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Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

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I can guarantee there won't be any 6 months of more 'freedom movement' after Sabaz. Now people will think twice before taking up gun. You cannot fight Indian Army. If Pakistan cannot force India to tables sure these guys cannot bring India to tables. If India talks it will be on India's terms not on Pakistani or Hurriyat terms.

yes exactly, and modi told is clearly.

"Baat hogi to meri condition par hogi". i am sure es summer mea hurriyat ka bhi number ayega. they already planned strings of top hurriyats leaders and NIA is cracking them down
You will be remembered forever. @Zibago @django Our lion has embraced shahadat.
Clashes started in many areas of Kashmir including Tral, Pulwama,Sopore, kupwara, Srinagar
ek terrorist to bus 9th standard mea tha, so young age, really sad. misguided youth
I do feel bad when Indian citizens are killed - even ones like this guy. I have no problems with terrorists like Kasab meeting their end via a noose or being gunned down because they are foreigners. These guys are misled youngsters brainwashed by radical ideals. I squarely blame their parents and elders for this - they should have counseled them. But you can't go around killing soldiers and threatening fellow Kashmiris. You brought this upon yourself the day you signed up. It was always a matter of time. I don't derive any joy from an Indian shooting another Indian. But what needs to be done, will be done.
tribals can defeat even indian army in all out war. they kill each other more than what war can do to them.they did it before and when they left only then indians were able to take back some land in kashmir.
They fought soviets and Pakistan army and became peaceful only when they realized the real games.
Brother let them celebrate today it is a time to mourn and to pay tribute to our Kashmiri brothers. The more you will engage them more they will insult our Mujahid brothers. It looks ike today that my own brother passed away. :(
he did not surrender, actually he was calling his villagers and friends, mere ko bacha lo. army also trapped his calls.

This shows that they are misguided radicals and they do not fight for the cause. Soon as Army surround them, they realizes the truth but is is late by that time.
Very poor quality of terrorists !!

Good days of hunting ahead as the snow melts.
ina lilahe wa ina elehe rajion
Lal chowk srinagar , Shopkeepers downed their shutters following the killing of Hizbul commander Sabzar Ahmad at Tral
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