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Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

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Culture makes a people, in India, muslim communities in UP or Kerela have their own distinct cultures, as do the Kashmiris here.

In Pakistan you have a tiny sliver of land that is designated "azad" Kashmir, but even there the Punjabis have moved in and there is just not a whole lot (any) Kashmir left.

Who knows where they went, maybe you never had too many to begin with ?
I know where they went. Alot of my friends are Kashmiris. I've lived in Kashmir too. The locals were as Kashmiri as a Kashmiri can be. None of them showed any signs of oppression.
You are nitpicking a place that has 99.8% Muslim majority now. That too entirely Sunni (almost). Ignoring Jammu, Pahari regions and Ladakh.
Keep such regions. Free the rest.
We're talking about lacs in Kashmir. Other regions donot have such a large Muslim population
You should see the attitude of UK Muslims. UK Muslims are calling UK cops to get out of THEIR country. I mean WTH.

We have made this a nationalism vs anti nationalism debate.

That is bad.

It is a Global problem. We should come together to combat this problem and not stick to narrow nationalistic demands.
Injustice here itself is subjective. I hope you understood that.

What is injustice to you is fine to me. Take that example where a friend of yours stated that we as kuffars will go to hell. That is justice to him, injustice to us. It is subjective.

The responsibility to reverse that lies on the generations that succeeded that. We Indians have failed to do this properly.

We should create conditions to enable conversions to the Dharmic faiths.

Only thing we can do is to soldify the faith of present Hindu members .We are conducting various cultural programes ,Sapthaha Yanja etc through our temples .
Tipu's invasion created a circumstances for Malabar rebellion .That religious bigot targeted Hindus and Christians particularly my community .
Majority of those Muslims in there are either a convert from our community or Brahmins .

Now fertility rate in Kerala is stagnising to contracting.Reducing in Malappuram and contracting in other districts .
We have made this a nationalism vs anti nationalism debate.

That is bad.

It is a Global problem. We should come together to combat this problem and not stick to narrow nationalistic demands.

Where ever they form the majority in an any region.Some would ask for Jehad ,Seperatism be it Chechnya,Xinxiang,
Actually Kashmir's Muslim population is negligible compared to other places in India.

That's good right?

If they continues this momentum it will begin to contract within five years .Chances to happen vice versa is quite slim
The concentration of Muslims in Kashmir is very high as compared to ther states
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