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Britain will lose by criticizing China on Tibet issue

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Britain will lose by criticizing China on Tibet issue

The issue of Tibet has turned the edge of British Foreign Secretary William Hague's visit to Beijing this week. In fact, both sides have been expecting the trip, Hague's first to China after taking office, would build political trust and establish a working relationship between Beijing and London's new coalition government.

However, judging from the unpleasant exchange of remarks on the Tibet issue between Mr. Hague and his Chinese hosts, the divide between the two governments is as wide as the continent that separates the two countries.

Mr. Hague raised his concerns on Tibetans while meeting with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi. It is also likely that he picked up the same topic when holding strategic talks with Chinese State Councillor Dai Bingguo. Both Chinese officials sternly refuted the British stance on the Tibet issue.

After lecturing Mr. Hague about a brief history of Tibet, Yang warned that the Tibet issue bears on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is part of the core interests and internal affairs of China, Yang stressed.

The first strategic dialogue between Beijing and the new British government held on Wednesday is a very important forum for both to discuss important issues concerning the smooth sailing of bilateral ties as well as major hurdles afflicting the world today. As far as the issue of Tibet is concerned, Beijing and London have failed to build on any new understanding, let alone bridge the gap.

As a government seeking stronger relations with Beijing, Downing Street should show real sincerity in respecting China's core interests. The situation of human rights in present-day Tibet is the best in history. Britain should not give any stage to Tibetan separatists led by the Dalai Lama.

Downing Street does need a new pair of glasses to see the issue of Tibet fairly. It needs to do a lot of homework on the history side as well as on its implications on Britain's bilateral ties with China.

All in all, raising the Tibet issue to upset the Chinese government is a lose-lose strategy Mr. Hague has adopted in this week's visit to Beijing. He may be counting on this to woo voters back home. However, the general British public is more concerned about the economic recovery of their own country than the welfare of Tibetans. They may wonder why their politicians cannot do a better job at home but enjoy barking around another's tree.

The fallout of political issues will leave indelible marks on co-operation in other fields sooner or later. It is a miscalculation that London could count on maintaining a partnership with Beijing on economic growth while criticizing the latter on political issues. After all, Chinese enterprises and companies are not accustomed to doing business with those from a country that is constantly pointing fingers at China's internal affairs. In the end, the British side will have to pay a dear price for this.

For the sake of stable growth in bilateral ties, Mr. Hague should take history as a mirror and avoid the mistakes made by the previous Labour administration. China-Britain relations turned sour last year under the Labour government after its Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband wrongly accused China of "hijacking" the Copenhagen summit on global warming.

Britain will lose by criticizing China on Tibet issue
Well, Britain needs China more than China needs Britain. Britain is not the power it used to be. For it to be successful in Asia it needs friends especially when they are in Afghanistan. Relying on the Americans too much is not too good either, as it was seen from the less than welcome reception of the UK visit to the States. The US-UK relations would also complicate relations with China. UK does have some good products, like the Eurofighter, but realistically I don't see any information on the Typhoon going to China. On the world stage, Britain is sidelined, even in the EU they are sidelined.
Well, Britain needs China more than China needs Britain. Britain is not the power it used to be. For it to be successful in Asia it needs friends especially when they are in Afghanistan. Relying on the Americans too much is not too good either, as it was seen from the less than welcome reception of the UK visit to the States. The US-UK relations would also complicate relations with China. UK does have some good products, like the Eurofighter, but realistically I don't see any information on the Typhoon going to China. On the world stage, Britain is sidelined, even in the EU they are sidelined.

yeah... old rant china is super power and everybody else nothing against it.

Get real and come out of propogenda. The china needs the world more then world need china. Few years back when china was biggest nation of poors and a libaility to the wold still world was there and even after there is no china world will be there.

And Tibet is a serious issue.
yeah... old rant china is super power and everybody else nothing against it.

Get real and come out of propogenda. The china needs the world more then world need china. Few years back when china was biggest nation of poors and a libaility to the wold still world was there and even after there is no china world will be there.

And Tibet is a serious issue.

This is not an 80s era anymore .
Well, Britain needs China more than China needs Britain. Britain is not the power it used to be. For it to be successful in Asia it needs friends especially when they are in Afghanistan. Relying on the Americans too much is not too good either, as it was seen from the less than welcome reception of the UK visit to the States. The US-UK relations would also complicate relations with China. UK does have some good products, like the Eurofighter, but realistically I don't see any information on the Typhoon going to China. On the world stage, Britain is sidelined, even in the EU they are sidelined.

this is not true. China is an export driven economy and the west is the place where the entire money is.. and in EU, Britain is the major power which will have adverse effect on Chinese economy.. the one with money has more options than the one needs money..

any loss for China will be a gain for India...
This is not an 80s era anymore .

That's what the communist of china have to learn. The age of bullying is gone.

If they bully whole world will corner them and as their economy is heavily dependent on world export. They will fall like a stone, unemployment, poverty, riots etc. etc.

