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Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

So to escape that humiliating fate..those women whose husbands were killed would self-immolate them to protect their modesty from being preyed upon.

That is not being noble...its being plain stupid....well that is my opinion.

The practice of sati in India

the British banned it in 1829..because of its barbaric nature...how messed up is that a women will burn her sell because her husband is dead....talk about being stuck in the stone ages....so look at your country before you look at Britain.....I at least have the courage to condemn the witch burning...you on the other hand are supporting it....shame tsk.
Ignorance is Bliss..

Keep ignoring facts.

Now how about taking a break and put more of your energy onto the topic and your Country??

I don't ignore facts...and when I see soemthing wrong....such as the British going into Iraq I condemn it...however clearly you Indian's don't have it in you to condemn the killings of Kashmir....the only perosn that was close was Pashwa...where he was discussing what type of solutions there should be towards Kashmir..so that people won't die....yet you lot hijacked that..with your nonsense....but it is your opinion..not going to hold it against you....but unlike you lot I don't personally attack others.....tsk you lot can't even keep a cool head with a 19 year old...how do you survive in real life is a mystery to me.
Karthic Sri:

Green Star has made a valid point that the atrocities committed by the British in the past are condemned now by many, including the British themselves, whereas the occupation, subjugation and atrocities by India in Kashmir are not condemned - there is a distinction there, and you cannot merely point out past events to justify current atrocities, especially when many Indians on this forum in essence support forced occupation of Kashmir and the denial of self-determination promised them.

Sorry to jump in here.....

It is very easy to condemn something thats happened in the past.....In fact people of nations like Germany, Japan, Britain which have a checquered past only now condemn the action of their pre-decessors....
people criticizing these actions did not live through those events to see why their predecessors took those actions.....
eg. Its very easy for people to take sides on the Israel-Palestine conflict....however why those actions are taken are known only to the affected parties.....and under those circumstances must have been necesary...

Take a look at the situation with E.Pakistan......Pakistanis in the current generation are able to criticize the actions.....during the actual phase of the crisis, majority of Pakistanis did not oppose the decisions of their Govt.

Similarly wrt. Kashmir......once the conflict is over, maybe we as Indians and Pakistanis may be able to look pragmatically to see the fault of our actions....
However, the conflict is still very ripe and based on the ground realities....as perceived by Indians and Pakistanis according to the information available, we think our govts positions are right....(with some exceptions)....

So I think the comparison of the situations is out of line....
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I don't think 'hate speech' is a punishable crime.

I would love to have some of the idiots like Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and some of those opposing the Ground Zero mosque to be arrested and thrown in jail then if 'hate speech' is to be made a punishable offense.

So on that basis at least one cannot argue for action by the GoP against HS. His movements are restricted in accordance with the UNSC sanctions upon him.

Well...Freedom of Speech is the right of our citizens as much as yours....

However, HSaeed is a using his Freedom of Speech to undermine and ridicule the peace process or "coming to the dialogue table" if you will....
How does riling up a crowd of citizens for a call to arms and jihad against India help solving the situation.....
especially keeping in mind that terrorism is one of the biggest bone of contentions at the moment between India and Pak....not to be forgotten India's stand on Hafiz Saeeds involvement in 26/11.....

Hate speech orators are a dime a dozen in India and Pak.....I agree that one cannot draw a line to define a hate speech....
But in the India-Pak-Kashmir scenario....Hate speech would be anything that involves an individual trying to create or "inspire" non-professional militia to attack either country.....
Keeping in mind the shaky ground we all stand on, such sparks only make situations worse and increase distrust.....My position remains, his actions should be curbed!

However, wrt Greenstar, I mentioned the example of Hafiz Saeed as a similar personality to Abu Hamza in the UK who GS blamed as a cause for the radicalization of Muslim youth.....keeping in mind HS's role in creation of LET, the comparison is apt.
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Sorry to jump in here.....

