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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

oh well so have admitted that you will shoot pregnant women too? well, May God guide you to the right path

So you expect BSF to conduct pregnancy test first?

You are making it sound as if India has a state policy to shoot at pregnant women intruders! @Abingdonboy simply gave an example of pregnant lady to say that anybody would be engaged if they don't stop!

In this particular incident, how do you expect anybody to accurately identify any intruder to be a woman -- late at night as the OP states? After all, it is not everyday that women try to intrude across an International Border between two rivals nations!

It is also said that she was covering herself with blanket!
A woman cannot be considered a threat of any kind.

Leaving else apart, that's a very sexist and inaccurate remark to make!
Pakistan itself inducts women in their armed forces, don't they? Why would you induct women if you think women can't fight?

On topic, the point that every Pakistani seems to ignore (intentionally?) is that it would have been very difficult to distinguish a woman from men late at night especially when she was covering herself with blanket!
brave Indians, can only shoot at women and burn alive children.

Border Security Force (BSF) shot dead a Pakistani woman intruder under the Dhall BoP area in the Khalra sector on India-Pakistan border late last night.

BSF sources said jawans noticed some suspicious movement on the border and challenged the intruders who opened fire on the BSF personnel.

In retaliatory firing, BSF shot dead a Pakistani woman intruder while her accomplices managed to escape.

It is for the first time that a woman intruder was shot dead by the BSF on the border in Punjab sector

BSF jawans gun down Pak woman intruder - Hindustan Times
BSF guns down woman intruder near Khalra sector
You're walking through a Chinese airport, when suddenly you hear shouting.

You see armed police officers pointing their guns at you.

They are shouting: "Zhan zhu! Zhan zhu!"

You don't know what it means. What do you do?

If you are an unarmed woman, is this the end of your life?
You don't need a PhD to know that when men point guns at you and shout (in whatever language) you stop and put your hands up. The last thing you do is try to run towards the men with guns or move at all- I think even a Martian would understand this basic logic.
You don't need a PhD to know that when men point guns at you and shout (in whatever language) you stop and put your hands up. The last thing you do is try to run towards the men with guns or move at all- I think even a Martian would understand this basic logic.

By his own admissions in the past, he wants to be biased against India in any matter -- even if not supported by logic or proof.
I wouldn't even trust a stray dog coming from the pakistan side. Time after time, experience has shown us that the Pakistanis simply can't be trusted. I think the BSF did their job well. At present, lack information; so lets list all the possibilities:
1. She is indeed an innocent victim that just so happens to walk near an Intentional border which is heavily guarded with sights pointed directly at pakistani; the woman also coicidently happens to be in the company of or near armed men whom are without doubt insurgents or army personnel.
2. She is completey innocent, but there is not way to verify that at the time. The common misonception is that the bad guys all happen to be men; this is clearly wrong. Could have been a suicide bomber, spy, or whatever, doesn't matter.
3. It's pakistan's job to ensure that no civilians go anywhere near an international border; clearly they failed in that section. With the growing unrest in pakistan, the recent blast at the wagah border, anyone that happens to be followers of the "religion of peace" coming from the pakistani side, should be met with bullets.
Sir, you must reconcile to the fact that jihadis are no longer just men. Women and children jihadis have been found as well. The old differences do not exist anymore.
BSF is simply doing its job. Had the lady stopped after being challenged, no harm would have befallen her just like other times when people who have trespassed the border have been repatriated safely.
RIP in any case. Loss of any life is never a happy event.
Now you are jury ,Judge and executioner Wow!!!
A woman cannot be considered a threat of any kind. People get lost on the border all the time and cannot differentiate.

BSF is bullshitting on the warnings, what kind of proof is there exist that there were appropriate warnings given, and how far does she have to be in order to be considered as a legitimate threat?

Dude.. Any illegal crossing is a legitimate target for the BSF and Pakistani rangers. Warnings and arrests are simply courtesies offered by the 2 sides to each other. There is no burden of proof on the BSF to show whether the woman was a legitimate threat or if warnings were offered. And I guess we all will agree that INdia and Pakistan are not in a courtesy offering mode at this time.

And really you never know. Pakistani terrorists/freedom fighters (who habitually cross into India) have an old habit of aping extremists in the middle east, and with the news ripe about how IS and others are rampantly indulging in woman slavery, this woman could have been a comfort woman from Pakistan being brought along with the latest batch of infiltrators trying to get into India.
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