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British Bangladeshi family feared to be in Syria

How many of you guys speak Bangla ? ..and read/write ?

@bongbang @Bangla25 @PathanBangladeshi @Saiful Islam

Anybody else, whom I missed to tag ?

How pathetic, why use PDF so long and cant understand who is whom :suicide: PathanBangladeshi is a false flagger same Bhumihar Bihari.
Bangla25 and Saiful Islam are not Bangladeshi. They are Bangladeshi sylheti origin. Both are sympathetic to IS. You put them with me in same line? :hitwall:

Apart from them most of the BD active members know Bangla. Only some Sylhetis who were born outside dont know.

Abu Rahin was a popular member of Anjem Choudary's clique. In fact, most of Anjem Choudary's squad are mostly of Bangladeshi origin. His death is a shame but at the end of they his lunacy got him there.

These Pakistanis wont leave Bangladeshis ever or not? We kicked them out of our country now they are eating innocent Bengali minds in UK.
How pathetic, why use PDF so long and cant understand who is whom :suicide: PathanBangladeshi is a false flagger same Bhumihar Bihari.
Bangla25 and Saiful Islam are not Bangladeshi. They are Bangladeshi sylheti origin. Both are sympathetic to IS. You put them with me in same line? :hitwall:

Apart from them most of the BD active members know Bangla. Only some Sylhetis who were born outside dont know.

These Pakistanis wont leave Bangladeshis ever or not? We kicked them out of our country now they are eating innocent Bengali minds in UK.

Regardless I'm still a Bengali by blood. No I'm not sympathetic to IS. Most Pakistanis are of the Barelvi/Naqshbandi order in the UK so they are strictly against ISIS, so don't be quick to point fingers.

I speak the Sylheti dialect, I don't feel obliged to learn Shuddho Bhasha.
Most Pakistanis are of the Barelvi/Naqshbandi order in the UK so they are strictly against ISIS, so don't be quick to point fingers.

I mean idiot Anjem Choudary who is eating innocent minds.

I speak the Sylheti dialect, I don't feel obliged to learn Shuddho Bhasha.

Sylhety dialect is different. Sylhetis should have adopted Assamese from the start.
How pathetic, why use PDF so long and cant understand who is whom :suicide: PathanBangladeshi is a false flagger same Bhumihar Bihari.
Bangla25 and Saiful Islam are not Bangladeshi. They are Bangladeshi sylheti origin. Both are sympathetic to IS. You put them with me in same line? :hitwall:

Apart from them most of the BD active members know Bangla. Only some Sylhetis who were born outside dont know.

These Pakistanis wont leave Bangladeshis ever or not? We kicked them out of our country now they are eating innocent Bengali minds in UK.
Whats the difference between a sylheti and bengali?? Is it like assamese?
I mean idiot Anjem Choudary who is eating innocent minds.

Sylhety dialect is different. Sylhetis should have adopted Assamese from the start.

I know what you meant.

Whats the difference between a sylheti and bengali?? Is it like assamese?

There is no difference, it is another area in BD.
So this means ISIS will have more janitors and toilet cleaners for FREE yay.
Looking at most Muslims who emigrated to west consider themself Bangladeshi/pakistani/etc first then British/American/canadian/etc later and hate western culture while enjoying standards of their country. They create baseless conspiracy theories against their own country. Its not surprising at all. Just around 3 million muslim lives in uk and around 1000 left for joining isis, I am pretty sure that there are thousands of isis supporters living in uk who can't leave for various reasons.
I mean idiot Anjem Choudary who is eating innocent minds.

Sylhety dialect is different. Sylhetis should have adopted Assamese from the start.

So Chittagong should join Arakan as both speak the eastern dialect? Bangladesh encompasses various dialects, please re-evaluate what you are saying. Have you ever been to Sylhet?
So Chittagong should join Arakan as both speak the eastern dialect? Bangladesh encompasses various dialects, please re-evaluate what you are saying. Have you ever been to Sylhet?

I dont say that. I say people could adopt their respective languages but still be part of BD. Like Indian or Pakistani federation. Yes I went to Sylhet and Sylhetis know Bangla. But I dont understand well Sylheti or Noakhailla or Chatgaia.
How pathetic, why use PDF so long and cant understand who is whom :suicide: PathanBangladeshi is a false flagger same Bhumihar Bihari.
Bangla25 and Saiful Islam are not Bangladeshi. They are Bangladeshi sylheti origin. Both are sympathetic to IS. You put them with me in same line? :hitwall:

Apart from them most of the BD active members know Bangla. Only some Sylhetis who were born outside dont know.

I understand your grievance. But, no need to take such hawkish approach buddy. We are just talking..
I think Western Government should encourage more people to travel to Syria to join ISIS. They can do a complete house cleaning of any undesirables Muslims who give the remainder muslims a bad name.

The Western World can be rid of these terrorists that live within its midst and Muslim community can also be rid of these undesirables which give the broader muslim community a bad name.

A win win situation. Of course, they need to be tracked by satellites and then relayed their information to drones so they can be droned while in Syria or Iraq.
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