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British Army Chief Says LAND is STILL the DOMINANT Battle.What do you think?


Aug 11, 2019
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British Army chief believes UK troops must be prepared to fight Russia​

Gen Sir Patrick Sanders sees situation as comparable to build-up to Second World War​

Britain's armed forces must be prepared to "fight and win" to prevent the spread of war in Europe, the new head of the British Army is warning.

In a speech on Tuesday, Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, the Chief of the General Staff, will say he had never seen such a clear threat to peace and democracy as the "brutal aggression" of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Gen Sanders will liken the current situation to the run up to the Second World War, saying Britain must be prepared to "act rapidly" to ensure it is not drawn into a full-scale conflict through its failure to contain Russian expansionism.

His latest warning, in an address to a conference organised by the Royal United Services Institute think tank, comes after he wrote to all of the troops under his command, telling them they must prepare "to fight in Europe once again".

Nato forces to be boosted to 300,000 from 40,000 at Madrid summit
Speaking at the same event, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace is expected to issue a new call for increased defence spending in the years ahead to counter the growing threat.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is preparing to join other leaders in Madrid for a Nato summit at which they are expected to agree to the biggest overhaul of Nato since the end of the Cold War.

In his first public engagement since taking up his post, Gen Sanders will say his focus is on preventing the spread of war in Europe by having the army "ready to fight and win alongside our Nato allies and partners".

"In all my years in uniform, I haven't known such a clear threat to the principles of sovereignty and democracy, and the freedom to live without fear of violence, as the brutal aggression of President Putin and his expansionist ambitions," he is expected to say.

"This is our 1937 moment. We are not at war, but must act rapidly so that we aren't drawn into one through a failure to contain territorial expansion.

"I will do everything in my power to ensure that the British Army plays its part in averting war."

Traditional warfare not anachronistic

Despite the recent emphasis on new capabilities, such as drones and cyber warfare, he will say that land forces will remain crucial in any conflict.

"You can't cyber your way across a river."

In a reference to the start of the First World War, Gen Sanders will say that "this is not the rush to war at the speed of the railway timetables of 1914".

Instead he will say deterring Russia means "more of the army ready more of the time", from "the general in [Ministry of Defence] main building to the young lance corporal in the barrack room; from the reservist on a weekend exercise to the civil servant in army headquarters".

Mr Wallace will repeat his call for increased investment in defence to meet the changing international environment.

In March, he wrote to UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak before his spring statement, warning UK defence spending was set to drop below the Nato minimum of 2 per cent of GDP by the middle of the decade unless the Treasury committed more resources.

"The defence secretary is expected to emphasise that now that the threat has changed, governments must be prepared to invest to keep us safe," a PA defence source said.

Best course of action for the UK would be to let the Europoodles fight their own wars and UK should just build more nukes and change the GPS locations to Moskow. Ukraine is not in NATO or EU and are the fledging communists turned into racist Euro capitalists. Having seen the pounding the Ukrainian army is getting I very much doubt if the British soldiers will have the heart to fight a war which is nothing to do with them but they will grudgingly obey orders. At the height of the tensions with the Soviet union the analysis was that the expected time of a soldier on the battle field before he became a fatality was one minute. That is how much fire power the soviets and NATO had on the frontline. I would guess the fatality time probably has dropped to 1/2 a minute because of the immense technological fire power now available. The general is paid to talk tough but he must remember the general public have suffered through COVID tough times and are living in a bleak economy. We don't want wars or be party to wars that have no relevance to UK other than grandiose fantastical world orders. It's not 1937 and there is no threat to Europe, whatever threat there is is to the pockets of the militaristic arms manufacturers who will conjure an enemy to suck huge sums from the tax payers.
Means they’re preparing and fully going for the war. It’s the only thing left now in the recession. Kill more and more and ofcoursr destroy the land(food agriculture) to create famine/hunger.
Again its all agenda for their new world orders……covid virus was the start, I’m glad russia destroyef those biochemical labs in ukraine where they were creating these bio weapons.
If they can create bio weapon in Ukraine, they can create anywhere in the world...

Means they’re preparing and fully going for the war. It’s the only thing left now in the recession. Kill more and more and ofcoursr destroy the land(food agriculture) to create famine/hunger.
Again its all agenda for their new world orders……covid virus was the start, I’m glad russia destroyef those biochemical labs in ukraine where they were creating these bio weapons.
Fight Russia? What planet is this man on? It would turn nuclear within a week and we are all stuffed. War is never the answer, try talking for a change. Barbarians, the lot of them
Fight Russia? What planet is this man on? It would turn nuclear within a week and we are all stuffed. War is never the answer, try talking for a change. Barbarians, the lot of them
You really thought they are nice people? They looted the world for resources….look at the number of the “commonwealth” countries that were ruled over by this tiny fucking islanders……royal turds

UK holds a massive amount of corrupt looters from poor countries as well as the money itself. I’m glad Russia has stepped up and not take their bs. At least someone took initiative to do something. UK will sink europe and its own people once they directly engage with Russian military……panga na letay, ab leliya to pitai k liyay tayyar raho, tumhari tui saik deni ha putin ne!!

If they can create bio weapon in Ukraine, they can create anywhere in the world...
The less the better…..destroy them everywhere. I’m glad Russia did it. Muslims to dallar dallar ker rahay hain
Wars are won when Ground Troop march on ground

You can't win wars with Missiles and Rockets (Unless it is Tactical Nukes)
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