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BSF guns down Pakistani intruder in Punjab

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Good advice. And as I pointed out before, it doesnt matter to us whether he was pakistani or croatian. If he intrudes, and fires on our forces, he will be killed like a dog. And yes, he was pakistani, unless you can show some evidence to the contrary. Not random comments on a website. (Or if thats what counts as evidence for you, as I said, an anwar from karachi has said he was pakistani, on the same site.)

On topic, great job, BSF. Kill all smugglers/intruders/terrorists or whoever fires on you. Thats what you get paid to do. If it hurts someone's ego, and he wants to rewrite history to make himself feel better, that should be none of your concern.

Enjoy your pink saree, fella. The guy was an indian, shot dead by indian forces, priceless.
OMG...after winning all the Indo-Pak war...Kafir Bharatis won the "battle of PDF" too....and they are capturing PDF... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

by the way...guys..stop trolling for such lame topic..

LoL what battle, both of the trolls are wearing pink saree's, carry on if you wish to join them.
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