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British empire killed 165 million Indians in 40 years: How colonialism inspired fascism

British empire killed 165 million Indians in 40 years:

How colonialism inspired fascism

A scholarly study found that British colonialism caused approximately 165 million deaths in India from 1880 to 1920, while stealing trillions of dollars of wealth. The global capitalist system was founded on European imperial genocides, which inspired Adolf Hitler and led to fascism.


Ben Norton
British empire India 100 million deaths Churchill

British colonialism caused at least 100 million deaths in India in roughly 40 years, according to an academic study.
And during nearly 200 years of colonialism, the British empire stole at least $45 trillion in wealth from India, a prominent economist has calculated.
The genocidal crimes committed by European empires outside of their borders inspired Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, leading to the rise of fascist regimes that carried out similar genocidal crimes within their borders.

Economic anthropologist Jason Hickel and his co-author Dylan Sullivan published an article in the respected academic journal World Development titled “Capitalism and extreme poverty: A global analysis of real wages, human height, and mortality since the long 16th century.”
In the report, the scholars estimated that India suffered 165 million excess deaths due to British colonialism between 1880 and 1920.
“This figure is larger than the combined number of deaths from both World Wars, including the Nazi holocaust,” they noted.
They added, “Indian life expectancy did not reach the level of early modern England (35.8 years) until 1950, after decolonization.”
India 165 million deaths British colonialism

Hickel and Sullivan summarized their research in an article in Al Jazeera, titled “How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years.”
They explained:
According to research by the economic historian Robert C Allen, extreme poverty in India increased under British rule, from 23 percent in 1810 to more than 50 percent in the mid-20th century. Real wages declined during the British colonial period, reaching a nadir in the 19th century, while famines became more frequent and more deadly. Far from benefitting the Indian people, colonialism was a human tragedy with few parallels in recorded history.
Experts agree that the period from 1880 to 1920 – the height of Britain’s imperial power – was particularly devastating for India. Comprehensive population censuses carried out by the colonial regime beginning in the 1880s reveal that the death rate increased considerably during this period, from 37.2 deaths per 1,000 people in the 1880s to 44.2 in the 1910s. Life expectancy declined from 26.7 years to 21.9 years.
In a recent paper in the journal World Development, we used census data to estimate the number of people killed by British imperial policies during these four brutal decades. Robust data on mortality rates in India only exists from the 1880s. If we use this as the baseline for “normal” mortality, we find that some 50 million excess deaths occurred under the aegis of British colonialism during the period from 1891 to 1920.
Fifty million deaths is a staggering figure, and yet this is a conservative estimate. Data on real wages indicates that by 1880, living standards in colonial India had already declined dramatically from their previous levels. Allen and other scholars argue that prior to colonialism, Indian living standards may have been “on a par with the developing parts of Western Europe.” We do not know for sure what India’s pre-colonial mortality rate was, but if we assume it was similar to that of England in the 16th and 17th centuries (27.18 deaths per 1,000 people), we find that 165 million excess deaths occurred in India during the period from 1881 to 1920.
While the precise number of deaths is sensitive to the assumptions we make about baseline mortality, it is clear that somewhere in the vicinity of 100 million people died prematurely at the height of British colonialism. This is among the largest policy-induced mortality crises in human history. It is larger than the combined number of deaths that occurred during all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, North Korea, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, and Mengistu’s Ethiopia.

This staggering figure does not include the tens of millions more Indians who died in human-made famines that were caused by the British empire.
In the notorious Bengal famine in 1943, an estimated 3 million Indians starved to death, while the British government exported food and banned grain imports.
Academic studies by scientists found that the 1943 Bengal famine was not a result of natural causes; it was the product of the policies of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Churchill himself was a notorious racist who stated, “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.”
In the early 1930s, Churchill also admired Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and the Italian dictator who founded fascism, Benito Mussolini.
Churchill’s own scholarly supporters admitted that he “expressed admiration for Mussolini” and, “if forced to choose between Italian fascism and Italian communism, Churchill unhesitatingly would choose the former.”

Indian politician Shashi Tharoor, who served as an under-secretary general of the United Nations, has exhaustively documented the crimes of the British empire, particularly under Churchill.
Churchill has as much blood on his hands as Hitler does,” Tharoor stressed. He pointed to “the decisions that he [Churchill] personally signed off during the Bengal famine, when 4.3 million people died because of the decisions he took or endorsed.”
Award-winning Indian economist Utsa Patnaik has estimated that the British empire drained $45 trillion of wealth from the Indian subcontinent.

