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BYE BYE Mr. Prime Minister - Yousef Raza Gillani to be changed very soon

Could the Army have stepped in to to prevent the government from becoming Zardari Corporation

I don't think the Army should step in, and it doesn't seem that it will.

The political process should work itself out. Zardari was calling most of the shots anyway, so another 'yes man' shouldn't make too much of a difference.

Zardari still has to convince the rest of his party, and I am not sure if the Makhdooom is going to support Gilani if he decides to put up a fight, and if that will be enough.
My 2-bit
Mr Nawaaz Sharif would have been the better president of the two

Mr. Zardari' non-reinstatement of all the deposed judges even now. his becoming President - harming Pakistan's image
I think the Change of the PM was a rumor,Nothing happened till now:undecided:

No differences between PM, President: Sherry Rehman

Updated at: 0132 PST, Wednesday, December 31, 2008
No differences between PM, President: Sherry Rehman KARACHI: The Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Sherry Rehman, has strongly dispelled the impression created by certain elements regarding any differences between the President and the Prime Minister.

“ There are absolutely no differences”, she remarked in reply to a question while talking to reporters here at the Press Information department (PID) on Tuesday.

The Minister said that such an impression is being created by mischievous hands.

Sherry Rehman stated that there is absolutely no question of any differences and that the President and the Prime Minister are working seamlessly together. In fact, all the institutions are working seamlessly, she added.

She said that this seems to be the kind of situation that arises when there is a political and elected, democratic government. The Minister said that the PPP government does not believe in any sort of restriction on the media.

She stated that the present government is striving for the resolution of the problems being faced by the media. Sherry Rehman referred to her Tuesday’s meeting with the editors of the Sindh newspapers at the PID Karachi.

She was of the view that the regional press should also be encouraged.The Minister said that in the prevailing situation when there is tension on the borders, the hands of the government should be strengthened.

She further said that we will have to make the region a place of peace and also rid the country of the menace of terrorism. Sherry Rehman said that the government does not believe in an atmosphere of tension and confrontation.
ISLAMABAD: All is not well between Pakistan's top two leaders with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani taking exception to "increasing
interference" by President Asif Ali Zardari in the day-to-day running of the government, a media report said Tuesday.

"Gilani is running out of patience over the increasing interference of the presidency in the day-to-day running of the government," the News reported.

Quoting informed sources, the daily said that the Prime Minister "is in a defiant mood and wants to run the government as the real chief executive" due to which differences have cropped up between the two top offices in the country.

The paper pointed a case wherein Gilani reportedly raised a "hue and cry" over British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's joint press conference with Zardari during the former's recent visit to Pakistan.

According to Gilani, the protocol demanded that such a press conference should have been addressed by the two prime ministers.

Farhatullah Babar, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) spokesman and media adviser to the president, however, said that the reports of a rift between the presidency and the prime minister's office were mere speculation.

"I contradict all such reports," Babar was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, a presidential
spokesperson also dismissed such reports as "malicious and baseless" saying all constitutional institutions are functioning according to the mandate given to them and the President and Prime Minister will continue to play their role as provided in the constitution.
Zardari, Gilani relations sour: Report-Pakistan-World-The Times of India
Good to see Zaradari acting like brat kid who wants all toys and power.
I am pleasantly forced to change my point of view here today!! It seems that the kind of politicking going on between the Pres-PM, the soon to be victim may just be Asif Ali Zardari himself!! That would be the best thing to ever happen to PPP and Pakistan alike. The next deserving candidate for Presidency may very well be Mukhdoom Amin Faheem!
Just listen his pathetic speech without substance:
'May I....yea absolutely'
'this is my second meeting with president bush, first I mettttt him in Sharm-el-sheikh and today I'm meeting again with Mr. President'

It seems it was only Gilani meeting Bush and Bush did not met him. Dude should have used 'we' instead of 'I' and what was the point in telling his history and present with Bush! Does this makes him more credible?

'those who are destroying and making world not safe'
'I appreciate what he said about ... supporting sovereignty of Pakistan'
'there are few hand picked terrorists'
''we will work together for the ...prosperity of world'
Some body stop him :hitwall:

CNN joke about Gilani:
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My 2-bit
Mr Nawaaz Sharif would have been the better president of the two

Mr. Zardari' non-reinstatement of all the deposed judges even now. his becoming President - harming Pakistan's image

Zardari and Nawaz Sharif are the two sides of the same coin. I would like to se NS become president so that his supporters could see his incompetence.

At this point, Musharraf is the most eligible and credible choice.
Changing PM at this stage is not in the ineterest of the country. Perhaps couple of months from now.
Changing PM at this stage is not in the ineterest of the country. Perhaps couple of months from now.

^^^^ Well said bro 'ejaz007'....You are very right, that Pakistan facing crucial time, and any change can causes to accumulate the problems rather, but unfortunately as we observe the matter became egoistic for players in power that obviously lead to change any one of two or both of them any time but hopefully will take time upto the sanate elections.

Though the facts that ill-natured feelings of power's elites draged the situation upto the certain complexity where the worst comes worst by the time, the news mongers and opportunists are efficiently activitated to assure the increase of intricacy and wider the gap rather, for personal motives and as such any status qou may causes big mess. ...While as in any case the contry's interest is not the priority in view of power players so lets se what would happen.

Wish God may guide us individually and as a whole nation to use his awarded wisdom, He may particularly guide to our politicio that they have understandings of the morality & dignity of leadership to lead the peoples rather and enjoy ruling themselves for long time too, as rapid changes in or of governments never be good for any country.
what ever pendulum of power from general to land lord is here to stay

The main culprit is Mr 10% yep you got it Mr President Zardari...he is the one who should be kicked out
what ever pendulum of power from general to land lord is here to stay


Power centers shift as societies and systems evolve - evolution will take place with continuity of process.

Pretty useless remark on your part. If your intent is to come on this forum to merely flame or post inane comments, then do us a favor and leave before you get banned.
Power centers shift as societies and systems evolve - evolution will take place with continuity of process.

Pretty useless remark on your part. If your intent is to come on this forum to merely flame or post inane comments, then do us a favor and leave before you get banned.

Sorry if I had hurt any one what I meant was there is structural problem which do not allow Power center to shift from those two I have mentioned.
You said that power center shifts as societies evolve can you show me another power center apart from these two.
Sorry if I had hurt any one what I meant was there is structural problem which do not allow Power center to shift from those two I have mentioned.
You said that power center shifts as societies evolve can you show me another power center apart from these two.

Although no fan of Mr nawaz Sharif, his coming tointo power was heralded as the arrival of a third arm to this equation, the industrialists. unfortunately, with his brainless and crude character, he destroyed any chances of ever ruling the roost again. his brother has proven to be a good administrator and is generally well liked but will not get the helms of afairs till the elder Sharif is ousted, one way or another.
A fourth, though localized phenomenon is the emergence of MQM, a party which has given a voice to the middle class, and generally has its roots within that class of its power base. However, its leader definately has fascist tnedencies, which somehow seem to be reasonably well accepted within the party. It has failed miserably failed to extend its powerbase into the middle class of other communities, except the Mohajirs, due to lack of trust between it and the other communities.
The fifth arm is the Mullah, and the less said about them the better.
I hope this helps.
i think Gilani is reasonably benign to continue in office. However, if he develops teeth, Zardari will account for him pretty quickly. By the way what ids the basis of this rumour
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