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Bush in Dubai!


Mar 24, 2006
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Apparently Bush is in town!

The traffic system is in total chaos! They closed down key business hubs today without prior notice to the public. Dubai traffic is already super heavily congested... People ended up reaching offices at 12 noon!

Coming back right now, a trip that takes me 20 mins took me about 6 hours!

It became such a big mess that they've declared tomorrow Dubai holiday.

So alls well that ends well I guess.

Bush's presence did something right for a change.
the guy shouldnt be allowed in any of the Muslim states! dont know why our head of states accept the idiot!
well every country in the world depends on the USA somehow besides UAE and arab regimes are the biggest puppets more than pakistan they look to them for protection.
Bushhh.... cant wait till the US elects a new dumbass as a president...

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