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British Scientific Advisers Claim China’s Outbreak Could Be ‘15 To 40 Times’ Worse Than Reported


Jun 19, 2014
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Scientific advisers have reportedly told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the Chinese communist government has downplayed the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak in their country and that the real number could be “15 to 40 times” higher than what China has reported.

“Mr Johnson has been warned by scientific advisers that China’s officially declared statistics on the number of cases of coronavirus could be ‘downplayed by a factor of 15 to 40 times,’” The Daily Mail reported. “And [the British government] believes China is seeking to build its economic power during the pandemic with ‘predatory offers of help’ [to] countries around the world.'”

According to a Johns Hopkins website that tracks the coronavirus pandemic, China currently has reported approximately 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths.

A Washington Post analysis cautioned against viewing the numbers out of China as being accurate. The Washington Post reported:

An article in the journal Science estimates that 86 percent of Hubei’s cases were undocumented by the time authorities extended the lockdown to Wuhan and other cities on Jan. 23.

It is also likely that officials reported lower numbers of deaths from covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Especially once the central government’s propaganda mission to win the “people’s war” against the virus became clear, numbers shifted to achieve that vision. Such shifts would probably be subtle — not hundreds or thousands of hidden deaths, but instead excluding deaths that could be attributed to other types of pneumonia or heart failure, for instance.

Bloomberg News reported this week that thousands of urns at funeral homes in Wuhan, combined with cremation statistics, raised further questions about the accuracy of numbers that China has reported.

China also has a history of downplaying outbreaks and not reporting accurate information on the outbreaks.

On April 21, 2003, during the SARS outbreak, The New York Times reported that China admitted to under-reporting the total number of SARS cases:

In a rare public admission of failure, if not deception, the Chinese government disclosed today that cases of a dangerous new respiratory disease were many times higher than previously reported, and stripped two top officials of their power. […]

Admitting to the existence of more than 200 previously undisclosed SARS patients in military hospitals, the official, Deputy Health Minister Gao Qiang, said that as of Friday Beijing had 339 confirmed cases of SARS and an additional 402 suspected cases.

Ten days ago, Health Minister Zhang Wenkang said there were only 22 confirmed SARS cases in Beijing. Last Wednesday, the World Health Organization caused a stir here by estimating that there could be as many as 100 to 200 cases.

The Mail reported that top officials within the British government are furious that China has tried to falsely blame the United States for the outbreak.

“There is a disgusting disinformation campaign going on and it is unacceptable,” one source told The Mail. “They [the Chinese government] know they have got this badly wrong and rather than owning it they are spreading lies.”

Another government source told The Mail regarding the U.K.’s relationship with China, “It is going to be back to the diplomatic drawing board after this. Rethink is an understatement.”

“There has to be a reckoning when this is over,” another source told The Mail.

A fourth source told The Mail, “The anger goes right to the top.”

There has long been speculation that China was not being honest about the true extent of the outbreak in their country, especially since they downplayed the outbreak at the outset, and reportedly silenced doctors and journalists.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month on China’s attempts to downplay the outbreak of the coronavirus when Wei Guixian, a seafood merchant in Wuhan, became ill with the disease.

The Journal reported:

For almost three weeks, doctors struggled to connect the dots between Ms. Wei and other early cases, many of them Hua’nan vendors. Patient after patient reported similar symptoms, but many, like her, visited small, poorly resourced clinics and hospitals. Some patients balked at paying for chest scans; others, including Ms. Wei, refused to be transferred to bigger facilities that were better-equipped to identify infectious diseases.

When doctors did finally establish the Hua’nan link in late December, they quarantined Ms. Wei and others like her and raised the alarm to their superiors. But they were prevented by Chinese authorities from alerting their peers, let alone the public.

One of the first doctors to alert Chinese authorities was criticized for “spreading rumors” after sharing with a former medical-school classmate a test result showing a patient had a coronavirus. Another doctor had to write a self-criticism letter saying his warnings “had a negative impact.”

Even after Chinese President Xi Jinping personally ordered officials to control the outbreak on Jan. 7, authorities kept denying it could spread between humans—something doctors had known was happening since late December—and went ahead with a Chinese Lunar New Year banquet involving tens of thousands of families in Wuhan.

