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Bye bye Chabahar. Iran deal reached!!!!

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Again. .costs play a part...transporting through ocean is 10 times cheaper than transporting through land.
What is your point here. We are trading with Central Asia. We are benefiting from it. Goods are transported. Don't get your point.
What is your point here. We are trading with Central Asia. We are benefiting from it. Goods are transported. Don't get your point.

For your own consumption..that's fine...If you are trying to import oil...neighboring Iran or across the Gulf supplies will be way cheaper than getting it through the mountain ranges.
For your own consumption..that's fine...If you are trying to import oil...neighboring Iran or across the Gulf supplies will be way cheaper than getting it through the mountain ranges.
That's TAPI, through which we will import oil and gad. I don't think we are currently importing any oil from Central Asia.
Lol this was and ic :rofl:[/QUOTEand
Lol this was epic :rofl:

If an average Indian makes 500 grams of Shit everyday that mean and average Indian makes 15 kgs of Shit every month. So that means you Shit 1.5 trillion kgs of Shit every month and 18 trillion kgs of Shit every year. Thatz why you defecate in the open coz you have Shit everywhere.
How can you then compare with Pakistan when you have so much Shit to clean in your house.
:lol:we will look after our interests come what may, you should know this india should try to give us a bloody nose and see the response

did you forget 1971 or what ??:lol::lol::lol: its been 45 yrs and we are still waiting for pak's response...:big_boss:
We understand the strategic picture and consequences but their is simply no way around it

So just like iran will work tirelessly to ensure israel dosent get any benefit or gain any advantage Pakistan will do the same with india

Your strategic understanding is nil

the U.S with the republicans, xtian right and support for israel will attempt to push iran down come what may.

Pakistan is a strategic partner for China our dealings are not just economic but of critical national interest (its why even after having 100 billion in trade with ibdia they will still block any indian attempt against Pakistan see lakhvi issue)

If anything iran will link up with the Pakistani corridor to supply to China

Same as entire GCC who would never utilise iran

If anything this is a great opportunity fir iran, Russia, China, Pakistan and SCO to fulfill its promise

If anything U.S.A and GCC may look to Pakistan to keep a check and balance on iran, its up to Pakistan then to decide whether wgat GCC or USA is offering is worth it

It may not be with whst SCO is offering

What kinda advantage does pakistan have over India??? just put those Nukes and other things aside.... only a fool think china will do every thing for pakistan.... pakistan is being used by china just like US did.... what will happen after boundary issue resolved between India and china... pakistanis struck decades old thinking and attitude..... chinese investments comes with chinese labor.... pakistanis put too much hope on this project.... meanwhile India is moving ahead with economic growth..... pakistan may have Importance.... but India is an economic hub ...A huge market. with huge opportunities ...
First of all, congrats! Secondly, no this deal has nothing to do with Chabahaar, but Chabahar can be affected by this deal. It can become sour for the Indians who may have to forget their central asian port as China can and will spend more than India and buy that port from Iran.

what ?? building f chahbahar will only harm gwadar.. all that india needs is a port to access central asia... let chinese or even USA build it we will just pay the transit fee and mve or goods in and ut of iran to trade with central asia and afghanistan.

See, I want to troll a bit with permission from Mods..:devil:

In India there are about 700 million Men. These men spend about average of 2 $ per month on shaving and barber visits.. So that makes 1400 million $ per month and 16.8 billion $ per year.. And this does not include spending of women at parlors..
Now, Pakistan's defense budget is 7.6 billion $ for fiscal year of 2015-16..

If your defense budget is not even half of out men beautification budget, how can you think of harassing and maintaining enmity with Indian establishment..


:rofl::rofl::rofl: what did I read jst nw ??
It seems this guy is on drugs. No only is chahbahar not going anywhere, Iran and India are now free to quickly develope it as there will be no pressure from the Americans etc.

Here is to Iran-India relations :cheers:

Time for our Indian friends to up investment in chahbahar.
Pakistan wish will not be fulfilled....India is already in Chabahar :D


Breaking news: Iran deal reached. Sad times for India. Iran gave the Chabahar port to India only because it was under sanctions. Now that the sanctions will be lifted, Iran will cancel the port deal.

Read in detail why:

What the Iran nuclear deal means for India - Livemint

Quote from above:

Third, sanctions played a part in compelling Tehran to finally give the go ahead (after a decade’s delay) to New Delhi’s request to develop its Chabahar port, which is strategically significant as an entreport in providing India access to Afghanistan. The lifting of sanctions might on the one hand reduce Iran’s enthusiasm for India’s participation in the Chabahar project and on the other bring in competitors with deeper pockets, such as China.
the port development can still go ahead . the nuclear deal shouldn't restrict that development sorry I dont understand this and see any relevance.

PS I feel compelled to perform a comprehensive IP check on you. your shit spells familiar :sick:
the port development can still go ahead . the nuclear deal shouldn't restrict that development sorry I dont understand this and see any relevance

Hey bro, good news today isn't it :D Iranian enemies are burning.

Can I ask you to please close this thread:

Iran Nuclear Deal Full text - July 14, 2015 | Page 2

They are burning over this deal. There already a main thread on the matter in the Iranian section. Also
this thread here should be closed as well.

Hey bro, good news today isn't it :D Iranian enemies are burning.

Can I ask you to please close this thread:

Iran Nuclear Deal Full text - July 14, 2015 | Page 2

They are burning over this deal. There already a main thread on the matter in the Iranian section. Also
this thread here should be closed as well.

I agree specially this thread is nothing but spam and troll invite and actually very embarrassing.

It seems this guy is on drugs. No only is chahbahar not going anywhere, Iran and India are now free to quickly develope it as there will be no pressure from the Americans etc.

Here is to Iran-India relations :cheers:

Time for our Indian friends to up investment in chahbahar.
a good Indian relations of Indians with Iran and China mean good news for Pakistan

both Iran and China are very close friends of Pakistan and have never had any animosity towards it. their good relations can only help in easing the tensions between India and Pakistan.
best wishes specially praying with both hands the end of Sectarian and ethnic violence in Pak/Iran Baluchistan.

may the terrorists and their supporters fail and drown in their own filth
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