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Buddhism in China


In those days there were great conflicts (Not armed or fights) between Hinduism and Boddhism. Adi Shankara and Kumaril bhatta went place to place and chellanged Buddhist to come for discussion (Shastrath). They defeated Buddhist in discussion and compale them to accept Hinduism (Since there was a condition that who so ever loose will accept the faith of winner). And slowly Buddhism parished from India.

There is a story. There was a princess who was crying. A brahmin boy named Kumaril Bhatta passed by her and asked her the reason of her crying . She replied that Buddhism is flourishing every where and kings and people were adopting Buddhism. Who will save sanatan dharma? The brahmin boy promised her that he will save sanatan dharma.
The boy went to bauddh math and learned Buddhism. He studied vedas also. when his study completed, He came out in open and chekllanged buddhist to come for shastrath. He defeated all bauddh priest and make them accept Sanatan dharme. When his mission completed, he decided to do a remorse since he betrayed his bauddh teachers from whom he had learned Buddhism. The remorse of GURUDROH (Betraying the teacher) is to burn yourself alive and that to very slowly to inflict highest pain on yorself before you burn yourself completly. He sat on on burning nutshell and alowly burned himself listening Pranab Mantra (Omkar) from Adi shankara who had came ther for shastrarth.
Yes,yes,I believe it.After all you guys have a history of telling the truth as always and not re-writing and white-washing it.:D history
Not even 1 percent India population are Buddhist.

It's ironic, because at one point every scene, imagery, etc. used to be pretty much about Buddhism or Buddhist stories.

Many scenes would have empty chariots, thrones, or people bowing to stupas, bodhi trees, chakra, etc. All of those are Buddha or Siddhartha in symbolic form. In ancient India you couldnt at one point show the image of the Buddha.
Was Buddhism originated from Nepal or India? I heard Buddha was living in ancient Nepal. Nowadays the place belongs to India because British occupy the area from Nepal during colonial era, is it right?
Was Buddhism originated from Nepal or India? I heard Buddha was living in ancient Nepal. Nowadays the place belongs to India because British occupy the area from Nepal during colonial era, is it right?

He was born in the border close to modern day India and Nepal, modern day Nepal. His fathers kingdom is one of many in what's pretty much the center of Indian civilization at the time.
Wiki page stated Buddhism largely vanished in India after 7th century, wow that over 1300 yrs Buddhism been uprooted in India, only the Buddhist pilgrimage uptick by the Buddhist travel to India, India started to promote Buddhism as a tour promotion.

Was Buddhism originated from Nepal or India? I heard Buddha was living in ancient Nepal. Nowadays the place belongs to India because British occupy the area from Nepal during colonial era, is it right?

Buddha born in Nepal but he sit on the bodhi tree in India, Buddhism did originate in India by the teaching of Buddha. Buddha spread his teaching along the border of India and Nepal.
Buddhism is much less aggressive than Hindus or Muslim...
So it will be easily wiped out by other religious..
Only in China and other east asia countries where authority takes the power, that Buddhism can survive under protection

Quite ironic that buddhism itself was effectively wiped out in India.
He was born in the border close to modern day India and Nepal, modern day Nepal. His fathers kingdom is one of many in what's pretty much the center of Indian civilization at the time.

I am confused, are you sure that's Indian civilization not Nepali civilization? But still thank you.
Buddhism is much less aggressive than Hindus or Muslim...
So it will be easily wiped out by other religious..
Only in China and other east asia countries where authority takes the power, that Buddhism can survive under protection

Buddhism never tried to convert follower.
I am confused, are you sure that's Indian civilization not Nepali civilization? But still thank you.

Buddhism and Jainism are a part of Indian civilization. Both are like reform movements, that split from mainstream form of Hinduism of the time.

Both, Siddhartha and Rishabha were Hindus. Born in the eastern plains of ancient India, which was pretty much the hot bed of India culture at the time.

From this area, ideas and culture was being pulsed out to other parts of India.
Buddhism and Jainism are a part of Indian civilization. Both are like reform movements, that split from mainstream form of Hinduism of the time.

Both, Siddhartha and Rishabha were Hindus. Born in the eastern plains of ancient India, which was pretty much the hot bed of India culture at the time.

From this area, ideas and culture was being pulsed out to other parts of India.

Buddha born as a Hindu prince in Lumbini central Ganges plain in Nepal but reject Hindu and follow his own spiritual path, Buddha was not a Hindu reformist.

China doesn't need any religion, Buddhism is eroded in China if we should have a state religion it should be SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. That is what will protect China and give it superiority over our neighbors as it has now.

Buddhism isn't a state religion in China.
Not even 1 percent India population are Buddhist.

That is because Hinduism absorbed most of Buddhist teachings into it's doctrine thus making Buddhism redundant.Apart from that Buddhism was never a majority religion in India.

You do understand that Hinduism is not an Abhrahmic religion and is open to change.

Original Vedic Hinduism did not had concept of rebirth. In Rig Veda, once you died you got to either Abode of fathers (Heaven) or House of clay (Hell). Concept of rebirth and cycle of life ,though developed by Brahmins, was a fringe belief in Hinduism. Buddha popularized it and it became dominant theology in Hinduism with passage of time.Similary is concept of moksha. Doctrine of non-violence was also borrowed into Hinduism from Buddhism.

Later on Buddha was given a place in Hindu pantheon as a reincarnation of Vishnu.

Another reason of Buddhist decline in India and in Central asia was islamic invasion. Though Muslims were equally brutal on Hinduism and Buddhism, there were some key difference between Hinduism and Buddhism. First was that Priestly class of Buddhists was very thin compared to Hindus. When Islamic invaders invaded and massacred Buddhist monks en-masse, they destroyed Buddhism as there was no one left to propogate Buddhism. They did same to Hindu Priests but the difference here was that in Hinduism, every Brahmin is a potential priest.To wipe out Hinduism, Islam needed to commit a through genocide, something which they were not capable of. Second is philosophy of non-violence of Buddhism. Buddhism completely forbids aggressive war , no ifs or buts. This made Buddhism weak militarily and was not able to put up as much a resistance to Islamic invaders. Compared to this, an Islamic invader had two choice in dealing with Hindus, either spend whole life on battlefield, or make treaties with HIndu kingdoms. There were also kingdome in India where Islamic armies never reached.This meant that Hinduism was less suppressed than Buddhism (Buddhism from Bihar was wiped out by Islamic Turks).This was primary reason of collapse of Buddhism in central Asia.

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