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Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

Britains checkered colonial past needs to be exposed and accounted for, Britains policy throughout the world has created problems that have resulted in genocide (eg. Rwanda) and many of the key problems which affect the world today (Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Rwanda) stem from British actions which occurred relatively recently.

That is the past things have changed..since our colonial days....look the Prime Minister only made that comment because he wanted to woo the Indians...as you know the British economy is in tatters....and one of his main objectives is to kick start it....going to India and boosting economic ties is one way...and is definetly a start to that direction. However I do agree his statement shows his lack of experience in the international arena.
True but if that is the case Pashwa then shouldn't you arrest this 13 year old girl for her hate speech.....I mean most Indians are content with the Indian paramiltary force in killing Kashmiri kids..if they rise against the state.

however isn't this girls speech..which is clearly encouraging quite a number of people...in preventing peace talks bewteen India and Pakistan and advocating in destroying Pakistan.

I can understand that Hafiz is a instigator....but clearly the girl is doing the same....so why hasn't the Indian goverment arrested her..why such double standards.

I am not defending Hafiz but just saying that you also have the same problem...so you really can't point the finger at Pakistan.

YouTube - ‪13 yr old extremist hindu Indian girl with her terrifying hate speech at a VHP rally.‬‎

Most certainly....i agree...this little girl is completely out of line and I am with you 100% that speeches such as this should not be tolerated....they only add to the problem, and as i have been very vocal about this, hate speech orators are dime a dozen in this part of the world....

However, there are a few minor yet very important differences between the two speakers here....

1. Hafiz Saeed was responsible for the creation of LET, a terrorist org that has been responsible for multiple massacres, and has been banned by the UN....this girl still hasnt made her bones...
What this signifies is that HS commands the attention and is responsible for brainwashing a lot of youth into radicalization and terrorist activities against India and its civilians....this girl has pretty much no significance or audience in India....evident from the fact that we dont even know her name....

2. Unlike India, Pakistan has not made any official complaints about her or asked for her to be silenced.....
So even from a Pakistani perspective she is highly insignificant...

3. No militant attack planned in India, using indians has been executed in Pakistan....not against civilians nor army and certainly not at the behest of this little girl or her organization.....
Same cant be said about Hafiz Saeed...

There simply is no comparison between the two....
Oh really then why is there protest in Kashmir...if the great Indian Army can silence them....by using its guns. You have been having this kind of problem since 1989...so obviously your claim has no substance....as you have failed epically in controlling Kashmir.

because unlike some we dont believe in the solution given at a gun point and our constitution gives every Indian a right to peaceful protest..It is only wen the protestors turn into arsonists or rioters then force will be used upon them.

And yes i stand by my statement that give the army four months media blackout ,then at the end Valley will be peaceful as a garden.

Futhermore how can you call your self democratic..when you decide to use it..when it suits you in certain cases. Clearly the Kashmir's are tired of Indian rule..and this problem of your won't go away..so when your goverment kills 55 people...its just creating more hatred....and the next generation will rise to the occasion to protest..and the cycle will continue.

oh yaara....didn ur govt also called itself a democracy wen ur were shooting down the IRA left,right and centre..? So we are as much democratic as one can get.

Next gen risinfg to protest ....huh..let them protest for 100 gens...we will continue to be there till the last Indian,last bullet,last Rupee.
trolling as usual..stick to the topic

same to u..!!!!

Wow even a kindergarden would understand what I wrote....I clearly said that Britain was WRONG IN GOING TO IRAQ......is that loud and clear...at least I am admitting my countries mistake......what about you.

wat wrong have we done to admit it..? U invaded a sovereign nation going against the world....we saved an independent kingdon (Kashmir) from tribal invaders coming from NWFP and as a result the Raja of Kashmir acceded to Indian Union signing the accession document.

I dont see anything wrong in IA being there.

So you need to get off your high horse..thinking India is God's gifted Angel..that can never be wrong. However by you bringing the point about Iraq ...suggest to me that you support Saddam Hussein...who was a dictator.....maybe you felt sorry for him..because the terrible things he did in his country..is what India is doing in Kashmir.

By the way I don't have a colonial mentality...in fact you do..as you are supporting a goverment, that is occupying a land that obvioulsy the people in it don't want you to rule over....truth hurts....in knowing how your goverment has failed for the last 60 years in Kashmir.

We didn support nor oppose..it is for the people of the sovereign nation of Iraq to decide their future..unless Tony Blair and Bush were citizens of Iraq.

But Kashmir is not a sovereign nation recognised by the UN...infact it acceded to India with the full agreement of Maharaja Hari Singh and hence legally it is a it is a state under the Indian Union.

if anyone is dis-enchanted of being ruled by "infidels" they are most welcome to pack their bags and migrate to the land of the pure.

A second partition based on religion is NOT coming in the subcontinent.Period.
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because unlike some we dont believe in the solution given at a gun point and our constitution gives every Indian a right to peaceful protest

Is that so..then why is there 55 people dead...if you don't believe in the solution at gun point.....it kind of goes against your theory. But you still have not answered my question...the majority of the Kashmiri's want independence...so if you are such a wonderful democratic goverement then why don't you give them freedom...or does India use democracy as a hoax to decieve..in where it's true intention is becoming a hegmony power.
oh yaara....didn ur govt also called itself a democracy wen ur were shooting down the IRA left,right and centre..? So we are as much democratic as one can get.

