post so that your mind can get it....

Wat do u expect from a cheap and sick indian troll?
UK gives more to India in financial aid than any other country. There have been many people that criticize aid to India due to its Moon mission program. Their argument is that if UK can't afford it's space program why would they give aid to a country who fund its own Moon mission program. They would rather see Indian aid diverted to more poverty stricken countries in Africa.

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Gerald Warner
Gerald Warner is an author, broadcaster, columnist and polemical commentator who writes about politics, religion, history, culture and society in general.

Why are we giving India £1 billion in aid if it can afford Moon missions?

By Gerald Warner Politics Last updated: October 23rd, 2008

May we have our money back, please? Specifically, the £1 billion we donate in aid to India, a country rich enough to enter the space race. What on earth are we doing, pouring UK taxpayers’ money into the maw of a nation that can afford to send rockets to the Moon?

Last January, Gordon Brown announced a new aid package to India totalling £825 million over three years.


India launches its first unmanned Moon mission

In May, Denis MacShane, former Europe Minister, asked why British aid to India, a country with more billionaires and millionaires than Britain and an economy 50 per cent larger, amounted to £1 billion. The official line is that poverty is rife in India. Yes; and it is likely to remain so, as long as the Indian government indulges in a space programme while millions of its underclass sleep in the streets.

India pleads that this week’s unmanned mission to the Moon “only” cost around £50 million. Very well, we should only have donated £950 million, if the government can afford to spend that kind of money. In fact, the Indian space programme has been running since 1980; a further Moon mission is planned for 2011 and manned flights after that. As the spokesman for ISRO, the Indian space agency, disarmingly admitted of the projected expenditure: “Even with our low costs it will be billions of dollars.”

So, the deal is, recession-hit British taxpayers struggle to alleviate the plight of India’s starving population, while its rulers play space cadets. And those politicians come from the “progressive”, anti-colonialist culture that affects to abhor past extravagances such as maharajahs being weighed in diamonds.

India is engaging in a space race with China that could turn into something nastier, its eventual objective being to corner supplies of helium 3 by claiming tracts of the Moon’s surface, like terrestrial colonisers centuries ago. It goes without saying there will also be a military dimension to the project. Probably more reprehensible than the financial cost to date is the ISRO’s monopolising of 1,000 scientists who could be engaged on work of more service to humanity.

The international aid scam is becoming an indefensible caricature. Britain gives £38 million a year to China, which has just spent £20 billion on the Olympics. As in Europe, so everywhere else: the rosbifs are relished as a dripping roast.
i doubt that india gets straight cash aid from UK. maybe it does, but its probably project funding.

1B pounds isn't huge anymore for india anyway. the budget is over 150B pounds.
Invade Iran :what:, Karan i thought you were a senior member and one of the only Indian members i have high respect for. But lets not start wet dreaming, Iran is no Afghanistan or Iraq. US simply does not has the resources and the manpower to invade a country as big as Iran. Its not only FATA where the terrorists are based, majority have moved up their camps into Afghanistan because NATO simply does not has the manpower and will to take them head on. Have you ever wondered why the Taliban and Warlords affiliated with Taliban control more than 60% of Afghanistan, having control of Kabul does not mean you have the control of Afghanistan.

I know its far fetched, but who would have thought of invasion of Iraq 10 years back?? And anyway in today's environment there are multiple ways (other than militarily) to go in to a country. Iran climbing down from its Nuclear horse could result into some pretty unforseen scenarios...

OMG did you just quote the BNP. You may have just quoted Enoch Powell, are you so clouded with hatred for Pakistan that you did not even bother to check who you are quoting. Just for the record, the BNP is a facist, racist, neo nazi party with a anti social agenda against Muslims and immigrants in the UK.

This is the same party that said Indian temples look like donuts with "Giant Willies" and published a fake copy of the Quran with jokes and anecdotes.

The real BNP: Scratch the surface and you find the same old racist organisation

Their leader Nick Griffin was recently refused entry to Buckingham Palace for tea with the queen because of his views.

BBC News - BNP's Nick Griffin refused entry to Buckingham Palace

Here is some more data for your enlightenment:
Why the BNP is Still Fascist


BNP activist 'delivered anti-Islam leaflets' in Barnoldswick (From Lancashire Telegraph)

I pity you and your ignorance.
Posted again for Ramu kaka who thanked karan on a foolish post tht represents both of there intellect:

Are u really tht stupid?

How can US use our airspace without our authority?and even if they only use our air space do u know the darn cost of such a project???
How long could US afford such a thing?

China doesnt even border afghanistan

Uzbekistan, Tajikistan or Turkmenistan all CARS are LAND LOCKED and nearest port will be Pakistani ports.

Russia?U should see the RT channel(russian television)!!

Quit makin urself look like a FOOL.


Why would US jump into a war while its losing afghan war and has lost Iraq?can it just go and fight with a PROFESSIONAL IRANIAN ARMY? wont it get stuck and die?

And Genius KP doesnt even border Iran,Balouchistan does, safe heaven of terrorists is DELHI.

Damn ur intellect and BIG BRAIN

No - I am even more stupid than you can imagine.

