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Burqa-clad German arrested from Bannu bordering Pakistan’s tribal area

Maybe CNN missed it or you missed it on CNN? But I know it has been on in other countries as well, Austria for example. Its a form of protest as you might have heard from the lyrics.

BBC and Britain in general is too pathetically politically correct to show it probably.
But peeps in Germany and the rest of Europe dnt like Moslim women wearing HeadScarf or Hijab even at public places ....
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Oh come on, that is so low.

There is a lot of racism and hate in your country too, most likely much more than over here where we openly welcome foreigners and even give them money.. -.-

This women was stabbed by an eastern european immigrants who is just your classical racist. It has nothing to do with hijaq.

There are German people getting killed by Muslim immigrants too you know?
Much more than 1.. I can provide you with sources if you like, although I would have to search since most are in German, obviously.

I would request you remove that off topic video, it has been discussed extensively in another thread and will poison this one..
Oh come on, that is so low.

There is a lot of racism and hate in your country too, most likely much more than over here where we openly welcome foreigners and even give them money.. -.-

This women was stabbed by an eastern european immigrants who is just your classical racist. It has nothing to do with hijaq.

There are German people getting killed by Muslim immigrants too you know?
Much more than 1..

I would request you remove that off topic video, it has been discussed extensively in another thread and will poison this one..

you know you were justifying the islamophobic acts, i request you not to defend those acts.. I ll remove the vidio..!!!
You must agree that Muslim women in Europe face great diffuculties while using Hijab or a headscarf ..:agree:
you know you were justifying the islamophobic acts, i request you not to defend those acts.. I ll remove the vidio..!!!


I refer you to my earlier post in this thread, where I explain why there is no such thing as Islamophobia.
I wasn't defending anything, hurting people is despicable and hurting people because of their race, belief or disbelief is especially primitive and evil.

I was explaining, putting in perspective, that's different.

You must agree that Muslim women in Europe face great diffuculties while using Hijab or a headscarf ..:agree:

"great difficulties" is way over the top. There is opposition to it, that's true, because its seen as counter emancipation and equality of genders.
It is to be mentioned that recently two French spies posing as Journalists were also arrested from Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (North West Pakistan).

Jana any news on the frenchies... I heard they created quite a fuss over the incident?
Jana any news on the frenchies... I heard they created quite a fuss over the incident?

I am extremely intrigued as to why the French would be poking their noses in this area. No reason to do so. Maybe they were just journalists but why would they want to go to an area they were not allowed to and is clearly not a very stable area these days.

Here is the chronology

May 29 : Two French journalists detained in Peshawar

May 30 : French journalists sent to Peshawar jail

June 1 : DAWN.COM | Peshawar | Court denies bail to French journalists

June 2 : French embassy moves to secure release of 2 journalists

June 7 : DAWN.COM | Peshawar | Two French journalists granted bail

In March another Frenchman was arrested near Darra Adamkhel

French national held from Peshawar suburbs
@Hammy007: What kind of answer is that supposed to be? Is what I listed part of Sharia and in the Qua'ran and Hadith or not? You know its true.

Sometimes I get the impression people who defend Sharia did not read their own books...
Oh come on, that is so low.

There is a lot of racism and hate in your country too, most likely much more than over here where we openly welcome foreigners and even give them money.. -.-

This women was stabbed by an eastern european immigrants who is just your classical racist. It has nothing to do with hijaq.

There are German people getting killed by Muslim immigrants too you know?
Much more than 1.. I can provide you with sources if you like, although I would have to search since most are in German, obviously.

Sadly, its the bitter truth! Migrants from other countries are causing the crime rate to go up in European countries, it would be wise if Europe closes its borders!

thanks for the links, the problem with the journalist claim is that the majority of "reported analysts and reporters" are actually directly placed by foreign security services.

I remember the guy "cant remember the nationality" in Islamabad who got nabbed because SB people tracked him dumping shreaded paper with 6 figure grid ref's.... as he hiked along Trail no.3 in margalla hills, Islamabad.

It was stated he protested he was a "analyst", never heard much after that. I think the same happened with our french friends, some pressure for the Foreign Office to let them go and all that Jazz..

That is why i asked if any news came of what happend to them.
thanks for the links, the problem with the journalist claim is that the majority of "reported analysts and reporters" are actually directly placed by foreign security services.

Do you mean for espionage by governments or mercenaries? Not clear as to what you meant here.

I was saying that they might truly have been journalists, but there's an equal probability that they were just passing on as journalists and upto something else but what would the French be interested in? I don't see the French trying to conduct espionage deep within our tribal areas. Perhaps it might have been an operation for a third party (stars and stripes flag perhaps).

I remember the guy "cant remember the nationality" in Islamabad who got nabbed because SB people tracked him dumping shreaded paper with 6 figure grid ref's.... as he hiked along Trail no.3 in margalla hills, Islamabad.

I heard that one as well. I remember SB nabbing somebody in Sunday Bazaar meeting a clerk who worked at PINSTECH.

It was stated he protested he was a "analyst", never heard much after that. I think the same happened with our french friends, some pressure for the Foreign Office to let them go and all that Jazz..

Unless and until you catch them with documentary evidence of classified nature or involved in something other than interviewing BDS people, there can't be any diplomatic case we can (or any country) can make. They'll return to their countries in a fortnight most definitely in most cases. Yeah, all that jazz.
I guess one time wasn't enough. Religious tones and role of religion can be discussed without inflammation but debating religious laws always turns the thread ugly. It was entirely off topic as well.

Back to the main topic.

I am not a fan of the burqa and can actually understand the banning of the burqa, even in Pakistan police and soliders get nervous around a flock of burqa clad women.

But the hijab is a personal choice and a ban on somthing as simple and non provocative as the hijab is extreeme, since it is a head-dress a ban on the hijab would also apply to a ban on hats, hooded jackets and turbans in public. Which sounds a bit extreeme.

But that is the affair of a nation state and it can be said, if you wish to live in their land, you must do so according to their laws. I was reading up on EU Human Rights and funnily:

EU Human Rights Act - Article 9
Part 1: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Part 2: Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

The key words here are interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

You can understand their logic to banning the burqa and legally this would not breach the human rights of muslims living in the EU, however a simple intrepretation of this article part 1 & 2 would not apply to the wearing of Hijabs.

Besides even if this ban does through for both the burqa and hijab, my cousin studying at UCL told me a muslim designer has launched a new style of hijabs, that don't conflict with the laws in "france" for example.

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