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Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

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Man, I look at some of these militants and they look like kids. I'm not even sure they fully comprehend what they're getting into.
If your establishment cared for this "brother", they would not have brainwashed them. Look at their pics - they are not battle hardened vets from the Afghan border areas. They are moronic kids who like social media and are full of false bravado. As if the Pakistanis did not know that.
No need to become my teacher. You forced them to join militancy by your hard line policies we will raise their movement until freedom.
when people last time joined jihad in mass numbers soviets were defeated. India was conqured, romans were defeated, persia was conquered.
You need to know that jihad is the most powerful weapon ever created. But if you want to say that those people who kill innocent civilians muslims or non muslims are jihdi then let me tell you you are wrong. Jihadi never kill innocent women and children.

But trend has reversed. People joined in big number in Zihad recently. They were bombed evaporated in air and they could not know who killed them.

Many Jihadis came to India and Attack us. We fought them for centuries and defeated them. Now we are much more powerful and we have the capability to evaporate them in air in just no time. Jihadi always kill innocent people including women and children. They either bomb civilian or they abduct women. I do not have any problem with Zihadis if they fight with armed personnel.
Man, I look at some of these militants and they look like kids. I'm not even sure they fully comprehend what they're getting into.
ek millitants to 9th class mea tha, so sad for him. but its needs to be done.
I do feel bad when Indian citizens are killed - even ones like this guy. I have no problems with terrorists like Kasab meeting their end via a noose or being gunned down because they are foreigners. These guys are misled youngsters brainwashed by radical ideals. I squarely blame their parents and elders for this - they should have counseled them. But you can't go around killing soldiers and threatening fellow Kashmiris. You brought this upon yourself the day you signed up. It was always a matter of time. I don't derive any joy from an Indian shooting another Indian. But what needs to be done, will be done.

First, this was not a planned operation. Sabzar Bhat and his gang attacked the Army vehicles in Tral and then forces retaliated leading to the death of Sabzar Bhat and his gang. If some one wants to live by gun he should expect to die by gun.
No need to become my teacher. You forced them to join militancy by your hard line policies we will raise their movement until freedom.
It is a zero sum game. I am not teaching you - just stating a fact. You will not cede, neither will India. Result will be more Kashmiri deaths.
Now frankly speaking, I am not at all happy with the young boys killed like this. Had they choose right path, they would have a great future ahead but theu got misguided and met their fate. I would like them to be come in main stream and enjoy the beautiful life.
First, this was not a planned operation. Sabzar Bhat and his gang attacked the Army vehicles in Tral and then forces retaliated leading to the death of Sabzar Bhat and his gang. If some one wants to live by gun he should expect to die by gun.
I agree. Even if it was planned, it is to be expected. You pick up arms against the State - what do you reckon is going to happen?
I keep on hearing this crap that Soviets were defeated. ... where they defeated in their won country? Or in a war?

Like Hasn nisar says, People says that Americans are leaving Afghanistan. Had they came there to reside there? They had an objective which is by and large achieved. Now what shall they do in Afghanistan? However, there are people who want to frame victory out of these distruction which is worse than defeat.
Now frankly speaking, I am not at all happy with the young boys killed like this. Had they choose right path, they would have a great future ahead but theu got misguided and met their fate. I would like them to be come in main stream and enjoy the beautiful life.
actually they first start firing yesterday night. and after that army has no choice. ek millitant to 9th class mea hi tha. seriously it is pathetic how they are misguided and redicallized by their AKKAs.
Even Kashmiri women are ready to replace the fallen. you have lost Kashmiri people only time before you lose the land as well

This is our lnd since the availability of History of country. We shall keep the land and who so ever is not comfortable may leave Kashmir. It is very simple.
Even Kashmiri women are ready to replace the fallen. you have lost Kashmiri people only time before you lose the land as well
You do realize it is an extremely diverse land with demographic skews all over the place. Do you think Ladakh and Jammu want to secede from India?
I agree. Even if it was planned, it is to be expected. You pick up arms against the State - what do you reckon is going to happen?

Seriously I don't have any sympathy for these guys. They never show any remorse in killing our forces. Look at the way they killed Lt Umar Fayaz...they kidnapped, torchered and killed him.
Even Kashmiri women are ready to replace the fallen. you have lost Kashmiri people only time before you lose the land as well
They have the right to protest...it's a democracy after all. Picking up arms and going against the army? That's just asking for it.
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