The potential AM buyer will likely combustion engine fanatic. I dont think they like electric car engine with no sound and run very efficiently. If they try to make it supercar EV , I think the engine will also likely the same in performance with other EV so people will be reluctant to buy it.
I still think BYD will keep it as combustion engine car for quite long time until electric car engine can perform better than combustion engine (speed only, not entire engine efficiency). Once EV perform better than combustion engine, AM brand will be deteriorated very fast since other car can run as fast as them. Not to mention speed limit imposed by regulator. So the buying logic will depend on many variables that include their projection on future market and regulator behavior.
I would say in the future the remaining combustion engine will be only for diesel engine for military vehicle, heavy vehicle, ships, and electric generator. Gas station will likely be out of market in the future that make people who still like combustion engine will think twice to buy the cars, not to mention the possibility of global car manufacturer like Toyota and others replace the combustion car production into full EV for consumer market to remain competitive. Specialized military vehicle producer will likely try to get future niche market in combustion engine for civilian market like Indonesian state owned company, PT Pindad.