It is very easy to condemn something thats happened in the past.....In fact people of nations like Germany, Japan, Britain which have a checquered past only now condemn the action of their pre-decessors....
people criticizing these actions did not live through those events to see why their predecessors took those actions.....
eg. Its very easy for people to take sides on the Israel-Palestine conflict....however why those actions are taken are known only to the affected parties.....and under those circumstances must have been necesary...
Apathy towards crimes committed by the State might have been a justified position in scenarios where where there was limited information about what was happening, and even because society looked at the victims of the crimes as 'inferior' and 'deserving of what befell them'. We know the latter scenario was true in the case of European Colonialism as well as US attitudes towards Blacks and Native Americans in the past.

However, the world is in a different place today, where much of those attitudes of 'inferior races and peoples' are frowned upon and condemned, and so too past policies on their basis. Indians, the very large Middle and Upper classes at least, cannot argue a lack of access to information and various sources to justify their continued apathy to the occupation and subjugation of Kashmiris, and a refusal to protest against the Status Quo enforced by their government. In fact many Indians on this forum argue that the reason the GoI will not compromise with Pakistan on Kashmir or allow the Kashmiris the right to self-determination promised them, is precisely because the 'Indian Public' will refuse to accept any moves by the GoI to do so. That justification places the blame, for refusing to end occupation and atrocities in Kashmir, on the Indian people.
Take a look at the situation with E.Pakistan......Pakistanis in the current generation are able to criticize the actions.....during the actual phase of the crisis, majority of Pakistanis did not oppose the decisions of their Govt.

Similarly wrt. Kashmir.....maybe once the conflict is over, we maybe we as Indians and Pakistanis may be able to look pragmatically to see the fault of our actions....
However, the conflict is still very ripe and based on the ground realities....as perceived by Indians and Pakistanis according to the information available, we think our govts positions are right....(with some exceptions)....

So I think the comparison of the situations is out of line....
Actually there was a media blackout over the majority of the duration of the conflict, and control was with a dictator Yahya Khan and ego-maniac, ZA Bhutto. The blackout, as pointed out in the parts of the HR Commission report made public, was to suppress news of widespread atrocities against non-Bengalis in East Pakistan, and therefore prevent reprisal acts from occurring in West Pakistan.

Nothing of what is happening or has happened in Kashmir is hidden from the Indian people, yet they refuse to condemn occupation and subjugation in their name, and instead prevent the GoI from compromising on the issue.

The information available to us is the same - we can see the protests, we have seen the insurgency, we have seen the promises made to them and the UNSC Resolutions calling for self-determination. There is nothing to excuse the Indian peoples support for occupation and subjugation by the Indian State.
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Yes, but 'Zia's radicalization and Pakistan's school system' do not factor into the equation of British born and raised citizens. These individuals are being raised in the British school system and in British society, and are being radicalized by extremists in Britain. Islamic radicalization was also occurring earlier than the Afghan Jihad in the Middle East, around the Palestinian occupation and perceived Western support for that occupation. In fact the radicalization during the Afghan Jihad owes itself to the ideology exported from some parts of the Arab world to the region, so it is unfair to point to Pakistan as the source of problems, especially when it comes to homegrown terrorists in Western nations.

First off, the post you replied to in the above was meant to describe only the radicalization of Pakistanis.....not British Pakistanis....Hence you should read it in that context..

However you mentioned that the ideology itself was exported to Pak through the Middle east...a by product of the Israel-Palestine conflict....
However, the fact remains that a large number of folks in Pakistan are being recruited for terror plot worldwide....
so the question is, what makes the Pakistanis (considered some of the most liberal minded muslims around) so malleable to be brainwashed in some cases to carry out such operations....

And the incidence of TTP who are running amuck in your country speaks of the escalation of the situation.....

Education does play a very important part and I feel is a key missing link in understanding the cause of this....though it is also true that education is not a factor that helps resist these ideologies as is the case with the 9/11 bombers etc....

I feel an education overhaul is required....to bring Govt schools and Madrasas into a standard curriculum that promotes religious tolerance and free thinking....

