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Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

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kashmiris are brothers and sisters of all muslims.
even if Pakitan stops helping them some one else will.

WOW. Do you even know the significance of relation of brother and sister? You statement means that " A sister is getting raped or killed, but the other brother will save them not me." A bother will kill and rip the throats of the rapist and annihilate their whole family line for the crime of one.
Can't get over with the hindu surname. Pandit, Bhat/butt (Both brahmin caste), Malik, Rana, Chaudhary

These are not hindu surnames, hindu itself is oxymoron term. For exemple malik and chauhdry are mughal era muslim titles adopted by muslim landowners. Once it became associated with landowners then many people started to adopt it even if they were lowly hindus.
These are not hindu surnames, hindu itself is oxymoron term. For exemple malik and chauhdry are mughal era muslim titles adopted by landowners. Once it became associated with landowners then many people started to adopt it even if they were lowly hindus.
Malik, choudhary, Vadhwa etc were all dharmic Rajputs and Jaats who converted after their defeat by Mughals. They are nothing like any arabic or persian names.
Good Job by the boys. Happy hunting.

The real hunt would be Abu Dunja the lakshar chief in Kashmir who has managed to skip many times in the recent past but as usual he too is very close to his expiry date :D
These are not hindu surnames, hindu itself is oxymoron term. For exemple malik and chauhdry are mughal era muslim titles adopted by muslim landowners. Once it became associated with landowners then many people started to adopt it even if they were lowly hindus.
Converts kept their name. It was for business reasons during that time. Now, ironically, Hindu as a term may not exist but Brahmin does and Bhatt means something in Sanskrit. Heck, some even are name of gods.
Converts kept their name. It was for business reasons during that time. Now, ironically, Hindu as a term may not exist but Brahmin does and Bhatt means something in Sanskrit. Heck, some even are name of gods.

Bhatt is family name which over centuries turned in to whole tribe in Kashmir. I asked about pandit because it clearly associated with prists/brahmins.
Sometime in late June 2015, Burhan Wani released a photograph of himself seated with 10 other Hizbul Mujahideen members, all armed and dressed in army fatigues. The photo of the young local militants, all from South Kashmir

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You mean noone in this alive?

I know the conversation between him and his father. So stop adding spice in the news and follow your own track i am already depressed because Sabzar was my favorite freedom fighter among all of them.
More will born InshAllah.

It wasnt a spice but a reality.
We always welcomes peacful protest but those who takes arms against the nation will earn this same fate.
Be careful and save your heads.
BAT is coming.:butcher::butcher::butcher:
How am I being disrespectful when it was your own minister who compared your army men to a monkey god you happen to worship?
FYI I don't worship Hindu gods. I just quoted a forum rule. If others do that, doesn't mean you can too. It's holy month of Ramadan and you are here abusing others faith. :lol:

Away from the topic, there was a topic in pdf about cartoon by Charlee Hebdoo. Which remotely might have meant Muhammad (SAW) and everybody went haywire. So, when we can't take such an insult, let alone others.
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