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Briefly Nation: Howitzers tender scrapped again

We don't need 200+ mm howitzer.... we have Pinaka and Smerch that can neutralize vast enemy position in couple of minutes.

Does anyone want to know more about these guns capabilities.

and enemy has horehounds of MLRS such as A-100 azer and krl-21 :D


in china don't ask please it will make you cry china has massive massive MLRSs
some tenders and works started before my birth till today on papers in india :rofl: after bofors scum indian army waiting since 30 years for new guns

Bofors scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India to buy 145 US artillery guns, first after Bofors scandal
India to buy 145 US artillery guns, first after Bofors scandal: Voice of Russia

27 years after Bofors, nod for howitzer deal
Rajat Pandit, TNN May 12, 2012, 03.14AM IST
27 years after Bofors, nod for howitzer deal - Times Of India

what do you want ,you want us to accept that pakistan artillery is superior fine yes its,now go get a life ,i will meet you in the "nirbhay test" thread in a month but for now bye bye............
what do you want ,you want us to accept that pakistan artillery is superior fine yes its,now go get a life ,i will meet you in the "nirbhay test" thread in a month but for now bye bye............

such things like nirbhay are in our inventory since years :rofl:

2005 past of pakistan BABUR


future of india nirbhay still on papers
lolz firing inside india and making films with failed bofors guns :rofl: your failed guns in fact recognised in kargil when they fire rounds hundreds netters away from target .it was side show for camera to make you kids happy .
.in fact they throw shiiiiit on there own heads :rofl:

what an idiot! ..:coffee:
bawaaaaaaaaaaaaah current inventory :rofl: go kid play with others . no one give a ***** to your artillery here . its story of a failure which you are being proud of ?

we are not worry as pakistan has houndreds of guns advantage in numbers and wtill working with south korea for joint artillery

why can't you design your own guns? :rofl:
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such things like nirbhay are in our inventory since years :rofl:

2005 past of pakistan BABUR


future of india nirbhay still on papers
so what we have shourya , agni,brahmos in the indian artillery which has no equals in pakistan do i cry over it in threads.........india has programs to match all what pakistan has now but paksitan does not even think of programs to match indian systems like nag,akash,shourya,brahmos,lr-sam........... god why am i even explaining ,you will any way come with something else more stupid.......
For its own needs, pakistan has a better artillery regiment than India. India has an edge in quality with the bofors, but India doesn't have the huge number that it needs to fit its evolving doctrines. Pakistan has enough arsenal for its needs. Also, their artillerymen are very well trained and professional, having been trained by the US for decades. All the more reason why India's artillery modernisation should be fast tracked. Of course, head to head comparisons like this don't really matter in war, unless you are talking about a huge disparity in quality and quantity. It's not like the arty regiments will battle against each other, infantry against each other and so on. Wars are not fought on paper.
such things like nirbhay are in our inventory since years :rofl:

2005 past of pakistan BABUR


future of india nirbhay still on papers

Don't make fool yourself sir... don't troll like newbies.
you are an Elite member in the forum. don't spoil..
Though we don't have as advance Artillery power has Pakistan but what made you think that Chinese defence inventories is yours.... Why you always think they will provide.... Do you have the Money to buy in case of war ?.... look at your economy:lol:

We proved our Artillery power in Kargil... don't miss the power of 155/52 caliber power
For its own needs, pakistan has a better artillery regiment than India. India has an edge in quality with the bofors, but India doesn't have the huge number that it needs to fit its evolving doctrines. Pakistan has enough arsenal for its needs. Also, their artillerymen are very well trained and professional, having been trained by the US for decades. All the more reason why India's artillery modernisation should be fast tracked. Of course, head to head comparisons like this don't really matter in war, unless you are talking about a huge disparity in quality and quantity. It's not like the arty regiments will battle against each other, infantry against each other and so on. Wars are not fought on paper.

While this issue of artillery acquisition has been hanging fire for a long time, its repurcussions are not as grave as one would like to believe.
The issue is simply related to "mobile howitzers". As far as plain old arty. is concerned, India still has the M-46 130mm field guns in large numbers, many of which have already been upgunned to 155mm. And they really pack a big punch, much more than the 203mm howitzer that IK was displaying, no army in the world is chasing larger than 155mm guns now. Must be a reason for that!

While the field guns have punch, they lack mobility. Hence the quest for mobile arty.

However the advent of MBRLs has changed the rules of the game. They can put down a fearsome barrage which was the main role of Arty in the first place and to far more devastating effect than the guns. While being extremely agile, much more than the guns. So that function of Arty. is being increasingly taken over by MBRLs.