What would or would not have happened in FATA (not Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - formerly NWFP - which is governed under the constitution unlike FATA) had the US not invaded is irrelevant and hypothetical to this discussion. What is very real and very emotional for many people are the civilian casualties, the invasion and the spike in terrorism. That cannot be brushed under the table, and one cannot just blame 'education' alone since many extremists are educated, and many of the homegrown extremists in the West (like the London attackers) are educated in the West, so blaming Pakistan's education system is only relevant in a discussion on Pakistan's social ills and extremism, not the West's.

This does not answer why 90% of the civilian casualties in Pakistan have been a result of suicide bombing and Terrorist attacks, less a result of collateral damage and drone attacks by an invading foreign army....
For all intents and purposes, the TTP are fighting the PA and not the NATO allies.

If the civilian casualties were the call to arms for TTP, essentially you would expect them to attack only security and Govt insitutions and people....Yet that is not the reality on ground....

Hence I feel that this is a radicalization on the likes of the Iranian revolution, where the TTP is fighting against the fabric of the state....
Unlike the Mujahideen, who were fighting occupation by a foreign country, the TTP are fighting natives....

Nevertheless....I do agree that the WOT and Drone attacks may be adding the fuel to the fire....

As far as Madrassa education goes, depends on the Madrassa - some Madrassa's have reformed their curriculum and teach the sciences and mathematics, computer literacy etc. but a lot more needs to be done to bring them ALL on board to provide a modern education and to regulate what they do teach in terms of religious tolerance.

Thanks....I feel like Madrasas are a great social outreach medium,....

However the GOP needs to use it to its advantage....which it hasnt done so, by bringing Madrasas in line with mainstream education....to promote liberal views and free thinking....

They are not 'Pakistani' youth - they are British youth of Pakistani origin, educated and raised in Britain. Also, statements like 'Pakistani youth are more susceptible to extremism' is a generalization. Only a handful have actually taken that step out of a very large British population of Pakistani origin, and I would repeat my argument on that count that it is because of the perceived illegitimate invasion and war the West is waging next to Pakistan, and in some cases in Pakistan, that is the likely driving force behind those handful of cases.

For intents and purposes, the majority of Indians and Pakistanis in the UK should be considered refugees of war...since a lot of them came to the UK due to partition or as a result of the loss of land/property in 47....
As with all refugees of war, they carry the emotional and patriotic baggage that becomes a big influence on the mentality and thinking of their future generations.....

I say the UK Pakistani youth is especially at risk of being radicalized for the following reasons:

1) Lack or confusion in identity sparked by the "acceptance" or amalgamation into British society may lead some of these youth to seek acceptance through the prism of religion or homogenity...hence more susceptible to be moulded into a certain channel of thinking to fit in...

2) Choice of parents to send these youth to Madrasas for religious education where radical Imams indoctrinate these youth

3) The latent emotional baggage of partition, the Indo-Kashmir quagmire etc that may become the spark to follow a radical path to a solution....

However I do agree with you.....radicalization is not limited to British Pakistanis only....
At one time the Celtic people were the majority in Britain...but now they are in few in numbers...does that mean England should kick all the Anglo-french who came from the norman Invasion.

It doesnt mean u have kick them out...but they have to learn to live with the local population peacefully otherwise they need to be shown their place.

Naa we got tired of ruling you..we took what we needed.

Yeah we know very well the intentions of ur country..thats y i say stop this riding-on-a- high-moral-horse BS.

So does that mean..that you supported Saddam Hussein.....even if there was no WMD...we still took out a dictator... I may not agree..but at least we completed that objective.....what has India done squat...and that too in the last 60 years of the Kashmiri issue.

Dictator or not he was the president of a sovereign nation.Who gave u the right to act as if ur the global police...still havent got out of the colonial mentality...aint u..??

and moreover for 30 years of his rule was ur govt sleeping that it suddenly woke up in 2004,built up a charade of WMDs and attacked Iraq with the sole purpose of satisfying a failed ego and to loot a nation of its wealth.