The New York Times also reported that China acted “decisively,” but not against the virus, rather they acted “against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.”

Two weeks ago, the Financial Times reported that Taiwan reportedly warned the World Health Organization about the outbreak in December, and that the organization did nothing with the warning.

While thousands of Americans die at home, the CIA spreads propaganda globally to shift blame away from the blowback caused by its own biowarfare.

White House Pushes U.S. Officials to Criticize China For Coronavirus ‘Cover-Up’
A State Department cable obtained by The Daily Beast says the U.S. and the American people are the “greatest humanitarians the world has ever known.”

Updated Mar. 21, 2020 4:51PM ET / Published Mar. 21, 2020 2:57PM ET

Aly Song/Reuters
As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow at a rapid pace in the U.S., the White House is launching a communications plan across multiple federal agencies that focuses on accusing Beijing of orchestrating a “cover-up” and creating a global pandemic, according to two U.S. officials and a government cable obtained by The Daily Beast.

The cable, sent to State Department officials Friday, lays out in detail the circumstances on the ground in China, including data on coronavirus cases and deaths, the local business environment and transportation restrictions. But it also issues guidelines for how U.S. officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China.

The talking points appear to have originated in the National Security Council. One section of the cable reads “NSC Top Lines: [People’s Republic of China] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic.”

“Chinese Communist Party officials in Wuhan and Beijing had a special responsibility to inform the Chinese people and the world of the threat, since they were the first to learn of it,” the cable reads. “Instead, the... government hid news of the virus from its own people for weeks, while suppressing information and punishing doctors and journalists who raised the alarm. The Party cared more about its reputation than its own people’s suffering.”

The cable was disseminated to officials at a time when the administration is engrossed in a communications battle around how to disseminate the flow of crucial health information to the American public while at the same time deflecting criticism that the White House was unprepared for the pandemic and that President Trump is at odds with members of his coronavirus task force.

One of the results of those internal deliberations appears to be a renewed focus on underscoring China’s missteps. Two U.S. officials working on the administration’s coronavirus response said the White House is pushing federal agencies to stick closely to the national security council’s talking points, especially when senior officials take to the podium, to ensure continuity with President Trump.

“These talking points are all anyone is really talking about right now,” one official said. “Everything is about China. We’re being told to try and get this messaging out in any way possible, including press conferences and television appearances.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Over the last several weeks top administration officials, including President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have referred to the coronavirus as both the “Chinese virus” and the “Wuhan virus.” Beijing’s leaders have pushed back on the designation, claiming the terms are xenophobic and inaccurate now that the virus has spread to dozens of countries across the world. American doctors and scientists involved with the administration’s task force operations continue to call it “the coronavirus.”

“The [Chinese Communist Party] is waging a propaganda campaign to desperately try to shift responsibility for the global pandemic to the United States. This effort is futile,” one of the talking points in the cable reads. “Thanks to the… cover-up, Chinese and international experts missed a critical window to contain the outbreak within China and stop its global spread. Saving lives is more important than saving face.”

But the administration isn’t just focusing on criticizing China, it’s also painting America’s response to the global pandemic as “extraordinary humanitarianism”.

“The United States and the American people are demonstrating once again that they are the greatest humanitarians the world has ever known,” according to the cable.

Side note...do you know how humanitarian they are?

enjoy $3000 usd coronavirus tests that people cannot afford. The clown in chief, Donald Trump to get vaccines for Americans and ONLY Americans.

Trump was doing everything to secure a vaccine against the coronavirus for the US, “but for the US only”.

“The United States stands ready to provide more assistance to China, if the Chinese Communist Party would allow us to do so.”

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The cable notes that the U.S. has donated millions of dollars worth of medical supplies and provided financial assistance for countries trying to fight the coronavirus.

As of last week, about “95 percent of China’s cities and prefectures had reported zero new cases in the past 14 consecutive days as of March 19, including 16 of the 17 prefectures and cities in Hubei Province,” according to the cable, which noted that the State Department had conducted an analysis of the data.

“Cases among Chinese travelers infected in other countries accounted for virtually all the new cases reported outside Hubei since March 13,” according to the cable. “While the vast majority of these cases are Chinese nationals, the first confirmed imported case of a U.S. citizen was reported in the Shanghai consular district.”

