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Britain would fight another war with Argentina to keep the Falkland Islands

This time Argentina is not going to lose the Falklands war as the Latin America supports Argentina and earlier this year the people in Falklands island were struggling with their needs as Mercosur refused to allow Falklands ships in their ports. So what is that UK is going to do for refueling facilities for their navy on their way from UK if the Latin American countries refuse to host the UK ships? nothing much.
Just like you should let the Valley of Kashmir go? or may be Tiripura?

Lets not bring offtopic.

@arp2041 not supporting Colonialism but the thing is Falkland people speaks English. And it doesn't matter if it is too far from Great Britain, one can say that Andaman is more closer to Myanmar than to india.
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With Trident ICBM, Nuke subs, F-35, EF, Typhoon, QE class ACC etc. Argentina is no where near.

But how are they going to send supplies and fuel if the Latin America deny UK ships checking into their ports? They might have fancy toys but any economic blockade against Falklands will be hard to beat.
Are these two 12k+ kms apart from India?? Pls do not Troll, i have given a reasonable argument, if u don't have a reasonable reply than no need to post.

There is no troll. The people of the valley of Kashmir care two hoots about India but the the people of Falklands love UK! Kid read about Falkland and then tell your Govt. to hold a vote in Valley of Kashmir. Incase you donot know, we have agreed that Falklanders will hold a vote to decide their future.
When once upon a time colonies like India become bigger and better power than you, you (Read-britain) supposed to develop identity crisis and complex :azn:
PAK is ours ? Dude, learn some history.
BTW your govt. come begging to LN Mittal for London Olympics building. Look at number of millionaires and billionaires from India in your country. Your newspaper cried like Babies when we gave the MMRCA to France.

You still owes India hundreds of billions of dollars which you looted. :lol:

BTW Indian companies provides job to thousands of people in UK itself. :D

Owe billion dollars we looted are you on grass? There was nothing called India when we occupied it but we were UK when we occupied you.

Well i am happy you provide us jobs but you do not do it out of charity but because we are better than your country men otherwise why would you?

PAK and Aksai Chin is what you lost when you were invaded while Falkland remains ours. Go suck on that.

When once upon a time colonies like India become bigger and better power than you, you (Read-britain) supposed to develop identity crisis and complex :azn:

Yet 1000's of Indian's sell their family to come to UK illegally for a better dream and not the otherway around. Proves Justice katju's point.
Owe billion dollars we looted are you on grass? There was nothing called India when we occupied it but we were UK when we occupied you.

Well i am happy you provide us jobs but you do not do it out of charity but because we are better than your country men otherwise why would you?

PAK and Aksai Chin is what you lost when you were invaded while Falkland remains ours. Go suck on that.

Yet 1000's of Indian's sell their family to come to UK illegally for a better dream and not the otherway around. Proves Justice katju's point.

Shall I give you links that how much Indian companies are giving employments to brits. ?
Lets not bring offtopic.

Why are u being so stuck up and pontificating yet using parts of my reply? you have equal problems in Balochistan and KP.

The point made by me was if we go by the will of the people Falkland wants to be a part of UK and the Valley of Kashmir wants to be independant of Pakistan and India. Ask Yasin Malik

Shall I give you links that how much Indian companies are giving employments to brits. ?

sure feel free and also add the figures of how many Indians sell their family jewels to come and work illegally in the UK compared to vice a versa.
Lets not bring offtopic.

Why are u being so stuck up and pontificating yet using parts of my reply? you have equal problems in Balochistan and KP.

The point made by me was if we go by the will of the people Falkland wants to be a part of UK and the Valley of Kashmir wants to be independant of Pakistan and India. Ask Yasin Malik

sure feel free and also add the figures of how many Indians sell their family jewels to come and work illegally in the UK compared to vice a versa.

Nah. Dont be so frightened. if they are doing good and occupying economical space we are happy.
Is this racist supremacist showing his emotional breakdown over a opinion. Your supermacist emotions are overlapping the Indian emotions which were so far on Indian side as claimed by some justice katju. Is your unemployment running out or what.?
Owe billion dollars we looted are you on grass? There was nothing called India when we occupied it but we were UK when we occupied you.
Well i am happy you provide us jobs but you do not do it out of charity but because we are better than your country men otherwise why would you?
PAK and Aksai Chin is what you lost when you were invaded while Falkland remains ours. Go suck on that.
Yet 1000's of Indian's sell their family to come to UK illegally for a better dream and not the otherway around. Proves Justice katju's point.
Taking of billions you looted.

Kohinoor Diamond.
Koh-i-Noor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Supposed to be worth between 10 to 12.7 billion Pounds.
How much is the Kohinoor Diamond worth
Suck on that. :D
Did India exist then? Suck on that? UK did buy the way. Next time don't shift tribals from their forest land when you want to mine it as they also donot accept the concept of India. Justice Katju wins again.
Read the link again.
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