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British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

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Aug 5, 2008
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In 1947, the British should also have granted Khalistan as a homeland for the Sikh people as they granted Pakistan to the muslims. But the British did not finish their job completely and in haste they finished the job half done. This created a South Asia which has been in unrest and wars till today. This was also partly the fault of the Sikhs since most of them did not demand an independent homeland of their own and threw their lot with the Hindus. They saw the result of this in 1984 with thousands of Sikhs were killed by Indian forces and their most sacred place was invaded by the army. The Sikhs would always remember this and its a wound which would not heal with time. I think if the partition of South Asia had been done properly by the British like asking the muslim majority princely states to join Pakistan and Hindu majority princely states to join India, created Khalistan and also created a Christian homeland at the north east of present India and created proper borders without errors, South Asia would have been living in peace since then and instead of fighting with each other and spending large sums of money on military there would have been total peace and a lot of progress by the people of South Asia. There would have been no reason for tensions as Hindustan would have been a homeland for the Hindus, Pakistan for muslims, some Christian homeland and Khalistan for the Sikhs. :pakistan:
In 1947, the British should also have granted Khalistan as a homeland for the Sikh people as they granted Pakistan to the muslims. But the British did not finish their job completely and in haste they finished the job half done. This created a South Asia which has been in unrest and wars till today. This was also partly the fault of the Sikhs since most of them did not demand an independent homeland of their own and threw their lot with the Hindus. They saw the result of this in 1984 with thousands of Sikhs were killed by Indian forces and their most sacred place was invaded by the army. The Sikhs would always remember this and its a wound which would not heal with time. I think if the partition of South Asia had been done properly by the British like asking the muslim majority princely states to join Pakistan and Hindu majority princely states to join India, created Khalistan and also created a Christian homeland at the north east of present India and created proper borders without errors, South Asia would have been living in peace since then and instead of fighting with each other and spending large sums of money on military there would have been total peace and a lot of progress by the people of South Asia. There would have been no reason for tensions as Hindustan would have been a homeland for the Hindus, Pakistan for muslims, some Christian homeland and Khalistan for the Sikhs. :pakistan:

who gave the so called "JOB" to Brittish to invade divide India? u?? ur ancestors?............GET A LIFE DUDE!:hang3:

PS: u can go back and tell the Britts to finish up the job, we will be here, waiting for them.:butcher:
who gave the so called "JOB" to Brittish to invade divide India? u?? ur ancestors?............GET A LIFE DUDE!:hang3:

PS: u can go back and tell the Britts to finish up the job, we will be here, waiting for them.:butcher:

With "job" I mean that when the British decided to leave South Asia they claimed that they wish to properly divide South Asia in such a way that after they leave it the new nations could live in a peaceful way. Had they created Khalistan and given the Sikhs the current Indian Punjab there would still have been a Hindu Punjab in India, the areas of Haryana, some areas of Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh.:cheers:
With "job" I mean that when the British decided to leave South Asia they claimed that they wish to properly divide South Asia in such a way that after they leave it the new nations could live in a peaceful way. Had they created Khalistan and given the Sikhs the current Indian Punjab there would still have been a Hindu Punjab in India, the areas of Haryana, some areas of Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh.:cheers:

They didnt decide to leave south asia, WE KICKED THEM OUT!

Get ur facts straight first.:cheers:
Do you know what basis the British divided up the India. There was no plebiscite or referendum. Muslim majority areas were given to Pakistan and Non-Muslim majority areas to India. Sikhs were not in majority in ANY of the districts in Punjab. Except for Gurdaspur that had 51% Muslims all districts that went to India were hindu majority.

One of the reasons why the extremists sections among the Sikhs like Master Tara Singh and his group were involved in evicting Muslims on the eastern Punjab to establish Sikh majority state. Particularly because many of their holy places were given to Pakistan.

The Colonial British did exactly what they wanted. Divide territory not on the basis of ethnic groups, natural boundaries or river systems but on the basis of religious minorities and majorities and leave festering disputes which would require their intervention as some sort of arbitrator.
In 1947, the British should also have granted Khalistan as a homeland for the Sikh people as they granted Pakistan to the muslims. But the British did not finish their job completely and in haste they finished the job half done. This created a South Asia which has been in unrest and wars till today. This was also partly the fault of the Sikhs since most of them did not demand an independent homeland of their own and threw their lot with the Hindus. They saw the result of this in 1984 with thousands of Sikhs were killed by Indian forces and their most sacred place was invaded by the army. The Sikhs would always remember this and its a wound which would not heal with time. I think if the partition of South Asia had been done properly by the British like asking the muslim majority princely states to join Pakistan and Hindu majority princely states to join India, created Khalistan and also created a Christian homeland at the north east of present India and created proper borders without errors, South Asia would have been living in peace since then and instead of fighting with each other and spending large sums of money on military there would have been total peace and a lot of progress by the people of South Asia. There would have been no reason for tensions as Hindustan would have been a homeland for the Hindus, Pakistan for muslims, some Christian homeland and Khalistan for the Sikhs. :pakistan:

Another attempt at rabble rousing ?