Meanwhile, in the U.S., the number of positive coronavirus cases ticked above the 20,000 mark Saturday morning, with more than 270 deaths reported.

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Scientific advisers have reportedly told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the Chinese communist government has downplayed the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak in their country and that the real number could be “15 to 40 times” higher than what China has reported.

“Mr Johnson has been warned by scientific advisers that China’s officially declared statistics on the number of cases of coronavirus could be ‘downplayed by a factor of 15 to 40 times,’” The Daily Mail reported. “And [the British government] believes China is seeking to build its economic power during the pandemic with ‘predatory offers of help’ [to] countries around the world.'”

According to a Johns Hopkins website that tracks the coronavirus pandemic, China currently has reported approximately 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths.

A Washington Post analysis cautioned against viewing the numbers out of China as being accurate. The Washington Post reported:

An article in the journal Science estimates that 86 percent of Hubei’s cases were undocumented by the time authorities extended the lockdown to Wuhan and other cities on Jan. 23.

It is also likely that officials reported lower numbers of deaths from covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Especially once the central government’s propaganda mission to win the “people’s war” against the virus became clear, numbers shifted to achieve that vision. Such shifts would probably be subtle — not hundreds or thousands of hidden deaths, but instead excluding deaths that could be attributed to other types of pneumonia or heart failure, for instance.

Bloomberg News reported this week that thousands of urns at funeral homes in Wuhan, combined with cremation statistics, raised further questions about the accuracy of numbers that China has reported.

China also has a history of downplaying outbreaks and not reporting accurate information on the outbreaks.

On April 21, 2003, during the SARS outbreak, The New York Times reported that China admitted to under-reporting the total number of SARS cases:

In a rare public admission of failure, if not deception, the Chinese government disclosed today that cases of a dangerous new respiratory disease were many times higher than previously reported, and stripped two top officials of their power. […]

Admitting to the existence of more than 200 previously undisclosed SARS patients in military hospitals, the official, Deputy Health Minister Gao Qiang, said that as of Friday Beijing had 339 confirmed cases of SARS and an additional 402 suspected cases.

Ten days ago, Health Minister Zhang Wenkang said there were only 22 confirmed SARS cases in Beijing. Last Wednesday, the World Health Organization caused a stir here by estimating that there could be as many as 100 to 200 cases.

The Mail reported that top officials within the British government are furious that China has tried to falsely blame the United States for the outbreak.

“There is a disgusting disinformation campaign going on and it is unacceptable,” one source told The Mail. “They [the Chinese government] know they have got this badly wrong and rather than owning it they are spreading lies.”

Another government source told The Mail regarding the U.K.’s relationship with China, “It is going to be back to the diplomatic drawing board after this. Rethink is an understatement.”

“There has to be a reckoning when this is over,” another source told The Mail.

A fourth source told The Mail, “The anger goes right to the top.”

There has long been speculation that China was not being honest about the true extent of the outbreak in their country, especially since they downplayed the outbreak at the outset, and reportedly silenced doctors and journalists.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month on China’s attempts to downplay the outbreak of the coronavirus when Wei Guixian, a seafood merchant in Wuhan, became ill with the disease.

The Journal reported:

For almost three weeks, doctors struggled to connect the dots between Ms. Wei and other early cases, many of them Hua’nan vendors. Patient after patient reported similar symptoms, but many, like her, visited small, poorly resourced clinics and hospitals. Some patients balked at paying for chest scans; others, including Ms. Wei, refused to be transferred to bigger facilities that were better-equipped to identify infectious diseases.

When doctors did finally establish the Hua’nan link in late December, they quarantined Ms. Wei and others like her and raised the alarm to their superiors. But they were prevented by Chinese authorities from alerting their peers, let alone the public.

One of the first doctors to alert Chinese authorities was criticized for “spreading rumors” after sharing with a former medical-school classmate a test result showing a patient had a coronavirus. Another doctor had to write a self-criticism letter saying his warnings “had a negative impact.”

Even after Chinese President Xi Jinping personally ordered officials to control the outbreak on Jan. 7, authorities kept denying it could spread between humans—something doctors had known was happening since late December—and went ahead with a Chinese Lunar New Year banquet involving tens of thousands of families in Wuhan.

The New York Times also reported that China acted “decisively,” but not against the virus, rather they acted “against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.”

