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Buddhists target Sri Lanka's Muslims

This is why ive never had issues with Let, jhangvi types, yes they are cruel and ruthless to non muslims

But so what, look whats happening in Sl or burma

The next time let or al qaeda or any other nut ball decides to bomb or kidnap some hindus or burn some buddists, why should we care, why should we speak out

We need revenge against the buddists

When have you ever cared anyway, its not as if Muslims have done anything to stop Al Qaeda, instead they worship people like Anjem Choudary and Bin Laden. Why should anyone care when Muslims don't care for anyone else.

Besides this news in an exaggeration, Muslims are not being hunted in SL or anything, just a few agitated mobs acting up and the government of SL has already started taking steps to rectify and mitigate the situation.
When have you ever cared anyway, its not as if Muslims have done anything to stop Al Qaeda, instead they worship people like Anjem Choudary and Bin Laden. Why should anyone care when Muslims don't care for anyone else.

Besides this news in an exaggeration, Muslims are not being hunted in SL or anything, just a few agitated mobs acting up and the government of SL has already started taking steps to rectify and mitigate the situation.

Read my post #133 - it has top level support including Rajapakshe's brother supporting these elements who is also a defence minister. So there will be no mitigation. This Sinhala nationalism is imbibed through their school books by twisting history - know the difference between Buddhism and Sinhala Buddhism - even other language buddhist will not be left out.
Besides this news in an exaggeration, Muslims are not being hunted in SL or anything, just a few agitated mobs acting up and the government of SL has already started taking steps to rectify and mitigate the situation.


I have no special sympathy for the Muslims there. But its not "few agitated mobs". Its the rising Sinhala nationalism after the war and no Govt dares go against that.

While I see the hypocrisy of the Pakistanis, I could not help see the irony in many of the Indians themselves support the Sinhala chauvinism without realising that Hindus as well were in the receiving end.

Anyway I should not comment more on this issue.

I have no special interest in both these groups. Their ****. Let them sort it out themselves.
According to you guys, Islam is the most peaceful religion and Buddhism is the most cruel religion.


What world are you living in?

The world where Buddhist have been slamming planes into buildings it seems. Every religion has a few nut cases, we may have our share of problems with the monks from SL but I've never heard of a Buddhist suicide bomber, have you? :what: Classic case of exaggeration- oh Buddhists are cruel- when was the last time a Buddhist planned a terror attack. Leave it be, you can't reason with people who may have preconceived notions.
The world where Buddhist have been slamming planes into buildings it seems. Every religion has a few nut cases, we may have our share of problems with the monks from SL but I've never heard of a Buddhist suicide bomber, have you? :what: Classic case of exaggeration- oh Buddhists are cruel- when was the last time a Buddhist planned a terror attack. Leave it be, you can't reason with people who may have preconceived notions.

Lets not confuse the two varied sects of Buddhism at play here.

The Theravada sect is like the sunnis in Islam and the Mahayana is like the shias.

While what you say may be true for the Mahayana/Vajrayana sects (those in AP, Sikkim, Tibet and Far East) which are very peaceful, same cant be said about the theravada sect.
Anyway I should not comment more on this issue.

I have no special interest in both these groups. Their ****. Let them sort it out themselves.

When I saw the reaction of the Pakistanis - my first reaction was sit back and think about the quote "First they came....." - when they were gloating at the Tamils at the receiving end but wanted to correct some of the Indians here.
Lets not confuse the two varied sects of Buddhism at play here.

The Theravada sect is like the sunnis in Islam and the Mahayana is like the shias.

While what you say may be true for the Mahayana/Vajrayana sects (those in AP, Sikkim, Tibet and Far East) which are very peaceful, same cant be said about the theravada sect.

Yaara its not any sect of Buddhism that demands any such actions, in fact there is no ambiguity about it unlike in certain other religions where there are certain tenets calling for warfare with the unbelievers. This issue is a SL sinhala one, its a cultural one- a cultural malaise of intolerance towards other ethnic groups or anything that goes against their identity politics- the same applies for the Burmese who have historically been intolerant towards any minority or ethnicity other than their own majority grouping. Its not being cognizant of that point that makes @Chinese-Dragon protest.

Hell there have been "hindu terrorists" also who've taken resort to bombings but when has a Buddhist done something like that?
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East Asians have done some terrible things in history, but never "because of Buddhism" or "in the name of Buddha".

We don't shout "Amitabha" (阿弥陀佛) before detonating a suicide jacket.

In fact the bad things in East Asia have been done in spite of Buddhism. Buddhism has an overwhelmingly peaceful influence which sometimes goes to waste on us.
Yaara its not any sect of Buddhism that demands any such actions, in fact there is no ambiguity about it unlike in certain other religions where there are certain tenets calling for warfare with the unbelievers. This issue is a SL sinhala one, its a cultural one- a cultural malaise of intolerance towards other ethnic groups or anything that goes against their identity politics- the same applies for the Burmese who have historically been intolerant towards any minority or ethnicity other than their own majority grouping. Its not being cognizant of that point that makes @ChineseDragon protest.

True..they use the religion for their ethnic chauvinism. But it has to be said theravada itself a puritanical form of buddhism (it claims it is the original teaching of Lord Buddha and decries others) and puritanical forms anywhere can be used easily for these kind of purposes.
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True..they use the religion for their ethnic nationalism. But it has to be said theravada itself a puritanical form of buddhism (it claims it is the original teaching of Lord Buddha and decries others) and puritanical forms anywhere can be used easily for these kind of purposes.

That's the problem with any puritanical strain. Earlier on I had to get rather rude with a certain poster who was decrying such acts and in the same breath justifying the actions of the LET and LEJ. I didn't like it but he needed a taste of his own medicine. Religion is used rampantly for nationalistic purposes and the Sinhalese have really mastered that art.

There are various ways of mixing religion with politics and nationalism, the Sinhala have their own brand- now if their society doesn't appreciate a particular thing then they take up arms. Remember the SL tamils have faced the same issue.

I mean would you blame all Muslims for 26/11, no yaara- the same applies for Buddhist and perhaps even a few Sinhalese people.
@Armstrong I eat halal meat most of the time, all the butchers near my house are Muslims and boy can they chop up some mutton raan- never seen even the most ardent nationalist have a problem with them, apparently all of this started over halal meat? :what:

Makes very little sense, economic interests perhaps being promoted under the pretext of religion at the cost of Muslims?
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@Armstrong I eat halal meat most of the time, all the butchers near my house are Muslims and boy can they chop up some mutton raan- never seen even the most ardent nationalist have a problem with them, apparently all of this started over halal meat? :what:

Makes very little sense, economic interests perhaps being promoted under the pretext of religion at the cost of Muslims?

Not exactly - it's a systematic marginalization in SL that's taking place and has been going on for a period of time.
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Not exactly - it's a systematic marginalization in SL that's taking place and has been going on for a period of time.

But there have been no wide spread killings or riots, so I guess this is more about economic marginalization rather than any other more heinous agenda?
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