The brits did not do a good job at dividing the region is right . In 47, it was only the Muslims who sought a seperate home land based on religion.

Given the fact that the Muslim homeland created didn't do too well either and spilt indicates that divsions based on religion were not too great.

We should grant the leaders in 47,who under the circumstances did a fairly good job. Those who followed did not have the vision or sagacity to take things forward. If South Asia had been split any further, it would have become a mass of small squabbling states.

What happened has stood the test of time & was right.
In 1947, the British should also have granted Khalistan as a homeland for the Sikh people as they granted Pakistan to the muslims. But the British did not finish their job completely and in haste they finished the job half done. This created a South Asia which has been in unrest and wars till today. This was also partly the fault of the Sikhs since most of them did not demand an independent homeland of their own and threw their lot with the Hindus. They saw the result of this in 1984 with thousands of Sikhs were killed by Indian forces and their most sacred place was invaded by the army. The Sikhs would always remember this and its a wound which would not heal with time. I think if the partition of South Asia had been done properly by the British like asking the muslim majority princely states to join Pakistan and Hindu majority princely states to join India, created Khalistan and also created a Christian homeland at the north east of present India and created proper borders without errors, South Asia would have been living in peace since then and instead of fighting with each other and spending large sums of money on military there would have been total peace and a lot of progress by the people of South Asia. There would have been no reason for tensions as Hindustan would have been a homeland for the Hindus, Pakistan for muslims, some Christian homeland and Khalistan for the Sikhs. :pakistan:

Well, I for one am glad that Sikhs chose to stay on in India. They bring so much to the table. India would have been a poorer place without them. You don't get it,do you? We don't, unlike you, want to live in a single religion country. Pakistan for Muslims? Many Muslims stayed behind in India precisely because they didn't want to be in Pakistan. Bangladesh proved that religion is not necessarily a permanent binding factor. Were you living in peace during the period leading to 1971?

You can choose to live only with Muslims if you want. I am happy to be in a country with so many different religions and cultures. Most of us would never want it any other way.
Well they will get their Khalistan :agree: some day ... Seikhs are working hard to help their cause in rest of world
In 1947, the British should also have granted Khalistan as a homeland for the Sikh people as they granted Pakistan to the muslims. But the British did not finish their job completely and in haste they finished the job half done. This created a South Asia which has been in unrest and wars till today. This was also partly the fault of the Sikhs since most of them did not demand an independent homeland of their own and threw their lot with the Hindus. They saw the result of this in 1984 with thousands of Sikhs were killed by Indian forces and their most sacred place was invaded by the army. The Sikhs would always remember this and its a wound which would not heal with time. I think if the partition of South Asia had been done properly by the British like asking the muslim majority princely states to join Pakistan and Hindu majority princely states to join India, created Khalistan and also created a Christian homeland at the north east of present India and created proper borders without errors, South Asia would have been living in peace since then and instead of fighting with each other and spending large sums of money on military there would have been total peace and a lot of progress by the people of South Asia. There would have been no reason for tensions as Hindustan would have been a homeland for the Hindus, Pakistan for muslims, some Christian homeland and Khalistan for the Sikhs. :pakistan:

I agree, present day Punjab province in Pakistan was once Sikh majority. So a regoin carved out of Pakistani Punjab with Lahore as capital should have been given to Sikhs. After all Lahore was Maharaj Ranjit Singh's capital. For Sikhs remaining in India they could be given a state within union of india with Amritsar as capital.
First talk of Baluchistan and NWFP than talk of Khalistan.:cheers:
First talk of Baluchistan and NWFP than talk of Khalistan.:cheers:
is there any liberation movement going on in NWFP? If yes then i need to get out more. Please enlighten me what is the name of that liberation movement?
And anyway this thread is another mud throwing contest.

Lets see who wins.
I think they should have given each state their country.. then there would havve been no pakistan and no india..!!! :P
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