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British woman jailed for 8 years over bomb plot


Dec 14, 2010
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LONDON: A British Pakistani woman hairdresser, charged for helping her husband in a bomb plot against the Jewish community in Manchester, was jailed on Friday for eight years. Shaista Khan, 38, born in Pakistan, became a fanatic within weeks of marrying car cleaner, a converted Muslim, Muhammad Khan, 33.

The couple planned to build a DIY bomb using chapati flour, hairdressing chemicals and a set of Christmas tree lights to launch a terror attack on the Jewish communities in Manchester.

According to the crown prosecution service, they also carried out reconnaissance missions on possible targets, including a synagogue. Moreover, Shaista used her home-based hairdressing business called ‘Sassy Hair Studio’ as a front to seek targets as part of a “personal jihad”.

Shaista, who pleaded not guilty, was convicted of three terrorism offences at Manchester Crown Court on Thursday. Her husband had earlier admitted a terror charge. The court heard that Shaista and her husband started reading and listening to al Qaeda-inspired propaganda after their wedding. The plot to bomb the Jewish community fell apart when police were called to a domestic incident — and Shaista’s brother told them Khan was a “home-grown terrorist”. Police raided their house and found DIY bomb-making gear, including ground-up fire lighters, safety goggles, a funnel, needles and syringes, electrical wires, Christmas tree lights, bulbs and a battery.

In her defence, Shaista said she was frightened of her husband, saying he used to watch videos of terror beheading and torture on his laptop. She said he told her she was “being brainwashed” by Hollywood and Bollywood movies, and banned her from seeing her favourite soaps. She claimed, “He said, ‘I’m not letting you watch people drinking and being influenced by people like that’.”

The court heard that Shaista, who had been married twice before, met Khan when he advertised for a wife “for this life and the next” on a Muslim dating site. He proposed three days after they first met and they married the next month. The court sentenced seven years and six months imprisonment to Muhammad Khan for conspiring a terrorism plot.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
She's not British Pakistani - just a British. period.
So many british here use pakistani flags and make it very clear they are pakistani first and last and only hold british passports.

Its not as irrelevant as you make it out to be.

She's not registered here, and she's not showing any flags.

Has she in any statement said she's Pakistani first? Let's not generalise.
its insane how paranoid the world has become..
We are back to the witch burning days when any weirdo found with a chicken bone in her house could be easily convicted of witchcraft..
They too used to have courts...

A hairdresser has to have peroxides in her use,and the incriminating evidence was 'a bag of christmas lights'.
Driving in 'jewish areas' isnt illegal,and there are no sighn posts saying 'jewish area begins' or any sane muslim wont go anywhere near that area due to current paranoia...
Myself living in manchester has no idea which areas are jewish and which arent...

To top it up...the arrest was made weeks ago and in this short time all the evidence has been conclusively examined.. Chicken theft incident takes longer to investigate,this is about the life of an innocent woman.
She's not registered here, and she's not showing any flags.

Has she in any statement said she's Pakistani first? Let's not generalise.

I'm not generalizing, its reasonable to mention Shaista Khan's Pakistani roots as she was born in Pakistan. Its like calling recently captured Abu Jindal a Pakistani, period, because he now holds a Pakistani passport.
She is scum I hope she gets glass in her food.
She is of Pakistani heritage...and doesn't look Anglo-Saxon to me.

And you may be of european descent..dont look red indian to me.
And yet you are called 'americans' not german american,or british american..or where ever your forefathers migrated to america from.
Similar situation here..
And you may be of european descent..dont look red indian to me.
And yet you are called 'americans' not german american,or british american..or where ever your forefathers migrated to america from.
Similar situation here..

What's that got to do with anything? Europeans established the United States...not Indians. Kinda like some guy saying he is Turk...and I say he isn't cause he aint Greek. So what? The Byzantines didn't found Turkey. She isn't Anglo...saying I'm not Soiux or whatever changes this not one wit.
She is of Pakistani heritage...and doesn't look Anglo-Saxon to me.

Ummm... so only Anglo-Saxons can be British?

Tell that to the people who naturalise them then.

I'm not generalizing, its reasonable to mention Shaista Khan's Pakistani roots as she was born in Pakistan. Its like calling recently captured Abu Jindal a Pakistani, period, because he now holds a Pakistani passport.

Pakistani roots? Anything to prove she received her training in Pakistan, paid by al-Qaeeda, forced to do this by Pakistanis?
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