Two weeks ago, the Financial Times reported that Taiwan reportedly warned the World Health Organization about the outbreak in December, and that the organization did nothing with the warning.


What a bull$hit article full of reporting opinions:-

has downplayed- real number could be “15 to 40 times” higher

And [the British government] believes

Washington Post analysis cautioned against viewing the numbers out of China as being accurate

it is also likely that officials reported lower numbers of deaths from covid-19

Such shifts would probably be subtle

There has long been speculation that China was not being honest
A pal's pal from Milan saying the n UK numbers are way high on Italy. A lot of old folks are dying and there are always bodies in the streets. I'm just sharing the info as related to me hour ago.
Scientific advisers have reportedly told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the Chinese communist government has downplayed the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak in their country and that the real number could be “15 to 40 times” higher than what China has reported.

“Mr Johnson has been warned by scientific advisers that China’s officially declared statistics on the number of cases of coronavirus could be ‘downplayed by a factor of 15 to 40 times,’” The Daily Mail reported. “And [the British government] believes China is seeking to build its economic power during the pandemic with ‘predatory offers of help’ [to] countries around the world.'”

According to a Johns Hopkins website that tracks the coronavirus pandemic, China currently has reported approximately 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths.

A Washington Post analysis cautioned against viewing the numbers out of China as being accurate. The Washington Post reported:

An article in the journal Science estimates that 86 percent of Hubei’s cases were undocumented by the time authorities extended the lockdown to Wuhan and other cities on Jan. 23.

It is also likely that officials reported lower numbers of deaths from covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Especially once the central government’s propaganda mission to win the “people’s war” against the virus became clear, numbers shifted to achieve that vision. Such shifts would probably be subtle — not hundreds or thousands of hidden deaths, but instead excluding deaths that could be attributed to other types of pneumonia or heart failure, for instance.

Bloomberg News reported this week that thousands of urns at funeral homes in Wuhan, combined with cremation statistics, raised further questions about the accuracy of numbers that China has reported.

China also has a history of downplaying outbreaks and not reporting accurate information on the outbreaks.

On April 21, 2003, during the SARS outbreak, The New York Times reported that China admitted to under-reporting the total number of SARS cases:

In a rare public admission of failure, if not deception, the Chinese government disclosed today that cases of a dangerous new respiratory disease were many times higher than previously reported, and stripped two top officials of their power. […]

Admitting to the existence of more than 200 previously undisclosed SARS patients in military hospitals, the official, Deputy Health Minister Gao Qiang, said that as of Friday Beijing had 339 confirmed cases of SARS and an additional 402 suspected cases.

Ten days ago, Health Minister Zhang Wenkang said there were only 22 confirmed SARS cases in Beijing. Last Wednesday, the World Health Organization caused a stir here by estimating that there could be as many as 100 to 200 cases.

The Mail reported that top officials within the British government are furious that China has tried to falsely blame the United States for the outbreak.

“There is a disgusting disinformation campaign going on and it is unacceptable,” one source told The Mail. “They [the Chinese government] know they have got this badly wrong and rather than owning it they are spreading lies.”

Another government source told The Mail regarding the U.K.’s relationship with China, “It is going to be back to the diplomatic drawing board after this. Rethink is an understatement.”

“There has to be a reckoning when this is over,” another source told The Mail.

A fourth source told The Mail, “The anger goes right to the top.”

There has long been speculation that China was not being honest about the true extent of the outbreak in their country, especially since they downplayed the outbreak at the outset, and reportedly silenced doctors and journalists.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month on China’s attempts to downplay the outbreak of the coronavirus when Wei Guixian, a seafood merchant in Wuhan, became ill with the disease.

The Journal reported:

For almost three weeks, doctors struggled to connect the dots between Ms. Wei and other early cases, many of them Hua’nan vendors. Patient after patient reported similar symptoms, but many, like her, visited small, poorly resourced clinics and hospitals. Some patients balked at paying for chest scans; others, including Ms. Wei, refused to be transferred to bigger facilities that were better-equipped to identify infectious diseases.

When doctors did finally establish the Hua’nan link in late December, they quarantined Ms. Wei and others like her and raised the alarm to their superiors. But they were prevented by Chinese authorities from alerting their peers, let alone the public.

