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Britain on verge of collapse


Sep 19, 2018
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United States
It's barely winter and British society is straining, living standards headed for total collapse. The poor and lower middle class will become completely impoverished, unable to afford the basic necessities.

During the summer I warned that Britain was headed in this direction and some British posters laughed me off, calling me a Russian shill. Who is laughing now? Things are going downhill for Britain but now they will be dropping off a fucking cliff, especially since they no longer have an empire to exploit and extricate wealth from to keep the tough times from getting too tough at the expense of their subjects like in the past.

I would say this is karma. But not exactly, because it will be the poor and middle class that will pay for the crimes of the Anglo Zionist psychopathic elites who led their subject peoples to this predicament. Those psychopaths are wealthy and will just fly to their ritzy mansion in Miami or Dubai and wait this out.

I agree too many strikes. train, mail, NHS, etc..
Britain will not fail until they have a stable government. You see, UK has many offices and international companies etc, just bcz of stability. The standard will fall but nothing more. The property price is steady even after covid and the recession time.
I agree too many strikes. train, mail, NHS, etc..
Britain will not fail until they have a stable government. You see, UK has many offices and international companies etc, just bcz of stability. The standard will fall but nothing more. The property price is steady even after covid and the recession time.
This is just the beginning of a new reality.

Just wait and see. This is not "another recession", this is a whole different animal. A new world order.
As the working class of Britain is plunged into deep poverty, having to choose between eating or getting heat. The country is being led by a billionaire servant of foreign origin representing ONLY the elite billionaire class. LMAO A fucking manipulative tax evading opportunistic shill of the billionaire zionist banker puppeteer class. LMAO

What a fucking joke Neoliberal democracy is.

The giant collapsed under its own weight. There are more than 8 million black people in France today. Germany has received many immigrants from the Middle East and South Asia in recent years. I predict that France and Germany will be the next UK.
The reason why Great Britain is collapsing is not because of immigration. It is because it has followed blindly the policies of the Zionist banker class intent on plunging the world into war.

This is what happens when you sanction your greatest energy and food provider. It is no wonder that they hesitated from pushing sanctions on China even though they are itching to do that. They can't afford to. Their society will collapse overnight.
Yeah thanks to WEF and the satanic pigs behind it, chaos and destruction of europe is pretty close, not sure if much will survive.
Cost of living/food/shelter and necessities has skyrocketed in entire world. Covid drama was just the beginning of this new world agenda they have, and massive depopulation is #1 on the list.
They’ve chosen a good slave to implement it in UK.
How soon do u think til shit hits the fans??
Yeah thanks to WEF and the satanic pigs behind it, chaos and destruction of europe is pretty close, not sure if much will survive.
Cost of living/food/shelter and necessities has skyrocketed in entire world. Covid drama was just the beginning of this new world agenda they have, and massive depopulation is #1 on the list.
They’ve chosen a good slave to implement it in UK.
How soon do u think til shit hits the fans??
Absolutely. Covid was a WEF program from the beginning. Everything is backfiring though because they have miscalculated the actual balance of power.
Absolutely. Covid was a WEF program from the beginning. Everything is backfiring though because they have miscalculated the actual balance of power.
I’m inclined to think that pretty soon even usa/canada will be in this too, unless the people rise and stop these satans. They’ve caused enough bloodshed already
I’m inclined to think that pretty soon even usa/canada will be in this too, unless the people rise and stop these satans. They’ve caused enough bloodshed already

Won't be nearly as bad as the UK. The US is the center of the empire, so the subject countries (so called "allies") will be sacrificed first before the US gets hit hard. In addition, the US is a massive continental sized country with enormous resources, so that in itself will make sure that it will be far more self sufficient.
As the working class of Britain is plunged into deep poverty, having to choose between eating or getting heat. The country is being led by a billionaire servant of foreign origin representing ONLY the elite billionaire class. LMAO A fucking manipulative tax evading opportunistic shill of the billionaire zionist banker puppeteer class. LMAO

What a fucking joke Neoliberal democracy is.

1. Tax of every sort should have been abolished in the modern world. Only feudalist and monarchic societies of old imposed taxes. But Britain other than being a monarchy and a fake democracy is also a Capitalist society where everyone must "pay the bills" even for basic things like housing, basic food, water, telecom, education etc. Apart from this extraction by the government and various private entities the government extracts taxes too including income tax. This is irrational.

2. Britain being a Capitalist society means that there are multiple socio-economic classes : the super rich like Rishi Sunak and the monarchs; then the just rich; then the middle class; then what in Britain is called the working class. Taxing the rich won't work because after all who will be taxing them ? The same government that enables the rich. According to Google baba there are 177 billionaires in Britain, 2.85 millionaires and a total population of around 67 million. How much and how often should the government tax these billionaires and millionaires and how is this welfare tax to be distributed among the masses ? Rishi Sunak lives in the comfy No. 10 Downing Street and he being a Hindutvadi maybe by now has kicked out Larry the Cat, and he being a Capitalist which goes parallel to being a Hindutvadi won't care about that young man in Edinburgh who was found sleeping on the cold footpath without even a mattress under him.

3. What is to be done ? Communism, which means either abolish money system at once which means Rishi Sunak is brought down to the same human level as every other citizen in the country, or have an interim socio-economic system until money is abolished and this interim system should be arranged such that money is there in an evolved form but the socio-economic classes ( super rich; rich; middle ; poor ) have been abolished and all citizens are able to attain potentially every goods and service in the society.

The giant collapsed under its own weight. There are more than 8 million black people in France today. Germany has received many immigrants from the Middle East and South Asia in recent years. I predict that France and Germany will be the next UK.

No need to get racist.
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It's barely winter and British society is straining, living standards headed for total collapse. The poor and lower middle class will become completely impoverished, unable to afford the basic necessities.

During the summer I warned that Britain was headed in this direction and some British posters laughed me off, calling me a Russian shill. Who is laughing now? Things are going downhill for Britain but now they will be dropping off a fucking cliff, especially since they no longer have an empire to exploit and extricate wealth from to keep the tough times from getting too tough at the expense of their subjects like in the past.

I would say this is karma. But not exactly, because it will be the poor and middle class that will pay for the crimes of the Anglo Zionist psychopathic elites who led their subject peoples to this predicament. Those psychopaths are wealthy and will just fly to their ritzy mansion in Miami or Dubai and wait this out.

After what UK did to the Asian Subcontinent and Qing China I have no sympathy for UK.

Good and haha that UK is some unimportant country in world affairs now.

Good riddance to shit.

After what UK did to the Asian Subcontinent and Qing China I have no sympathy for UK.

Good and haha that UK is some unimportant country in world affairs now.

Good riddance to shit.


Well, I feel bad for the poor people of Britain. A lot of them are innocent and decent people. You always got to feel bad for the individuals.

It is unfortunate that the guiltiest people, the billionaire class, will just flee and continue to enjoy their lives elsewhere.
The modern-day increasing jealousy of English society is leading them to down into the dark abyss, which is an eyes opener for this nation.
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