at this E.U endless debates. Lol
Well, The greatest uncertainty associated with leaving the EU is that no country has ever done it before, so no one can predict the exact result.
Nevertheless, many have tried.
So there are pros and cons of joining or leaving, depends on how we view things from the grand scheme of things overall.
Its true that Leaving the EU would result in an immediate cost saving, as we would no longer contribute to the EU budget. Last year, we paid in over £13bn(thats the GDP of some small, but we also received £4.5bn worth of spending, so our net contribution was about £8.5bn.
. That's about 7 per cent of what the Government spends on the NHS each year.
So the leave camp have aact point on this one
However, What's harder to determine is whether the financial advantages of EU membership, such as free trade(More than 50 per cent of our exports go to EU countries -and our membership allows us to have a say over how trading rules are drawn up.) and inward investment (we are still the largest beneficiary of Foreign stock investment/FDI in EUROPE and second in the world) outweigh the upfront costs.
So yes, Britain risks losing some of that negotiating power by leaving the EU, but we will also be free to establish our own trade agreements, but that will take time(are we ready to bare the cost of doing so when we have a choice of not getting to this point?).
Its true that Brexiters have a point about taking control of our laws over immigration. However, we can still reform our immigration laws even today and follow the Australian skilled migrant system instead of letting in uneducated illiterate refugees who contribute nothing to our country/economy. Its our government who has not been wlling enough to regulate our immigration system, can't blame the E.U for this. In fact, according to the Office for National Statistics, there are just about 1million eastern Europeans, Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK, along with almost 800,000 western Europeans ,BUT THERE ARE 2.93m workers from outside the EU, with China and India being the biggest source of foreign workers in the UK.
So even if we were to leave the E.U this won't change, since non E.U countries like China and India don't fall under E.U laws even today, so we can regulate and prevent them from coming here in such large numbers if we wanted even today, but we don't, so can't blame the E.U for that.
As I always said, don't blame others for you faults and shortcomings, blame yourself.
At the end of the day, i(like most brits during Scottish independence referendum) will still vote to remain. Nobody seem to like uncertainty/risks/change into the unknown. lol
However, having said that the E.U needs to seriously reform to address our concerns(yes, this include no fucking European useless ) else next time we have a referendum over this, we will definitely be leaving the E.U.,