In a 2018 interview with the Indian news website Mint, she explained:
Between 1765 and 1938, the drain amounted to £9.2 trillion (equal to $45 trillion), taking India’s export surplus earnings as the measure, and compounding it at a 5% rate of interest. Indians were never credited with their own gold and forex earnings. Instead, the local producers here were ‘paid’ the rupee equivalent out of the budget—something you’d never find in any independent country. The ‘drain’ varied between 26-36% of the central government budget. It would obviously have made an enormous difference if India’s huge international earnings had been retained within the country. India would have been far more developed, with much better health and social welfare indicators. There was virtually no increase in per capita income between 1900 and 1946, even though India registered the second largest export surplus earnings in the world for three decades before 1929.
Since all the earnings were taken by Britain, such stagnation is not surprising. Ordinary people died like flies owing to under-nutrition and disease. It is shocking that Indian expectation of life at birth was just 22 years in 1911. The most telling index, however, is food grain availability. Because the purchasing power of ordinary Indians was being squeezed by high taxes, the per capita annual consumption of food grains went down from 200kg in 1900 to 157kg on the eve of World War II, and further plummeted to 137kg by 1946. No country in the world today, not even the least developed, is anywhere near the position India was in 1946.
Patnaik emphasized:
The modern capitalist world would not exist without colonialism and the drain. During Britain’s industrial transition, 1780 to 1820, the drain from Asia and the West Indies combined was about 6 percent of Britain’s GDP, nearly the same as its own savings rate. After the mid-19th century, Britain was running current account deficits with Continental Europe and North America, and at the same time, it was investing massively in these regions, which meant running capital account deficits too. The two deficits summed to large and rising balance of payments (BoP) deficits with these regions.
How was it possible for Britain to export so much capital—which went into building railways, roads and factories in the U.S. and continental Europe? Its BoP deficits with these regions were being settled by appropriating the financial gold and forex earned by the colonies, especially India. Every unusual expense like war was also put on the Indian budget, and whatever India was not able to meet through its annual exchange earnings was shown as its indebtedness, on which interest accumulated.
In this article:Britain, capitalism, colonialism, famine, fascism, genocide, India, Shashi Tharoor, UK, United Kingdom, Utsa Patnaik, Winston Churchill
Israelis are the same cancers that had affected Indian sub-continent and murdered Indians by 4+ million per year.
The Jews lived in our country for centuries. Not one of them was harmed. Ever. The only place in the world where Jews lived in perfect safety, until November 26, 2008, when several unarmed Jews, people of religion, were murdered by terrorists from outside the country.

Don't talk nonsense about Indians being killed by Israelis, and display your ignorance and bigotry.

Holocaust on the other hand was introduced to colonize Palestine. We taught Palestinians how to fight back.
You clearly do not even know what the Holocaust was.

Whenever i post something about Holocaust the turd comes and leaves an angry emoji under the comment. @Joe Shearer i am talking about you hypocrite.
If I was a hypocrite, I would be saccharine sweet, not angry.

I am angry with your lies and nonsense, and I show that I am angry.

No you don't, hypocrite!
So if you don't know what happened, and what is fact, you are either uneducated, or you are educated and stupid.

It’s sickening to see some Hindus and few “Pakistanis” here claim the Brits added more value and that the Muslims were more barbaric in their rule. I see these moronic posts from Indian Hindus that sanitize British rule to make the Muslims look worse.

@Sayfullah you know exactly who comes to mind right!
Well many still think white is right. When they see a gora they bend over
That you recoginze the Zionist cancer, just goes to show your inferiority complex as an Indian sub human (from fascists' point of view currently occupying Palestine)
We recognise the right of Israel to exist. How that shows our inferiority complex is known only to your less than developed intellect.

As an Indian, you have no right to talk about human rights, as the rape capital and as the oppressor of kashmiris.
I have every right to talk about human rights, and our incidence of rape is among the lowest in the world. Since those who are ignorant do not know that, you are to be forgiven for your ignorance, and condemned for your failure to correct that ignorance.

Hey piece of shit, first of all you are a cow urine drinking already drown in cow dung. Whatever Iran has done so far is its own internal matter. And believe me, no one gives a shit about the mindset of an Indian urine drinker.
Your internal matters are shown to the whole world, and you are seen for the beasts on two legs that you are.

It looks like an Indian rapist has raped your mother and you turd has popped out of her rear.
Perhaps that is how you think children are born, but other children, outside your family, are born differently. Ask your holy men.