And dude as for Kashmir once we decide enough is enough it will not take more than few months for our army to show whose the real boss out there.

So let the Kashmiris enjoy their moment in the sun till the CRPF is there.

Well the Kashmiri don't feel that way do they...or haven't you looked at the news..that they are protesting against your goverment.....haha....yh they really do have a connection with India...in your dreams.

they can feel that they r Americans...that doesnt change one bit of a fact.The land has ethnic,religious significance to us ,Indians and we r not giving it till the last man,last bullet.

That is not being noble...its being plain stupid....well that is my opinion.

The practice of sati in India

the British banned it in 1829..because of its barbaric nature...how messed up is that a women will burn her sell because her husband is dead....talk about being stuck in the stone ages....so look at your country before you look at Britain.....I at least have the courage to condemn the witch burning...you on the other hand are supporting it....shame tsk.

where did i support it..I just gave u a reality check to dis-embark from ur moral high horse. and i just explained the origins of Sati to u.

For all it is worth thanks for banning it...hope that gives u some sleep.

P.S>:next time try answering in a single post...dont type 2,3 lines in every post.
And dude as for Kashmir once we decide enough is enough it will not take more than few months for our army to show whose the real boss out there.

Oh really then why is there protest in Kashmir...if the great Indian Army can silence them....by using its guns. You have been having this kind of problem since 1989...so obviously your claim has no substance....as you have failed epically in controlling Kashmir.

Futhermore how can you call your self democratic..when you decide to use it..when it suits you in certain cases. Clearly the Kashmir's are tired of Indian rule..and this problem of your won't go away..so when your goverment kills 55 people...its just creating more hatred....and the next generation will rise to the occasion to protest..and the cycle will continue.
Dictator or not he was the president of a sovereign nation.Who gave u the right to act as if ur the global police...still havent got out of the colonial mentality...aint u..??

Wow even a kindergarden would understand what I wrote....I clearly said that Britain was WRONG IN GOING TO IRAQ......is that loud and clear...at least I am admitting my countries mistake......what about you.

So you need to get off your high horse..thinking India is God's gifted Angel..that can never be wrong. However by you bringing the point about Iraq ...suggest to me that you support Saddam Hussein...who was a dictator.....maybe you felt sorry for him..because the terrible things he did in his country..is what India is doing in Kashmir.

By the way I don't have a colonial mentality...in fact you do..as you are supporting a goverment, that is occupying a land that obvioulsy the people in it don't want you to rule over....truth hurts....in knowing how your goverment has failed for the last 60 years in Kashmir.
However, HSaeed is a using his Freedom of Speech to undermine and ridicule the peace process or "coming to the dialogue table" if you will....

True but if that is the case Pashwa then shouldn't you arrest this 13 year old girl for her hate speech.....I mean most Indians are content with the Indian paramiltary force in killing Kashmiri kids..if they rise against the state.

however isn't this girls speech..which is clearly encouraging quite a number of people...in preventing peace talks bewteen India and Pakistan and advocating in destroying Pakistan.

I can understand that Hafiz is a instigator....but clearly the girl is doing the same....so why hasn't the Indian goverment arrested her..why such double standards.

I am not defending Hafiz but just saying that you also have the same problem...so you really can't point the finger at Pakistan.

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I feel an education overhaul is required....to bring Govt schools and Madrasas into a standard curriculum that promotes religious tolerance and free thinking....

True I also feel the same Pashwa...if education is used then people would think more logically and not get involved into terrorism. However there is a big problem..where is Pakistan going to get the money to do such a thing....it would essentially need billions of dollars, and with the current state of affairs, this proposition won't happen for a long time. But I agree the madrasas need to be monitored...and mix it with education.

