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Cambodian and Vietnamese Soldiers Fight Over Border Dispute


Mar 6, 2015
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The map shows Memot district, Tbong Khmum province, in southeast Cambodia, where the clash occurred.


Cambodians and Vietnamese Clash Over Borderland


A clash between Cambodians and Vietnamese soldiers over a swath of disputed land in a border district separating the two countries in southern Cambodia has become the latest tussle in a string of such territorial conflicts.

The squabble broke out on Sunday when a group of about 500 Cambodians, including representatives from the Cham Muslim ethnic minority group and opposition politicians, claimed on Sunday that 16 hectares (40 acres) of land in Choeung village of Chorn commune in Memot district, Tbong Khmum province, was Cambodian territory.

Vietnamese soldiers blocked Memot district villagers along with four members of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) from accessing the area on which the Cambodians said their crops had been poisoned by the Vietnamese last month by a chemical spray. No one appeared to be injured, and the Cambodians eventually turned back.

Isa Ossmann, a Cham representative who led the group to examine the disputed area, called on the Cambodians to refrain from using violence and urged protesters to withdraw.

“I do not want to see this territory [Cambodia] get lost like Champa, but we have to refrain from violence,” he said, referring to the collection of independent Cham polities that Vietnam had annexed.

“We cannot solve the issue via violence; however, we will continue to struggle until our last breath [to protect our homeland],” he said.

A Vietnamese border soldier asked the Cambodian and Cham protesters to withdraw.

“We are Vietnamese soldiers,” he said. “I am defending our country, Vietnam. Now you should go back, because you are now entering Vietnamese territory. You go back and talk to your government about the border demarcation.”

Cambodian border police did not comment on the disputed land.

Hor Namhong, Cambodia’s deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister, declared in late April that the disputed area belonged to Vietnam, and that the Vietnamese sprayed poison chemicals on the crops grown by Cambodians because it is their land.

His comments were strongly criticized by the Cambodian people, nongovernmental organizations and the CNRP.

CNRP lawmaker Mu Sochua, who was with the villagers when the clash occurred, said the Cambodians were angry about losing their farmland.

“Actually, [the disputed area] is clearly on Khmer land,” she was quoted as saying by The Phnom Penh Post.

Cambodia-Vietnam border conflicts have occurred in other provinces including Rattanakiri, Svay Rieng, Kampot and Kampong Cham.

The CNRP has repeatedly called on the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen to re-examine and resolve the border issues with Vietnam, although its efforts have been in vain.

Party leader Sam Rainsy, who is currently in the United States, said last week that he would use the “culture of dialogue” with Hun Sen to discuss the border problem and other issues, according to The Phnom Penh Post.

Reported by Morm Moniroth of RFA’s Khmer Service. Translated by Yanny Hin.

Cambodians and Vietnamese Clash Over Borderland

Vietnam annex of Cambodia?
Map of Vietnam showing the conquest of the south (nam tiến, 1069-1834)
View attachment 226931
I guess In 50-100years the country that called Cambodia will totally disappear from the world.

Indo China Peninsule is native lands of Mon/Khmer/MuongViet speaking languages people. Chams came from Malaysia later, they speak Malayo language. Champa would like to annex with Viet so they attacked us continuously to the end of their history. when Champa King was killed in Hanoi, we have been annexed them to us. This is failure of Champa people.:enjoy:

Vietnam Dream! :lol::lol: @xudoai

Nope. However, Cambodian could learn something from Champa history

we let them run the life by their own way. China have let Tibet, Uighurs, Mongolia, Manchutia to be independent from China. China have to learn from Viet in this matter.:D:D

Hor Namhong, Cambodia’s deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister, declared in late April that the disputed area belonged to Vietnam, and that the Vietnamese sprayed poison chemicals on the crops grown by Cambodians because it is their land.
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I dont see any Kam soldiers get involve the conflict....and why ?? bcz many Kam gens. are VNese :pop:
Map of Vietnam showing the conquest of the south (nam tiến, 1069-1834)
View attachment 226931
I guess In 50-100years the country that called Cambodia will totally disappear from the world.

Is it map correct? Hue was capital of Vietnam. I don't think Hue is so close to border in ancient era. Laos might allocate some territory from Vietnam under French control. This is not fair to Vietnamese.

China did it.

US, Turkey can send weapons to East Turkistan too.:D

Don't worry us, dude, we can crush them at any time easily.

Indo China Peninsule is native lands of Mon/Khmer/MuongViet speaking languages people. Chams came from Malaysia later, they speak Malayo language. Champa would like to annex with Viet so they attacked us continuously to the end of their history. when Champa King was killed in Hanoi, we have been annexed them to us. This is failure of Champa people.:enjoy:

Nope. However, Cambodian could learn something from Champa history

we let them run the life by their own way. China have let Tibet, Uighurs, Mongolia, Manchutia to be independent from China. China have to learn from Viet in this matter.:D:D

Hor Namhong, Cambodia’s deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister, declared in late April that the disputed area belonged to Vietnam, and that the Vietnamese sprayed poison chemicals on the crops grown by Cambodians because it is their land.

Did great Han ever help you guys to conqurer Champa?
Poor Cham people :cry:. They lost their kingdom.
Khmer are our brothers. Siam was Khmer's colony. Our teacher civilization is in danger.

Don't need to worry about Viets. Your southern neighbor is muslim, you know. Choosing between Viets and Javas country, which one you would like to live with?
completely off topic but I just got back from Cambodia last week. What an amazing place. More people should visit it. Lovely country and lovely people.
Lovely people indeed。

A world different from the filths from across the border to the east。
I got no bone to pick with Vietnam. The only thing about them is that they require a visa to go to, so I won't be going there for a while
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