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British Navy running short of Tomahawk missiles

But Obama doesn't want this to be seen as an American led campaign, even though it is.

Nope try again you can go for two out of three, here is a hint.

There have been whispers that the United States was largely left out of the debate over what to do about Libya and wasn’t even consulted by either Sarkozy or David Cameron of the UK and that the decision to intervene in Libya and to use military force was made by Sarkozy and Cameron without consultation with Obama or Hillary Clinton.

As French jets were hitting targets inside Libya, Hillary Clinton made a hurried appearance before the press in Paris and said that “the situation in Libya is fluid and fast moving and that to say the least is an understatement”, causing one CNN correspondent to note that “even Hillary Clinton seemed stunned by how fast the French acted” giving every indication that France, the UK and other nations were not going to wait for the rest of Obama’s hair to turn gray before making a decision and decided to act on their own.
Nope try again you can go for two out of three, here is a hint.

You can read it as 'politically leading the drive on Libya' or you can read it as 'militarily leading'. In latter case he is absolutely correct that this campaign is being lead by the US.

Carter Ham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States Africa Command - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and since he referred specifically to the Libya campaign I am inclined to believe he is talking about the military effort.
I know, LOL - I wasn't being serious either :)

Ah yes, I understand now. Biscuits have a different meaning in America - more like bread (hence that's why it goes with soup).

Ok good, I need to remember that you limey's have senses of humor. :P

I think we also have different terms for the English muffin. I think you might call it a scone or crumpet right?


What if they have night shifts?

Email them boring wikipedia articles before hand. You try reading the history of the chair and stay focused.

except I don't know why mr meat transformer said soup, biscuit are eaten with fried chicken or smothered in white gravy. (Yeah American diet not too great for you)

Only in the south and KFC. I live in the Boston area, and we're big on soup, and a nice thick buttermilk biscuit nicely offsets a good beef stew or chicken noodle soup...or clam chowder I guess, but I'm not big on seafood myself.

...I should make this ontopic shouldn't I? :P

It's been a day or two, how many giant axe missiles are they down now? :P
Ok good, I need to remember that you limey's have senses of humor. :P

I think we also have different terms for the English muffin. I think you might call it a scone or crumpet right?

Email them boring wikipedia articles before hand. You try reading the history of the chair and stay focused.

Carefull asking the poms for a bit of crumpet your not going to get some thing to put in your soup ;)

Sorry to be back on topic but i was wondering, reports say all the missiles launched were Tomahawk missiles. reporters just using generic terms or cheeper to use Tomahawks than AGM-158?
Gaddafi have been taunting Europeans for a while. He has more influence in Africa then any other African nation. Sarkozy and Cameron were salivating for a moment like this. I wonder how long little Sarkozy can keep it up,
Carefull asking the poms for a bit of crumpet your not going to get some thing to put in your soup ;)


Suddenly I'm too distracted to think about food.

what a stupid article.

ran out of missiles? make more.



Try explaining the English concept of a pudding to him, and his head will probably explode.

No, try explaining to me the mindset of the guy who decided to name a dessert "spotted dick."

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