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Calling All Uk Pakistani Brothers And Sisters!, Protest against Zardari!

Speaker's corner in hype park u can say what u want, there is many freaks there on sundays talking about religion, doomsday, etc I go sometimes and listen to them there is one Egyption dude who spits when he talks if anyone goes stay clear of him.

have you got something against muslims.
My friend had wanted to egg the wanker, but he will be speaking behind glass.
wot a foolish suggestion by thread starter , you want make things even more bad for them(people living over there) and us, i know they disrespected us , but remember we arn't developed country or any superpower and we need goodies from these kind of nations until we become enough capable to make these goodies by our self we need to be wise not emotional, remember wot turkey did they knew allies are bad natured to them but turkey looked for the best intrests for themselfz and coperated with allies rather picking up guns and got emotional,they gain alot from this kind of planing .
wot a foolish suggestion by thread starter , you want make things even more bad for them(people living over there) and us, i know they disrespected us , but remember we arn't developed country or any superpower and we need goodies from these kind of nations until we become enough capable to make these goodies by our self we need to be wise not emotional, remember wot turkey did they knew allies are bad natured to them but turkey looked for the best intrests for themselfz and coperated with allies rather picking up guns and got emotional,they gain alot from this kind of planing .

Spot on mate, i fully agree with ur point , we need to be self reliance before we can do anything.

After seeing the protest , i could not believe the hate they all have for us , Horrible , we need to quite from the western countries and come back to Pakistan or to the Muslim country and live happily because one cannot prosper in a country who hates us so much. In some other forum i read a British guy saying in open that we are beggars and can only beg.

I felt so bad that i close the page without reading any further.

Any ways we need to really think

To all our brethren in the UK and Abroad here is a little inspiration from Jinnah:

Jinnah placed great importance on the youth and gave his advice to students on several occasions. At a public meeting in Dhaka on March 21, 1948, he said:

“My young friends, students who are present here, let me tell you as one who has always had love and affection for you, who has served you for ten years faithfully and loyally, let me give you this word of warning: you will be making the greatest mistake if you allow yourself to be exploited by one political party or another…. Your main occupation should be — in fairness to yourself, in fairness to your parents, in fairness to the state – to devote your attention to your studies.”
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