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Burqa fines:Muslim pledges to pay 'burka fines' for Muslim women

My only concern is human rights and right to wear whatever one wants. I have no issue if anyone wants to roam naked similarly i advocate excerising my right to wear whatever i want be it burqa or the skirt. Since these Western, European countries cry loud and claim loudly that they support freedom of expression and human rights hence the onus is on them ensure my right to wear whatever i want.

Now coming to security concerns then no one is denying that, but its strange that in advanced/developed and much secure countries like France or US anyone can carry a bomb in a burqa and could slip away from strict security system well thats idiotic.

They are not banning islamic viel as such it seems, but any dress that cover face and makes it difficult for law enforcement officers and society to identify the people.

Some people are by themselves taking this up as an act against islam..!!
Jana and others maybe right with their point of view.However it's always better if you check up other's views as well.I personally hate any man or woman who hide their face when talking to me.So I wouldn't want any woman to be associate with a thing that full covers the face.At the same time I haven't any problem with those who use loose fitting clothes or use a scarf over their head and it wouldn't cause uneasiness to the person you r talking to.Moreover the lamest excuse I have come across is that not being clad in burkha is equivalent to being naked:hitwall:.I pity them with this line of thought.Lastly France as a country also has some rights as to what it can impose on it's people when majority of them want some law into action.If you don't love it just get the hell out of there and choose a favorable abode to be clad in whatever you like.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Our women have to cover their heads and dress accordingly when they are in Saudi Arabia and other strict Islamic countries. France is a strict secular country in Europe (in fact, the most secular in Europe), so I understand their stance.

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