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Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

economic boost of few helicopters that UK would eat for peanuts. Nice logic. :hitwall:

Karan Pahji seems to be on a forced break....;) so I will try to step in.

But isnt this the stand taken by most Pakistani members here. That Cameron said what he said to gain contracts for British firms....Are you saying that there is some other reason?
Can u provide any proof of Britains inhabiting ancient,medieval or modern day Iraq

Same can be said about you...can you give proof of Indians inhabiting Iraq...in the Ancient, Medieval or Modern day Iraq....as your people seem so fond of bringing hired in Iraq.
I don't think 'hate speech' is a punishable crime.

I would love to have some of the idiots like Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and some of those opposing the Ground Zero mosque to be arrested and thrown in jail then if 'hate speech' is to be made a punishable offense.

So on that basis at least one cannot argue for action by the GoP against HS. His movements are restricted in accordance with the UNSC sanctions upon him.

But he is still able to solicit donations in the name of JuD? Doesnt that indicate JuD is still maintaining usable bank accounts in some form or the other?
Karthic Sri:

Green Star has made a valid point that the atrocities committed by the British in the past are condemned now by many, including the British themselves, whereas the occupation, subjugation and atrocities by India in Kashmir are not condemned - there is a distinction there, and you cannot merely point out past events to justify current atrocities, especially when many Indians on this forum in essence support forced occupation of Kashmir and the denial of self-determination promised them.

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------

But he is still able to solicit donations in the name of JuD? Doesnt that indicate JuD is still maintaining usable bank accounts in some form or the other?

The advertisement in the paper soliciting donations did not mention any accounts, which appears to indicate that donations are being solicited in cash and goods.
Yes we did have witches..which were burned alive...which was fair enough was wrong...however more people have died of Sati..than of witches being burnt alive....that is wny the British banned such a disgusting backward ritual.....When we RULED OVER you.

Did I see a regret in ur voice that we kicked u out of our nation??

and did u know the origins of Sati..??

Wen our country was invaded by numerous foreign invaders who came to loot,pillage us they also made it a SOP to Rape the women whose men were killed in the war and other civilians.

So to escape that humiliating fate..those women whose husbands were killed would self-immolate them to protect their modesty from being preyed upon.

No dount that became a practise long after the invaders stopped coming..but remember its origins were far far noble that ur cruel witch hunting.
Asia Times - US bartering arms for soldiers for Iraq

Indian Soldiers Lured By Dollars By Siddharth Srivastava

HAHAHA.....wow not so great our the Indian people....or its ex army soilders...who is the hypocrite now....haha.....you were made to look like a fool.

From the same link u posted:

n June last year, the Indian government turned down a US request to send an Indian peacekeeping force to Iraq. In a statement the Ministry of External Affairs said: "The government of India has given careful thought to the question of sending troops to Iraq. Were there to be an explicit UN mandate, the government would consider the deployment of troops to Iraq." The stand of the Indian government has remained the same since, having resisted all pressure from the US.

Comparing paid for mercenaries to Govt mandated occupation troops...:hitwall:

Now whose the bigger fool here..?
Karthic Sri:

Green Star has made a valid point that the atrocities committed by the British in the past are condemned now by many, including the British themselves, whereas the occupation, subjugation and atrocities by India in Kashmir are not condemned - there is a distinction there, and you cannot merely point out past events to justify current atrocities, especially when many Indians on this forum in essence support forced occupation of Kashmir and the denial of self-determination promised them.

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------

The advertisement in the paper soliciting donations did not mention any accounts, which appears to indicate that donations are being solicited in cash and goods.

Does that mean the whole supply chain would work in cash? Seems a little tough doesnt it? Specially considering the amount they would collect and then use that to buy stuff in bulk.
Same can be said about you...can you give proof of Indians inhabiting Iraq...in the Ancient, Medieval or Modern day Iraq....as your people seem so fond of bringing hired in Iraq.

Why should I the prove links to Iraq to u..?

Did my Govt deceive the whole world saying that there are WMD's in Iraq and unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation recognised by the UN without official UNSC resolutions..?

BTW I can still prove that Kashmir has ethnic,religious and people to people contact with India.

Nice try in deflectiing..but read the post better next time.
Cameron doesn't understand his position thats all i can say.

PS: Pakistanis don't understand their country themselves.
Karthic Sri:

Green Star has made a valid point that the atrocities committed by the British in the past are condemned now by many, including the British themselves, whereas the occupation, subjugation and atrocities by India in Kashmir are not condemned - there is a distinction there, and you cannot merely point out past events to justify current atrocities, especially when many Indians on this forum in essence support forced occupation of Kashmir and the denial of self-determination promised them.

May be the distinction is based on the facts that the 2 arocities are not comparable.

The mistake you are making is that you are relating crimes of individual members of the Indian Armed Forces to the whole country. I understnad that doing that has a lot of propoganda value. Else you would have also condemned in similar voice the deaths of over 1000 civilians in the WOT operations of Paskitani Army. I won't go into details since that is off topic here, but a civvie death is a civvie death.. Isnt it?

On promises of the past, I believe that went for a toss when Pakistan tried to force a military solution in 1965. I read it somewhere on this forum only that you cant try to force a military solution and then on being unsuccessful go back to the original crib of UN resolution
At one time hindus were the absolute majority in Kashmir before being converted to Islam

At one time the Celtic people were the majority in Britain...but now they are in few in numbers...does that mean England should kick all the Anglo-french who came from the norman Invasion.
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Some confused 'Proud Brit-Proud Pakistani' gives us a lesson in morality and ethics and tells us about 'goras' civilizing the natives

I am not confuse...and I am not a Pakistani...I am British.....its in my passport....it does not say Pakistani....so get your facts right. And I am not giving a lecture...I am simple giving my views...that is why I joined this forum...if you don't like it...simple don't bother responding to me...is that hard to comprehend.
Did my Govt deceive the whole world saying that there are WMD's in Iraq and unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation recognised by the UN without official UNSC resolutions..?

So does that mean..that you supported Saddam Hussein.....even if there was no WMD...we still took out a dictator... I may not agree..but at least we completed that objective.....what has India done squat...and that too in the last 60 years of the Kashmiri issue.
BTW I can still prove that Kashmir has ethnic,religious and people to people contact with India.

Well the Kashmiri don't feel that way do they...or haven't you looked at the news..that they are protesting against your goverment.....haha....yh they really do have a connection with India...in your dreams.
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