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British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

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No flame intended again. But babri was a shameful victory monument built over destroyed hindu holy site, that had to be brought down eventually and pushed in the dust. But Golden temple incidence was indeed tragic and should not have ever happened.

So you support the destruction of Babri Masjid ?
So you support the destruction of Babri Masjid ?

Well, if you dont appreciate babur for destroying an existing place of worship and building the babri mosque in the first place and thus regret his wrong doings, maybe only then I can regret its bulldozing in 92.

PS :- That does not means I am anti-Islam.
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No flame intended again. But babri was a shameful victory monument built over destroyed hindu holy site, that had to be brought down eventually and mixed in the dust

Even if that was the case, i doubt it would have been resolved in this manner any where else in the world as if nothing else, it would have been salvaged as an old heritage sight.
Well, if you dont appreciate babur for destroying an existing place of worship and building the babri mosque in the first place, maybe only then I can regrett its bulldozing.

I got my answer.:disagree:

Can you tell me how fake medicines that were marked Made in india, but actually made in China were found in Africa?
- TTP may have received from AFghan taliban, who may have stolen these in Afghanistan
- LIke Pakistan peints counterfeit Indian rupees, they might have printed Made in india tags
- maybe it was mfrd in Pakistan , with Made in india seals
- most probably it was never recovered and pakistan army is lying to deflect attentino of public.
- India has no connection with pakistan internal conflicts.
this is true

May be..................the world as we know it was counterfeited in Pakistan ?????????????? Get a life.................
No flame intended again. But babri was a shameful victory monument built over destroyed hindu holy site, that had to be brought down eventually and mixed in the dust. But Golden temple incidence was indeed tragic and should not have ever happened.

Let me correct you there it was built over a place which was rumored to be the birth place of Ram...................
So you support the destruction of Babri Masjid ?

Never. I dont support it. There was no terrorism involved with that . Purely political. If you have 2 mins please read my point of view.

- few yrs before 1989 - BJP was a new party formed from various dead parties of late 70s.
- they got between 2-10 seats in parliament, but had heavywight politicians
-rajiv gandhi ordered lock of babri removed for general public (since 1949 only 1 priest was allowed to perform puja in the temple in the masjid compund.)
- shah bano case (google it), old muslim woman got alimony in divorce thru court, but aimplb got it overturned by rajiv gandhi govt to placate muslims, which raised suspicion of hindus that muslims are having their own law and not following constitution.
- BJP saw an ideal oppurtunily to gain hindu vote. advani did rath yatra
with slogans like mandir yahi banayenge
- 1991 rajiv gandhi assasinated
- 92, politically motivated kar sevaks demolish masjid, Congress govt looks on helplessly, as because of the number of people they could not fire. BJP become more popular. Advani it is popularly perceived was chief instigator), vajpayee was against this (read his background, he was also a minister in the Janata party of 1970s and was a moderate)
- 93 Pakistan based Dawood ibrahim with his muslim gang plant bombs in Bombay
- Riots between hindus and muslims happen. deaths on both sides
- 96 (i maybe a bit ofe here) BJP wins for the first time
As u can see it is not a policy in India to persecute Muslims, it was politically motivated by BJP for which only they need to pay. They have served only 1 term in the govt fully and were never voted to power again. (please for once appreciate indian democrazy here)
I believe after this tamasha hindu-muslim unity in india will grow
No flame intended again. But babri was a shameful victory monument built over destroyed hindu holy site, that had to be brought down eventually and mixed in the dust. But Golden temple incidence was indeed tragic and should not have ever happened.
Supported by any fact? Any history book? Why do you want to impose your Hindu views upon rest of India? Scientifically speaking, there is no proof that Raam even existed, let alone a birth site. Any fossils? Any ancient ruins? Nothing has been found in Ayodhya except for fantasy Hindu beliefs.
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