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Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

Mahathir never ceased to amaze me, he is still very eccentric. Try throwing in these two former world leaders in jail and see what happens. Malaysia Boleh!!!

Mahathir was an excellent leader while he was a PM, but now, at the age of 86, he's best fit in an old folk's home. The fact I didn't notice this in any paper shows that no one really cares.

Am surprise you know about "Malaysia Boleh" though.

Malaysians are weird.

Main - Malaysia - Stir over Bangladesh website saying citizens can vote as Malaysians @ Sat Sep 17 2011

Tell that to your countrymen. Bangladeshis are the weirdest.
Determined Tiger:

Thank you for you disgusting photos to trashed in somebody thread creator, I don't think this is a cheap shot from you with Viet Nam. Please, don't bring these abusive photos in PDF, if you realy like it or love to enjoy these photos, you can download directly to your PC and have fun with it.

More than likely, people in PDF not realy like that kind of flavor like you do.
these viet fools seem love to defend for its new master westerns so much, it just forgot what the masters did to it viva vietnam couple decades ago!?

who don't hate the viet, even God!? :angry:

So ask your China master why she shake hand with Japan too , do I need to show some pics of Nanking massacre ??:cool:

Hope Chinese Malaysians realise the situation in ASEAN now , they're surround by VN-US troops , so don't do anything stupid or you have to pay a very high cost like Chinese in VietNam-Indonesia and Khmer rouge .
Malaysian Chinese

Total population
c.7,150,000 (as of June 2008)[1
Malaysian Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So ask your China master why she shake hand with Japan too , do I need to show some pics of Nanking massacre ??:cool:

Hope Chinese Malaysians realise the situation in ASEAN now , they're surround by VN-US troops , so don't do anything stupid or you have to pay a very high cost like Chinese in VietNam-Indonesia and Khmer rouge .

Malaysian Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cut your off-topic rants.

What does Malaysian-Chinese have anything to do with the topic being discussed?

Stick to "Bush-Blair and war crimes"

If you don't like them, then why hire them? No one cares what Hasina has to say other than her Bharti masters.

It's not only me saying that you lot are weird, even many of my Thai and Indonesian friends say that a lot of your country's habits and laws are weird. Anyways, it's your country and laws, so I'd respect that.

Anyways, best of luck with the mock trail :lol: And we don't give a damn :wave:
Cut your off-topic rants.

What does Malaysian-Chinese have anything to do with the topic being discussed?

Stick to "Bush-Blair and war crimes"
Bcz Malaysian-Chinese controlling Malaysia now, native Malay is just Chinese servant, so if Malaysia go against Bush-Blair , they will eliminate Malaysian-Chinese first
The Chinese Malaysians are fantastic. They control all the cities and major towns in peninsular Malaysia, as well as abah and Sarawak.

They produce the largest number of, and the most successful, professionals. The school system of the Chinese Malaysians is the best among similar school systems in the world.

The Chinese account for most of the students studying in the best private colleges in Malaysia. The Malays can gain admission into only government-owned colleges of ordinary reputation.

With regard to corporate and private organisations, it is the Chinese who dominate. The Malays number just a few; most of them are low-level employees.
Chinese Malaysians asking for too much [Straits Times] « Wandering China
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Mahathir was an excellent leader while he was a PM, but now, at the age of 86, he's best fit in an old folk's home. The fact I didn't notice this in any paper shows that no one really cares.

Am surprise you know about "Malaysia Boleh" though.

Main - Malaysia - Stir over Bangladesh website saying citizens can vote as Malaysians @ Sat Sep 17 2011

Tell that to your countrymen. Bangladeshis are the weirdest.

Haha bro live in singapore, 'malaysia boleh' slogan is very popular here.
If you don't like them, then why hire them? No one cares what Hasina has to say other than her Bharti masters.

In simple words, cheap labor.

It's not only me saying that you lot are weird, even many of my Thai and Indonesian friends say that a lot of your country's habits and laws are weird. Anyways, it's your country and laws, so I'd respect that.

Do you have any ideas how much Indonesians hate Malaysians?

Read this about how Malaysian athletes were treated at the recently held Sea Games in Indonesia.

Shame on you!

You expect an Indonesian to give a neutral opinion about Malaysia?

Anyways, best of luck with the mock trail :lol: And we don't give a damn :wave:

Thanks but we don't give a damn about the trial too. There are better things to be worried about.
Bcz Malaysian-Chinese controlling Malaysia now, native Malay is just Chinese servant, so if Malaysia go against Bush-Blair , they will eliminate Malaysian-Chinese first

Talking trash. The only people that are controlling Malaysia are Malaysians regardless of whatever race.

Haha bro live in singapore, 'malaysia boleh' slogan is very popular here.

Oh, Maju-lah Singapore ;)
Talking trash. The only people that are controlling Malaysia are Malaysians regardless of whatever race.

Oh, Maju-lah Singapore ;)
There are about 1,000 China spies in Australia , so can you tell me how many China spies among Malaysian-Chinese ??handover all of them to 'Bush, Blair ' before too late , bro.
Gaining experience

Chen Yonglin, a Chinese diplomat who recently defected in Australia, claimed Beijing had as many as 1,000 spies in Australia alone.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China's spies come out from the cold
In SE Asia except for Vietnam, everybody hates indians, especially Indonesia and Malaysia.


There are about 1,000 China spies in Australia , so can you tell me how many China spies among Malaysian-Chinese ??handover all of them to 'Bush, Blair ' before too late , bro.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China's spies come out from the cold

Have you even met a Malaysian Chinese in your life?

If there are China spies here, I am pretty sure they're not Malaysian Chinese. The Chinese people here have contributed a lot to the country.
Have you even met a Malaysian Chinese in your life?

If there are China spies here, I am pretty sure they're not Malaysian Chinese.
Yep, I traveled to Malaysia already.

You know, lots of China spies during China-VN war in 1979 were Vietnamese-Chinese ,and it will be the same in Malaysia-Singapore , US knew that too . No one know what will CIA do if Malaysia doesn't handover those spies.

pls don't forget that US base in Australian is for monitoring Malaysia-SIngapore-Indonesia, bro
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