One of the first doctors to alert Chinese authorities was criticized for “spreading rumors” after sharing with a former medical-school classmate a test result showing a patient had a coronavirus. Another doctor had to write a self-criticism letter saying his warnings “had a negative impact.”

Even after Chinese President Xi Jinping personally ordered officials to control the outbreak on Jan. 7, authorities kept denying it could spread between humans—something doctors had known was happening since late December—and went ahead with a Chinese Lunar New Year banquet involving tens of thousands of families in Wuhan.

The New York Times also reported that China acted “decisively,” but not against the virus, rather they acted “against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.”

Two weeks ago, the Financial Times reported that Taiwan reportedly warned the World Health Organization about the outbreak in December, and that the organization did nothing with the warning.

Seriously F22, does it matter how many cases are there in China? 15 to 40 x, that's a huge range my friend. Lololol. So much for herd immunity huh, start by wearing a mask plz. Gosh when will you guys ever learn.

Do personally you believe these numbers? Just a simple yes or no.
Do you even believe UK numbers? They refuse to test my colleague daughter who was coughing like fck. And nobody is questioning that? Heck a week ago, they don't even have enuff test kits. Chinese numbers don't matter, it could be 80k or 1mil, what matters is locking down properly and saving the people. Your country is burning and you are trying yo count how many burning houses are there in another country? Lolol
Scientific advisers have reportedly told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the Chinese communist government has downplayed the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak in their country and that the real number could be “15 to 40 times” higher than what China has reported.

“Mr Johnson has been warned by scientific advisers that China’s officially declared statistics on the number of cases of coronavirus could be ‘downplayed by a factor of 15 to 40 times,’” The Daily Mail reported. “And [the British government] believes China is seeking to build its economic power during the pandemic with ‘predatory offers of help’ [to] countries around the world.'”

According to a Johns Hopkins website that tracks the coronavirus pandemic, China currently has reported approximately 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths.

A Washington Post analysis cautioned against viewing the numbers out of China as being accurate. The Washington Post reported:

An article in the journal Science estimates that 86 percent of Hubei’s cases were undocumented by the time authorities extended the lockdown to Wuhan and other cities on Jan. 23.

It is also likely that officials reported lower numbers of deaths from covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Especially once the central government’s propaganda mission to win the “people’s war” against the virus became clear, numbers shifted to achieve that vision. Such shifts would probably be subtle — not hundreds or thousands of hidden deaths, but instead excluding deaths that could be attributed to other types of pneumonia or heart failure, for instance.

Bloomberg News reported this week that thousands of urns at funeral homes in Wuhan, combined with cremation statistics, raised further questions about the accuracy of numbers that China has reported.

China also has a history of downplaying outbreaks and not reporting accurate information on the outbreaks.

On April 21, 2003, during the SARS outbreak, The New York Times reported that China admitted to under-reporting the total number of SARS cases:

In a rare public admission of failure, if not deception, the Chinese government disclosed today that cases of a dangerous new respiratory disease were many times higher than previously reported, and stripped two top officials of their power. […]

Admitting to the existence of more than 200 previously undisclosed SARS patients in military hospitals, the official, Deputy Health Minister Gao Qiang, said that as of Friday Beijing had 339 confirmed cases of SARS and an additional 402 suspected cases.

Ten days ago, Health Minister Zhang Wenkang said there were only 22 confirmed SARS cases in Beijing. Last Wednesday, the World Health Organization caused a stir here by estimating that there could be as many as 100 to 200 cases.

The Mail reported that top officials within the British government are furious that China has tried to falsely blame the United States for the outbreak.

“There is a disgusting disinformation campaign going on and it is unacceptable,” one source told The Mail. “They [the Chinese government] know they have got this badly wrong and rather than owning it they are spreading lies.”

Another government source told The Mail regarding the U.K.’s relationship with China, “It is going to be back to the diplomatic drawing board after this. Rethink is an understatement.”

“There has to be a reckoning when this is over,” another source told The Mail.

A fourth source told The Mail, “The anger goes right to the top.”

There has long been speculation that China was not being honest about the true extent of the outbreak in their country, especially since they downplayed the outbreak at the outset, and reportedly silenced doctors and journalists.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month on China’s attempts to downplay the outbreak of the coronavirus when Wei Guixian, a seafood merchant in Wuhan, became ill with the disease.