Because now situation is fast changing and they are not the only place from where world can get cheap products.
I have seen $1 = INR 38 two year before and $46 today... for others it might be simple thing. but you have to understand that forex is calculated in $.unlike indian companies the Chinese companies are yet to taste this flavour of currency change. So now chinese currency is higly regulated. but what if the $ is printed more and chinese currency moves higer....

so west still has some indirect control over the entire world .. and west include UK..
That's what the communist of china have to learn. The age of bullying is gone.

If they bully whole world will corner them and as their economy is heavily dependent on world export. They will fall like a stone, unemployment, poverty, riots etc. etc.

Because now situation is fast changing and they are not the only place from where world can get cheap products.

Yea, keep thinking that, we'll see who's better off in 10 years, shall we :azn:
UK wont lose nothing we speak out against injustice like it or not, Its what makes our nation great that we are a true democratic country with a free media unlike China who bans even google.
Of course China needs the world, but Britain is a only small island of the world. So Mr.Hague is welcome but Xizang is none of his business. Please don't put your noble nose into others' bedroom.
What right does a nation that used to be a robber and thieve not too long ago according to Victor Hugo have to lecture a nation that it robbed before on its own affairs? Am I the only one who is having a Deja Vu here?

"'Two robbers breaking into a museum, devastating, looting and burning, leaving laughing hand-in-hand with their bags full of treasures; one of the robbers is called France and the other Britain." Victor Hugo
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That's what the communist of china have to learn. The age of bullying is gone.

If they bully whole world will corner them and as their economy is heavily dependent on world export. They will fall like a stone, unemployment, poverty, riots etc. etc.

Because now situation is fast changing and they are not the only place from where world can get cheap products.

Yeah, please give me a break that we need a "B" grade country like Britain which is suffering one of her biggest recession to tell us what to do on tibet issue, Britain need money more than ever period.

You just fully demonstrated the typical reasons for India's backwardation, " pure jealous and ignorant" mindset, stepping on others with your big mouth won't help lifting 50% of your population out of poverty, starving and you are one of the lucky one at least know how to read and write your name while over half of your countrymen failed to do so.:lol:
Poverty seem to be India's monopoly not China's, this is how it go in the real world, wake up!!
China buys the world - Money machine (1) - FORTUNE
Open your mind, jump out of your Indian well, check out whats going on in the real world, mental masturbation get you no where;:argh:

Myth No. 1:
Exports have been and remain the primary driver of China’s growth.

It’s easy to be mesmerized by data pertaining to overall export revenues, which totaled more than 30 percent of China’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007 and 2008 (see Estimated GDP Figures, this page). GDP, however, refers to value added by the economy and not to revenues generated by its enterprises. By most estimates, value added within China constitutes about one-third of the country’s exports. Even after hefty growth over the last several years, exports presently account for only about 10 to 12 percent of China’s GDP (and about 20 percent of the annual growth in GDP). The remaining 88–90 percent comes from domestic spending and domestic investment. The next time you buy an iPod or an iPhone that says “Assembled in China,” it may be well to remember that, almost certainly, only a fraction of the value in that gadget was added in China. Given the likelihood of slower growth in most developed economies and rising consumption within China, exports will quite likely be less important for China’s economy in the future than they have been so far.

Estimates for 2009 are illustrative. For the year just ended, even as China’s GDP grew by about 8.5 percent, its exports are estimated to have dropped by about 16 percent. (See China’s Exports of Goods and Services below)

Six Myths About China | Articles | Chief Executive - The magazine for the Chief Executive Officer :yahoo:
UK wont lose nothing we speak out against injustice like it or not, Its what makes our nation great that we are a true democratic country with a free media unlike China who bans even google.

China did not ban Google, it was Google who wanted to leave. Now they want to stay in China's market.

Google gets license in China again!

Do you think how good is to play hardball with today's China?
yeah... old rant china is super power and everybody else nothing against it.

Get real and come out of propogenda. The china needs the world more then world need china. Few years back when china was biggest nation of poors and a libaility to the wold still world was there and even after there is no china world will be there.

And Tibet is a serious issue.

Well that's better than India's situation at least... Your country is so poor that everyone dismisses it...
The situation of human rights in present-day Tibet is the best in history.

^^An inconvenient truth that is never acknowledge by the west or the Dalai Lama and his cronies.

UK wont lose nothing we speak out against injustice like it or not, Its what makes our nation great that we are a true democratic country with a free media unlike China who bans even google.

Speak against injustice? Sorry but with all the torture and deaths of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, Britain cannot preach from the moral highground.

True democracy? - Are you sure because the party that came 3rd in the general election is now sharing power (as one news reporter said, "they have a lot of power but not a lot of votes").

And what about all those unelected advisers/aides who can directly influence policy.

Free Media? British media is mostly owned by a few tycoons who use it to push their own agenda.
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