Now one remaining function of the Large Caliber Guns is that of precision hits on specific targets. With guidance functions being added to MBRLs and Tactical Missiles like 'Prahaar'; now even Large Caliber Guns will have to yield ground there. So in fact the role of LC Guns is shrinking rather than expanding. Only in hard-accessible terrain that the LC Guns have retained their utility. LC Guns have still one advantage; i.e. operating costs. But any Army with deep pockets will also look at other alternatives.
Just as Armies with deep pockets are increasingly investing in rotary winged assets to buttress their fire-power.

AFAIK, the IA is reworking their own Arty. doctrines to suit the present day scenarios. Whether LC Guns get inducted in humongous numbers remains to be seen eventually.


We are producing large numbers of these guns in country.

The SH1 is a wheeled self-propelled howitzer 155mm designed and manufactured by the Chinese Defence Company Norinco. Compared with other similar artillery system, the SH1 has advantages such as a high mobility, large fire-power, fast hit capability, modular design, good coast-effectiveness, etc. The SH1 was presented for the first time to the public at the Defence Exhibition in Dubai, IDEX 2010. The SH1 artillery system has a combat weight of 22,500 kg, and is operated by a crew of five. The SH1 was unveiled in 2007, and according to the Chinese defence Company NORINCO, development of this system commenced in 2002 and so far two examples have been completed, one prototype and one pre-production system. When compared with tracked howitzer, the wheeled self-propelled systems offer a number of advantages, including lower operating and support costs and greater strategic mobility. In 2009, Pakistani army receives the first batch batch of SH-1 155mm self-propelled howitzer. Although the exact number of Pakistan SH-1 155mm self-propelled howitzer under contract is not known but it is likely to be around 90. The SH1 is alos in service in the Myanmar Army.



We have also received about 150 M-109A5 from the US and also upgraded about 300 guns to A5 standard which greatly increases our Mechanized and Armored formations.
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This was almost always going to happen as a result of the blacklisting of certain defence majors. However this is just one of 4-5 ongoing arty procurement plans, still in the works is the ULH M-777 deal that will be signed this year, IA has already ordered 100 OFB 155/52 mm arty with options for another 1000 and just recently the tender for tracked/motorised howitzers was started. The IA has LANs to induct close to 2000 pieces of arty by 2020 and there is new found urgency from within the MoD/IA so this will almost certainly happen. This is to counter China-Pakistan doesn't even come into the equation if we're honest.

A so called "Elite" member trolling hard here- it says a lot.
While this issue of artillery acquisition has been hanging fire for a long time, its repurcussions are not as grave as one would like to believe.
The issue is simply related to "mobile howitzers". As far as plain old arty. is concerned, India still has the M-46 130mm field guns in large numbers, many of which have already been upgunned to 155mm. And they really pack a big punch, much more than the 203mm howitzer that IK was displaying, no army in the world is chasing larger than 155mm guns now. Must be a reason for that!

While the field guns have punch, they lack mobility. Hence the quest for mobile arty.

However the advent of MBRLs has changed the rules of the game. They can put down a fearsome barrage which was the main role of Arty in the first place and to far more devastating effect than the guns. While being extremely agile, much more than the guns. So that function of Arty. is being increasingly taken over by MBRLs.

Now one remaining function of the Large Caliber Guns is that of precision hits on specific targets. With guidance functions being added to MBRLs and Tactical Missiles like 'Prahaar'; now even Large Caliber Guns will have to yield ground there. So in fact the role of LC Guns is shrinking rather than expanding. Only in hard-accessible terrain that the LC Guns have retained their utility. LC Guns have still one advantage; i.e. operating costs. But any Army with deep pockets will also look at other alternatives.
Just as Armies with deep pockets are increasingly investing in rotary winged assets to buttress their fire-power.

AFAIK, the IA is reworking their own Arty. doctrines to suit the present day scenarios. Whether LC Guns get inducted in humongous numbers remains to be seen eventually.

For that one reason (cost), wouldn't LC guns be required in large numbers? If we are using the "spray and pray" approach of the soviets, and we need to saturate a large area, wouldn't cheap arty shells be required in numbers, as opposed to expensive rockets? If the aim is to destroy a command post or runway or some tactical spot, then precision rockets may be far more effective, maybe even cost-wise. But don't cheap arty shells still have value in some cases? Or has capabilities of MBRLs gone up to an extent that even that role can be done much more effectively? Has the "spray and pray" tactic been made completely redundant?

And by the way, how is a guided rocket any different (technically) from a missile?
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