Like I said the goverment regrets what it did...however has your Goverment done such a thing...No...it continues to be a killing Machine...which you seem to support. At least my Prime Minister has the decency to be ashmed of British actions that resulted in the deaths of other people ...shame the same can't be said about your goverment. Furthermore we weren't killing IRA left,right, centre..if you actually look at the conflict...only 300 members have been killed during a 30 year period....if you actually compare that to Kashmir...thousands have died in just 20 years...so there is no comparison. But from my opinion we were wrong...so your logic does not work...as Ihave condemned my goverment..now have some courage and do the same for your goverement.

BBC News - Bloody Sunday killings 'unjustified and unjustifiable'
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Is that so..then why is there 55 people dead...if you don't believe in the solution at gun point.....it kind of goes against your theory. But you still have not answered my question...the majority of the Kashmiri's want independence...so if you are such a wonderful democratic goverement then why don't you give them freedom...or does India use democracy as a hoax to decieve..in where it's true intention is becoming a hegmony power.

I think ur speaking with ur back.

Didn read the last part of my previous post eh..? the constitution only guarentees the right to peaceful protest not violent riots or arsons that the Kashmiris indulge in.So if anyone is to be blamed for the deaths,it is the kashmiris and not anyone else.

and the number is 55 only because of the exemplary restraint exhibited by the CRPF personnel on the beat.

Being a democracy the citizens are entitled to the ballot and their representative of choice within the ambits of the constitution of India - not to a separate state that undermines the same territorial integrity that is guarenteed to us.

Democracy doesnt mean u can ask for everything under the sun.

And im pretty sure if India hadn been a democracy we wouldn have been seeing the protests or the stone peltings after one or two days .Hope u get my drift.:azn:

Like I said the goverment regrets what it did...however has your Goverment done such a thing...No...it continues to be a killing Machine...which you seem to support. At least my Prime Minister has the decency to be ashmed of British actions that resulted in the deaths of other people ...shame the same can't be said about your goverment. Furthermore we weren't killing IRA left,right, centre..if you actually look at the conflict...only 300 members have been killed during a 30 year period....if you actually compare that to Kashmir...thousands have died in just 20 years...so there is no comparison. But from my opinion we were wrong...so your logic does not work...as Ihave condemned my goverment..now have some courage and do the same for your goverement.

BBC News - Bloody Sunday killings 'unjustified and unjustifiable'

ok for an incident that happened on 1972 the PM says sorry after roughly 50 years...expect the same form us.after 50 years wen the separatists are done away with and Kashmir firmly with India then our PM too will give a grand speech regretting for the lost lives.

And btw those thousands killed are not because of Security forces alone...but a majority due to the grenade throwing and public shootouts carried out by cross border terrorists forcing the Security personnel to retaliate invariably causing civilian deaths.

I need credible sources for 300 IRA casualty claim which sound incredibly low for a 30 year war to point of being ridiculous.
wat wrong have we done to admit it

Why don't you read some of these links then maybe they will refresh your memory...in what a barbaric goverment you have.

Behind the Kashmir Conflict - Under Siege: Doda and the Border Districts (Human Rights Watch Report, July 1999)
Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights
Doctors Lawyers portest human rights violations in Kashmir .:. newkerala.com Online News - United States 6822
Human Rights Violations in Kashmir (Raw footage2) on Vimeo
Canada accuses BSF of human rights violations

You were saying that we have done nothing wrong...yet all these killings are done by your goverment...and the rapes....do you get it...or shall I supply you with more links.
I think ur speaking with ur back and not ur mouth.

Personally attacking me will get you know where....it will just get you banned.....didn't someeone teach you any manners...that to get your point across to others you don't use abusive language...learn from pashwa in how you should conduct your self.

There are bound to be HRV in insurgency hit areas and tell me one insurgency in the world where no HRV were reported.

and for the HRV the Security forces alone are not to be blamed...the majority of the blame rests on militants who engage in shootouts and grenade throwing in public areas and thus civilians are caught in a crossfire

as for the mass graves how did Amnesty confirm that they were Muslim Kashmiris killed by security forces and not of the kashmiri hindu Pandits who were ethnically cleansed from the Valley by the cross border militants.

Oh is it..please read this too..Canada tenders unconditional apology to India

You were saying that we have done nothing wrong...yet all these killings are done by your goverment...and the rapes....do you get it...or shall I supply you with more links.

just pure rant..not worth a reply
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Personally attacking me will get you know where....it will just get you banned.....didn't someeone teach you any manners...that to get your point across to others you don't use abusive language...learn from pashwa in how you should conduct your self.

dude i know how to speak, wat to speak and wen to speak...no coachings required.

Sorry to say but dont expect tooo much respect especially after calling my country names and naming my country's defenders as barbarians.

Read this article then..and even wiki says it...might not be credible...but its close enough.

Provisional IRA campaign 1969?1997

Provisional Irish Republican Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in the first link u gave it is given in the year 1972 alone ther were abt 100 killed and I also found this "In 1976 there were 297 deaths in the province; in the next three years the figures were 112, 81, 113 "
this is not the civvie deaths but rather the IRA deaths..so one could safely say that the casualties were easily in the thousands.
this is not the civvie deaths but rather the IRA deaths

Well you were saying that we were killing IRA left,right and centre so I gave you a link....you did not talk about civilians.....why are you changing in what you said before. And those civilians were not killed by the goverement...it was memebers bewteen the Catholic and protestant parties.
dude i know how to speak, wat to speak and wen to speak...no coachings required.

Sorry to say but dont expect tooo much respect especially after calling my country names and naming my country's defenders as barbarians.

But that is my opinion.. which is not against forum rules...you on the other hand are personally attacking me...which is against forum rules....keep it up because then you will get banned.

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