Stupid of me to think that a country which sends drones to bomb Pakistan without Pakistan's permission would use Pakistani airspace without their permission.

Stupid of me to assume that Afghanistan and China share a border at Wakhjir Pass. You, as clearly the more intelligent individual did look up the world map before you made this intelligent point.

I further amplified my stupidity by assuming that long range aircraft could be utilized to reach the land-locked Turkic states if necessary. They really could do without US aid. Infact the Tajiks are so well-off and so fond of Pakistan that they were only drunk when they leased the Farkhor Air Base to India of all places.

Being extremely stupid, I barely understand English - I shall pass on your suggestion to watch Russian television. Since you clearly are the personification of intelligence as well as dignity and grace, I will take your word for it. If I could, I would crown you Miss Universe too.
President Asif Ali Zardari will visit Britain next week and “we have very good relations with Pakistan,” he said.

Shame on him if he makes that tour but then again UK is his real home once he gets booted out, so definitely he wont bite the hand that feeds him.
650million£ probably in 5 years.??

India is not a partner in WoT but they got 300million£ aid in 08/09.:D

BBC News - Should the UK fund toilets in Mumbai slums?

Present complete facts no cherry picking please.

Can you tell me why a country like China the so called superpower of future and economic power house takes aid from UK???????

Why China and Russia takes aid from Britain??????

UK terminates development aid to China and Russia | Society | guardian.co.uk

MPs clash over British aid to China | Politics | guardian.co.uk

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Tories hit out at UK aid to China
David Miliband attacks 'loudmouth' Cameron over Pakistan comments

Former foreign secretary criticises PM for warning that Pakistan 'should not be allowed to promote the export of terror

Hélène Mulholland and Nicholas Watt in Delhi guardian.co.uk, Thursday 29 July 2010 16.14 BST


David Miliband said there was a 'big difference between straight-talking and being a loudmouth'. Photograph: Graeme Robertson

David Cameron was today accused of being a "loudmouth" by David Miliband, the former foreign secretary and Labour leadership contender, over his claims that elements of the Pakistani state are responsible for exporting terrorism abroad.

The prime minister stood by his warning that Pakistan should not be allowed "to promote the export of terror" in the world, despite the anger his comments have provoked. Cameron said he would always talk "frankly" to Britain's friends as he insisted he had caused no offence and had not blamed the Islamabad government for promoting terrorism.

Speaking in New Delhi this morning on the second and final day of his visit to India, the prime minister said: "I don't think the British taxpayer wants me to go around the world saying what people want to hear."

Miliband rounded on Cameron's comments, claiming there was a "big difference between straight-talking and being a loudmouth".

Miliband said everyone had "two ears and one mouth" and it was important to use them "in that proportion" when it came to foreign policy.

While Pakistan must go "further and faster" in dealing with the terrorism that has been launched from its own midst, it was also important to recognise how much Pakistan itself has suffered from the terrorism that afflicts the whole of south Asia, said Miliband, who insisted that he was not seeking to score points as part of his leadership bid.

He told BBC Radio 4's World At One: "It is very, very important that the prime minister, who in three unscripted appearances at press conferences has gone off script ... understands that we have got two ears and one mouth and it is very important to use them in that proportion."

Cameron today dismissed fears that his comments risked overshadowing a visit next week to Chequers by the Pakistan president, Asif Ali Zardari.

"I don't think it's overshadowed anything," he said. "I think it's important to speak frankly and clearly about these issues. I have always done that in the past and will do so in the future."

The prime minister insisted that he had been talking about "people within Pakistan" who launch terrorist attacks abroad rather than its government.

A furious diplomatic row erupted between London and Islamabad last night after Cameron's comments yesterday, when he warned that Pakistan could no longer "look both ways" by tolerating terrorism while demanding respect as a democracy.

Angry responses followed from Pakistani officials in the UK and the foreign ministry in Islamabad.

The prime minister initiated the row yesterday morning in a speech to Indian business leaders in Bangalore, when he spoke of his horror at the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai for which New Delhi directly blamed the Pakistani authorities.

Cameron came close to endorsing that view when he said: "We cannot tolerate in any sense the idea that this country is allowed to look both ways and is able to promote the export of terror, whether to India or Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world."

Pakistan took the rare step of issuing an official rebuttal. Abdul Basit, a spokesman for the Pakistani foreign ministry, told Radio 4's World at One: "There is no question of Pakistan looking the other way. I think the prime minister was referring to these reports, which are unverifiable and outdated. If we start drawing inferences from these self-serving reports, then obviously we are distracting ourselves."

Downing Street insisted the prime minister was not accusing Pakistan's government of sponsoring terrorism. But a few minutes after his speech, Cameron made clear that official agencies in Pakistan were responsible for harbouring terrorists.

Asked on the Today programme whether Pakistan exports terrorism, Cameron said: "I choose my words very carefully. It is unacceptable for anything to happen within Pakistan that is about supporting terrorism elsewhere. It is well-documented that that has been the case in the past, and we have to make sure that the Pakistan authorities are not looking two ways. They must only look one way, and that is to a democratic and stable Pakistan."

David Miliband attacks 'loudmouth' Cameron over Pakistan comments | Politics | guardian.co.uk
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