If you look at History the muslim's of the old were so successful...because they were religious..but very scientific...it seems we have loss that abillity...what a shame.
I say the UK Pakistani youth is especially at risk of being radicalized for the following reasons

As I live in the UK..this is not true Pashwa..the radical groups such as Al-Muhajiroun contain mostly Arabs..yes there are British Pakistani's but few. Abu Hamza's boys are mix...he has a lot of black and white students under him.....evidence of this was one of the boys in 7/7 was black.

But from what I have seen in the last couple of years..it seems radicalism has decllined in the UK...due to arresting of Abu Hamza....deporting Omar Bakri to Lebanon and manuy others. And this has seemed to have worked as there hhas been no terrorist attacks since 2005.
First off, Cameron is an incoherent Bush like imbicile, the irony is that because of the actions of the ISI's and the Pakistan armed forces which is fighting indian sponsored terrorist along the Afghan frontier, Pakistan has A) sacrificed more lives than all the international forces combined both in military and civilian terms and B) has probably saved the lives of countless International Forces(ISAF and yes British) currently stationed in Afghanistan.

I support the actions of the chief of ISI for cancelling his trip to the UK, I felt that the entire Pakistani delegatory visit to Britiain should have been cancelled and re-scheduled and an official protest given to the British Ambassador. They should have been taught a lesson, that Pakistan will not tolerate such irresponsible, immature and nonsensical comments especially as countless Pakistani army personnel and Pakistani citizens from the old to newborn children are being killed as a result of terrorists (ironically sponsored, armed and backed by india the country from where he gave the statement and even more saddistic, many of the militants caught by Pakistan are British born citizens).

Mr Cameron's remarks are offensive, distasteful, incoherent and devoid of fact. He has truly shown himself to be a rumbling moron who has no idea what the implication are to the international struggle to rid Afghanistan of militant terrorist groups. The irony is, that Mr Cameron's said his remarks from the very country (india) that sponsors the TTP terrorist organization and the LTTE (Sri Lankan terrorist group) that conduct suicide attacks on innocent civilians. To say he needs a nice kick in his A$$ is an understatement!

Also, someone mentioned that they felt that Britain should not get involved in the affairs of South Asia?? I find that odd, Britain CAUSED and pioneered the problem which now threatens the world with a nuclear holocaust in South Asia.

Britain needs to held accountable, They are the ones who sold Kashmir in the first place for a couple shawls and an anual stipend to a collaborator(later to be miraculously made and ordained the Maharaja by the British themselves of Kashmir) what did he do you ask? while serving in the ranks of the Sikh Army, he defected, took money and allowed British forces to cross through his district which he was supposed to be defending and orchestrated the defeat of the very army he was supposed to protect. The Kashmiri people were then sold to him, made into his subjects forcibly, he was given maps and superior European weoponry and the region was enslaved thereafter.

In the run up to independence, Britain didnt post any troops or arrange for the proper transfer of departments and populations across newly independence countries from their colonial domain - British Raj. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are massacred, Pakistan doesnt get its allotted 1/3 budget which was confiscated by india, and the British officer commanding Pakistan's armed forces refuses to save the Kashmiri's who are being brutally attacked and being refused to their right to join their homeland in Pakistan.

Then at the time of independence, Britain ensures that Pakistan has no resources, industry etc.. and allows the area of Kashmir to be forcibly occupied by india and as a result, now some portions of the headwaters of Pakistan (a river based country like Egypt) lie outside of its territory and Pakistan has no control over the flow of the river allowing for disasterous situtations like the current Flood in Pakistan 2010 which would not have occurred if Pakistan had better control of its river headwaters. This River /Water issue is most likely going to be the cause of the future nuclear war in the region.

Britains checkered colonial past needs to be exposed and accounted for, Britains policy throughout the world has created problems that have resulted in genocide (eg. Rwanda) and many of the key problems which affect the world today (Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Rwanda) stem from British actions which occurred relatively recently.

Mr Cameron and the country he represents (Britain) is in no position to say anything, they have much to make up for in the annals of global terrorism, genocide and many many more problems which were created directly by them.

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