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Bristling against the West, China rallies domestic sympathy for Russia

Bro I am very active now since the war begins. Very concerning sign, for you, Ccp wants to push China to war.

Putin’s goal is erasing a country including its population on earth. After that Moldow will follow, then the Baltic’s, then Eastern Europe, west Europe. If you support him then be it.

The last time anyone peddled the domino theory this hard, it was the Vietnam War, a failed war and a failed theory.

Bristling against the West, China rallies domestic sympathy for Russia

“There’s an ‘either we hang together or we hang separately’ attitude that comes into play,” Johnson, the former CIA analyst, said of Chinese leaders. “If it’s a strong nationalist approach, then who in the party doesn’t want to be a good nationalist?”

An article from NYTimes. Ha.. of course, the underlying message is Chinese people are brainwashed by their government. Chinese are incapable of setting out intuitive, personal, intelligent responses. I'm surprised of all people in this forum you're the one posting this sort of trolling bias.
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