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Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

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Sometime in late June 2015, Burhan Wani released a photograph of himself seated with 10 other Hizbul Mujahideen members, all armed and dressed in army fatigues. The photo of the young local militants, all from South Kashmir

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Only thing missing in this photo is garland around neck of each one, they must be having Biryani party somewhere in hell now.
Today is bad for Freedom Fighters and good day for Indians .. this blood shed will keep on going unless all Parties come together to find a solution , and by all i mean India Pakistan Kashmiri people .. the Fighting will not stop as some Deluded Indians think, killing one leader or even 10 won't end the struggle cause they are fighting for their land .. tell me Indians will you accept defeat if Kashmiri Fighters kill few of your high Officials ? No , you will return the rage to kill them and this will go on .
what i read in some other thread that , 6-8 Civilians were also killed , is that true ?

No, but a lot of civilians got injured I guess while they tried to disrupt the operations.

Regarding your question, let me ask back, can Terror and Talks go together ?? I think you have a leaving example within your country. Let all parties call for a ceasefire, by ceasefire I mean on in it's true sense (no proxy, infiltration, cross boarder sneaking etc.) and if the peace is maintained for a reasonable period then talks can start. This is how talks happen anywhere in the world, Kashmir is not an exception in that case. :)
No, but a lot of civilians got injured I guess while they tried to disrupt the operations.

Regarding your question, let me ask back, can Terror and Talks go together ?? I think you have a leaving example within your country. Let all parties call for a ceasefire, by ceasefire I mean on in it's true sense (no proxy, infiltration, cross boarder sneaking etc.) and if the peace is maintained for a reasonable period then talks can start. This is how talks happen anywhere in the world, Kashmir is not an exception in that case. :)
I really dont understand what will really be the talks about. India will never accept their demand for independence or referendum. As for autonomy they already have special status under article 370 and I dont think any further concession will be granted. They will have a bunch of demands and India will reject all of them. The territorial integrity of the country is non negotiable
No, but a lot of civilians got injured I guess while they tried to disrupt the operations.

Regarding your question, let me ask back, can Terror and Talks go together ?? I think you have a leaving example within your country. Let all parties call for a ceasefire, by ceasefire I mean on in it's true sense (no proxy, infiltration, cross boarder sneaking etc.) and if the peace is maintained for a reasonable period then talks can start. This is how talks happen anywhere in the world, Kashmir is not an exception in that case. :)

First, you can't brush Freedom Struggle to Terrorism , most of the attacks by these fighters are on Police and Army which according to Kashmiri people are raping and killing them along with suppressing their rights, Talks will start when Indians want them start, i hate to say it but i do know that India is major stake holder here and as people of Kashmir questions the democratic India about their rights has be suppressed so its Indian's Duty to bring all parties into the table that Include Pakistan and Kashmiri Leaders ..

Before you jump of Taliban or BLA , let me say in Advance Taliban is not Fighting for Freedom but they are fighting for a different set of Law which is based on their sect of Islam .. and for BLA they Baluchistan is not Indians concern cause it not recognized as Disputed territory by the world and BLA does not have the same Public support as in Kashmir .. a lot of Baluch leaders are working in and with Govt and many are surrendering and laying down their weapons to put their part in Pakistan .

Kashmir situation is different , we can not take Kashmir by force, lets not fool ourselves .. this is the fight between India and Pakistan's larger than life Ego, and between us Kashmiri people are dying and suffering .

Feel free to disagree, but i expect you to do it in a Civilized manner ..
RIP shaheed. Hope his death influence more people to join jihad in kashmir just like it happened after burhan wani death. Pakistan army should send afghans to kashmir along with heavy weapons. Fence on LOC should be targetted and unlike previous years indian army should not be allowed to repair and reconstruct fence along LOC.
Why u Pakistanis always require someone else to fight for you ?
I am quite late for the party guys but still

Is there any chance of that Musa guy giving us their locations? as we have killed 11 terrorists in a single day and musa was threatening hurriat few day back.
why do indians need afghans to fight for them inside Pakistan or nepalis to fight for them on LOC???

Nepalis are officially recruited by the government to serve army not sure afghans are recruited in ur army for the same .............................................................oh ya i know why u guys recruit talibans posing as afghans right
Sometime in late June 2015, Burhan Wani released a photograph of himself seated with 10 other Hizbul Mujahideen members, all armed and dressed in army fatigues. The photo of the young local militants, all from South Kashmir

View attachment 399596

Those with pandit surnames are bahmins who converted to Islam?
Good Job by the boys. Happy hunting.
Nepalis are officially recruited by the government to serve army not sure afghans are recruited in ur army for the same .............................................................oh ya i know why u guys recruit talibans posing as afghans right
same purpose different methods.
we learnt it fom indians using afghans against us. karma i think that now same people are stopping their fight in Pakistan and getting trained and armed to kill their previous masters in IOK.
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