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Calling NE people 'chinki' will land you in jail

Nothing like this had happened if these north easterners joined EP/Bangladesh :tsk:

Yeah no one will call them Chinki
On the other hand a full
Scale war will be launched on them & they will be expelled from their own lands

although it is colloquially used,,,lot of ppl dont appreciate it.
but this is pretty harsh,,,a steep fine was enough:p:

Look at the bright side
I'm not one for fascist political correctness enforcement through big prison terms etc but racism against north eastern folk sure is a problem around where I live. It's disgusting and shameful.

however, having traveled to, and being friends with a bunch of people from there, it's kind of like the N word in the states (only with no historical slavery system shame associated)

it's just pure racist, based just on how they look different to the majority of the rest.. and then there's the stereotypes, about women in particular.

I've hung out with large groups of NE'ers and they often refer to themselves as 'chink' .. it's all about context, but a lot of it is malicious.
Well that would be one racist less.

Well you are not that wrong in saying it. This issue has been neglected for far too wrong so people got comfortable with such racism on a level. Sometimes harsh laws are needed to wake people from deep slumber.

implementation is another issue... wakeel sb... you know tht more than anybody here..
implementation is another issue... wakeel sb... you know tht more than anybody here..
I know, it looks like something being done in haste. But we need something drastic to control this open abuse, it can be fine tuned later on. Not perfect way to go about I agree.
implementation is another issue... wakeel sb... you know tht more than anybody here..
good point, we have laws against full beam headlights in the city and smoking while driving too but it's only the 'phone while driving' or tinted windows laws that they actually take action on.

it's a broader problem, not just racism.. harsher laws, whatever laws they might be for, always have the risk of misuse by complainant.. for eg there's lots of jilted women who cry 'rape' to indite innocent men, also in cases of property inheritance (very common) and, if it's high profile enough, we get our trial by media.. lol:close_tema::pop:

and if, as you suggest, @ranjeet is a lawyer, he should know better than most.
Though its a good move, it can be misused. I have myself had bad experience. I once had a fight with a person. He filed a complaint against me by saying I used caste specific abuse against him. Later I realized that he was from scheduled Caste. Same way an innocent person can be accused of calling another one as Chinky.
This is a long pending legislation...If India and we people do not respect our fellow Indians, then law should be enacted for it
Much needed... good step, I don't know why Idiots use such words... even most of the educated fools in Bangalore use such words

It does not surprise me. This map also confirm what i always imagined, racism is almost non existent in Pakistan-
That word is very commonly used by Indians on this forum.

The old moderator Berserk even had to create a thread called "To Indian members" that had to reinforce the site policy against the use of this word.
calling chinese chinky will still be legal.. :whistle:

It does not surprise me. This map also confirm what i always imagined, racism is almost non existent in Pakistan-
not surprised by that, India is definitely the most racist wrt who your neighbors are etc.. but also know this, one more 26/11 and each of our many types will want the maximum share of your zaki ur rehman lakvi, hafiz saeed etc's skin, in fact they already do...

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