It’s sickening to see some Hindus and few “Pakistanis” here claim the Brits added more value and that the Muslims were more barbaric in their rule. I see these moronic posts from Indian Hindus that sanitize British rule to make the Muslims look worse.

@Sayfullah you know exactly who comes to mind right!
Don't make vague accusations.

Name those Indians and show us their posts.
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You know I was referring exactly to you in my previous post. If they hold themselves accountable, they would come clean and return all the stolen wealth. provide evidence? all the evidence is being provided by the non Anglos. Brits stealthily went dark about their genocide in Bangladesh and Tibet. Most dishonest people on the planet.
Again you’re comparing the Muslims to the British when Muslim rulers didn’t siphon off trillions to Central Asia, Iran, Arabia unlike your heroes.

What’s your deal dude? Are you an Anglo or a Pakistani Christian with special interest to back the British no matter what.

Like British imperialism eliminated local wealth, in the same way, Islamic invaders changed the local culture and impacted the native religion and way of living of the people. But there is one positive aspect amongst Islamic rulers ( In particular Akbar), they have positive contributions to India too..

So the impact and perception of the people of India and Pakistan about the invaders to our continent would be different.
nope this how it realy works, rothschild jew > goyim slave is anglo saxon nation > slave third world countries. pakistan is unique slave which it is to become slave out of it own free will.
We recognise the right of Israel to exist. How that shows our inferiority complex is known only to your less than developed intellect.
You are an Indian sub-human from their point of view. Jews or Zionists, they are a tool in the hand of the same old colonizers. Yesterday led by UK, today led by USA.
I have every right to talk about human rights, and our incidence of rape is among the lowest in the world. Since those who are ignorant do not know that, you are to be forgiven for your ignorance, and condemned for your failure to correct that ignorance.
Nothing has changed, you belong to the rape capital of planet earth called India.

Your internal matters are shown to the whole world, and you are seen for the beasts on two legs that you are.
No one in Iran gives a shit about what an Indian filled with inferiority complex says or thinks about Iranian internal matters.

Perhaps that is how you think children are born, but other children, outside your family, are born differently. Ask your holy men.
Maybe it was different in your case senile!.
You are an Indian sub-human from their point of view. Jews or Zionists, they are a tool in the hand of the same old colonizers. Yesterday led by UK, today led by USA.

Why does that bother you?

Why don't you clean up your own sick society instead?

Nothing has changed, you belong to the rape capital of planet earth called India.
Yes, nothing has changed, your ignorance is immutable; it will remain, whatever is done.

No one in Iran gives a shit about what an Indian filled with inferiority complex says or thinks about Iranian internal matters.
If that is so, why are you responding?

Maybe it was different in your case senile!.
Isn't it sad that you will never know?
Our blood also boils when we see our brothers and sisters in Palestine being murdered, terrorized and displaced by the same colonialists, terrorists, fascists and Zionists in Israel, you Indian hypocrite.

They say we have every right to do them all with Palestinians because of Holocaust. I ask, why don't they occupy a part of Germany for compensation?

Talk about your hypocrisy, if you hypocrite gave a damn about those people murdered by British colonizers, then you would have also sympathized with innocent Palestinians being displaced for a lame lie of Holocaust.

it seems like, you are obsessed or decided to rebuke everyone whoever are Non-Muslim nations that are not aligning with our core interest.

@Muhammed45 knows that unlike against Iraq, Libyan Jamahiriya, Syria, Venezuela etc the US government and rest of NATO will not wage a regime change war against Iran. The mullah government of Iran is just what NATO desires. When Mohammad Mossadegh began Socialistic steps NATO did regime change against him in 1953. Khomenei, Khamenei and whatever similar nonsense comes after them, need not fear regime change.

Basically, Iran and their Govt is an excuse for US to continue to operate in the middle east. Otherwise, I even wonder why the US has not waged war with Iran even when the US fought several wars in surrounding areas.
Like British imperialism eliminated local wealth, in the same way, Islamic invaders changed the local culture and impacted the native religion and way of living of the people. But there is one positive aspect amongst Islamic rulers ( In particular Akbar), they have positive contributions to India too..

So the impact and perception of the people of India and Pakistan about the invaders to our continent would be different.

What was the local culture? As far as I’ve studied, South Asia has multiple cultures and kingdoms for majority of its history. Some of the more hardcore Indians claim all of it was one culture and entity, which obviously is a lie. Why would someone in Bihar care about the culture in let’s say Punjab or Sindh? They’re not remotely the same people or culture.