The Journal reported:

For almost three weeks, doctors struggled to connect the dots between Ms. Wei and other early cases, many of them Hua’nan vendors. Patient after patient reported similar symptoms, but many, like her, visited small, poorly resourced clinics and hospitals. Some patients balked at paying for chest scans; others, including Ms. Wei, refused to be transferred to bigger facilities that were better-equipped to identify infectious diseases.

When doctors did finally establish the Hua’nan link in late December, they quarantined Ms. Wei and others like her and raised the alarm to their superiors. But they were prevented by Chinese authorities from alerting their peers, let alone the public.

One of the first doctors to alert Chinese authorities was criticized for “spreading rumors” after sharing with a former medical-school classmate a test result showing a patient had a coronavirus. Another doctor had to write a self-criticism letter saying his warnings “had a negative impact.”

Even after Chinese President Xi Jinping personally ordered officials to control the outbreak on Jan. 7, authorities kept denying it could spread between humans—something doctors had known was happening since late December—and went ahead with a Chinese Lunar New Year banquet involving tens of thousands of families in Wuhan.

The New York Times also reported that China acted “decisively,” but not against the virus, rather they acted “against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.”

Two weeks ago, the Financial Times reported that Taiwan reportedly warned the World Health Organization about the outbreak in December, and that the organization did nothing with the warning.


For God sake dude, why do you keep posting such rubbish??? Even with the data from Italy which has the highest rate of infection and death, which is 1 in 1000 rate, this news is pure gutter. So stop posting this non sense and fear mongering on this forum. Listen to White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx. She is highly qualified expert and served as the Director of CDC's Division of Global HIV/AIDS (DGHA).

Seriously F22, does it matter how many cases are there in China? 15 to 40 x, that's a huge range my friend. Lololol. So much for herd immunity huh, start by wearing a mask plz. Gosh when will you guys ever learn.

Do you even believe UK numbers? They refuse to test my colleague daughter who was coughing like fck. And nobody is questioning that? Heck a week ago, they don't even have enuff test kits. Chinese numbers don't matter, it could be 80k or 1mil, what matters is locking down properly and saving the people. Your country is burning and you are trying yo count how many burning houses are there in another country? Lolol

I just want them to commit to a single number at this point lol.

so they can stick to a self consistent narrative that makes sense instead of making up numbers?

if UK has 1M infected, will they still say "China is higher"?

any scientific assertation must be falsifable. So are they talking science, or are they talking ideology? if they're talking science, can they offer a falsifiable number?
so they can stick to a self consistent narrative that makes sense instead of making up numbers?

if UK has 1M infected, will they still say "China is higher"?
I don't know.
Maybe they will.
But virus kill rate in China seem a bit low in China as compared to Euro countries.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if regional CCP leaders are reporting lower numbers to CCP HQ.
I don't know.
Maybe they will.
But virus kill rate in China seem a bit low in China as compared to Euro countries.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if regional CCP leaders are reporting lower numbers to CCP HQ.
Have you seen our hospitals? Do you know why we build 10k bed dedicated hospitals using the modular method? Go youtube check the insidws of these facilities, it's all remote monitoring via 5g,food delivery is via a box in the wall with sanitizers. Your biggest mistake was to house the infected in hospital ICUs. And fcking wear a mask plz. Gosh....

The Italians are using tents now. I use to think the US and the West would be doing things like those biohazard movies, turns out its like Afghanistan response. Fcking tents are made in China too... Lol
I don't know.
Maybe they will.
But virus kill rate in China seem a bit low in China as compared to Euro countries.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if regional CCP leaders are reporting lower numbers to CCP HQ.

Case rate fatality (CFR) in Italy is higher because their hospitals are overwhelmed. 19% of coronavirus patients must be hospitalized or they die. The virus is widespread across a large region, thus medical supplies can't be concentrated to a single place.

China's CFR is moderately high (4%?) because there was an unknown period, but quickly stabilized because hospitals were newly built and medical teams flown in. The virus was contained due to aggressive quarantine to mostly a single city/region.

Look at Germany, Japan and South Korea. Much lower CFR (~1%) because they have sufficient ICU beds to treat all hospitalized patients.
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