Even with the pagans (I won’t refer to them as Hindu as that’s a blanket statement to cover such a vast region and diverse groups of people), each had their own sub culture.
What was the local culture? As far as I’ve studied, South Asia has multiple cultures and kingdoms for majority of its history. Some of the more hardcore Indians claim all of it was one culture and entity, which obviously is a lie. Why would someone in Bihar care about the culture in let’s say Punjab or Sindh? They’re not remotely the same people or culture.

Even with the pagans (I won’t refer to them as Hindu as that’s a blanket statement to cover such a vast region and diverse groups of people), each had their own sub culture.

The local culture and way of living were definitely neither Islam nor Christianity. It is not a matter how good or bad was the culture prior to the Islamic invasion rather than the intent to rule the people through conversion.
For a moment, think, if the same situation would have happened in Pakistan in current circumstances. Would you ever like it?

I understand we can not change our history and also, it is worthless to fight over history. But that does not mean, we discount history and the atrocities committed by the rulers to justify the supremacy of the ruler's religion.
Somebody (Joe Sharer) wrote Forgive, Never Forget. Full marks, that is the sanest reaction to this.

But the forget part is not just for the Indians and other colonised people. The colonialists and their descendants must also not forget. Must not be allowed to forget.
Hey piece of shit, first of all you are a cow urine drinking already drown in cow dung. Whatever Iran has done so far is its own internal matter. And believe me, no one gives a shit about the mindset of an Indian urine drinker.

So what Israel does in Palestine is Israel's own matter. The mullahs of Iran should stay out, and should also give citizenship to the mullahs in Gaza called Hamas and P"I"J and take them away from Palestine forever as they have been nothing but a pestilence for Palestinians. It was Israel government which created Hamas and it was the mullah government of Iran which helped Israel government to target the Iraqi nuclear reactor and it was the Israel government which gave weaponry to Iran military during the Iran-Iraq war. Here :

So stop doing the drama of burning the Israeli flag and instead be thankful to your benefactor - Israel.

Secondly, how do you know for sure that @Joe Shearer drinks urine ? I am sure I can come up with descriptions for mullah lovers. Should I include you in them ? :)

Basically, Iran and their Govt is an excuse for US to continue to operate in the middle east. Otherwise, I even wonder why the US has not waged war with Iran even when the US fought several wars in surrounding areas.

Superb point ! I will include your text in my future explanations about Iran.


1. The so-called scientists of so-called Islamic Republic of Iran have not been assassinated with the same regularlity and numbers as it used to be decades ago with Egypt and Iraq.

2. The regime-change operations whether against Libya or elsewhere began with NATO making excuse of "They are killing civiilians including women and children". Now in Iran, hundreds of Irani civilians have been killed and thousands jailed and tortured by the government in Iran just since September last year yet there is no squeak from NATO and from EU talking about "Grave humans rights violations". There is no express proposal in the UN Security Council calling upon nations to help the Irani people by removing the mullah government.
. .
Are you bandying words with that low-life? Don't.
Is that all you could do joe the Indian turd? Ohahah, to mate with a commie?
So what Israel does in Palestine is Israel's own matter. The mullahs of Iran should stay out, and should also give citizenship to the mullahs in Gaza called Hamas and P"I"J and take them away from Palestine forever as they have been nothing but a pestilence for Palestinians. It was Israel government which created Hamas and it was the mullah government of Iran which helped Israel government to target the Iraqi nuclear reactor and it was the Israel government which gave weaponry to Iran military during the Iran-Iraq war. Here :
View attachment 931703

So stop doing the drama of burning the Israeli flag and instead be thankful to your benefactor - Israel.

Secondly, how do you know for sure that @Joe Shearer drinks urine ? I am sure I can come up with descriptions for mullah lovers. Should I include you in them ? :)

Superb point ! I will include your text in my future explanations about Iran.


1. The so-called scientists of so-called Islamic Republic of Iran have not been assassinated with the same regularlity and numbers as it used to be decades ago with Egypt and Iraq.

2. The regime-change operations whether against Libya or elsewhere began with NATO making excuse of "They are killing civiilians including women and children". Now in Iran, hundreds of Irani civilians have been killed and thousands jailed and tortured by the government in Iran just since September last year yet there is no squeak from NATO and from EU talking about "Grave humans rights violations". There is no express proposal in the UN Security Council calling upon nations to help the Irani people by removing the mullah government.
You are an other Indian, what can i say? Especially considering the fact that you are a Lenin worshipping commie. India is the joke of planet earth.
. .

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