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BREAKING: US will destroy potential Iranian long-range missile shipments delivered to Venezuela

And Iran can do the same with Saudi imports of Amerikan weapons.

Both actions are declarations of war. The UN allows Iran to export weapons to Venezuela. Not sure the range limit, Iranian member would know. Iran seeks to adhere to UN resolutions. Maduro getting some weapons from Iran is in accordance with UN security council resolutions.
And Iran can do the same with Saudi imports of Amerikan weapons.

Both actions are declarations of war. The UN allows Iran to export weapons to Venezuela. Not sure the range limit, Iranian member would know. Iran seeks to adhere to UN resolutions. Maduro getting some weapons from Iran is in accordance with UN security council resolutions.

Iran won't and can't do shit


Cut that pseudo-tough guy crap out, no one here, especially the Iranians, are gonna buy into it.

Iran has been doing "shit" against the Americans for several decades now and will continue to do "shit" in-spite of what the U.S. says, wants or does. I guess all those G.I. Deaths in Iraq attributed to Iran was just nothing or how about the precision strike against Ayn-Al Assad, I guess that was nothing as well, or how about the continued Oil-Shipments to both Syria and Venezuela: do those also not count?

Perhaps you have some sort of knowledge that we don't about the dynamic geopolitics regarding an ever declining hegemonic power. You will have to come to terms with how the world has changed, sooner or later. The U.S. is no longer the "top-dog", other nations have their own agendas and have been carrying out their respective wills out according to what they deem to be right. Venezuela is a sovereign nation who has every right under international-law to acquire and field weapons they need for defensive/offensive purposes. The UN has deemed it fully-legal for Iran to BUY & SELL weapons as they see fit to do so. But America doesn't much care for international-laws anyways, that much has always been clear...

Anyways, Hey man, if the U.S. wants to start blowing-up ships then Iran is ALL GAME. Nothing like seeing every US armed forces instillation going up in flames, would be a good wake up call ;)
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Cut that pseudo-tough guy crap out no one here, especially the Iranians, are gonna buy into it.

Iran has been doing "shit" against the Americans for several decades now and will continue to do "shit" in-spite of what the U.S. says, wants or does. I guess all those G.I. Deaths in Iraq attributed to Iran was just nothing or how about the precision strike against Ayn-Al Assad, I guess that was nothing as well, or how about the continued Oil-Shipments to both Syria and Venezuela: do those also not count?

Perhaps you have some sort of knowledge that we don't about the dynamic geopolitics regarding an ever declining hegemonic power. You will have to come to terms with how the world has changed, sooner or later. The U.S. is no longer the "top-dog", other nations have their own agendas and have been carrying their respective wills out according to what they deem to be right. Venezuela is a sovereign nation who has every right under international-law to acquire and field weapons they need for defensive/offensive needs.

But hey, if the U.S. wants to start blowing up ships then Iran is ALL GAME. Nothing like seeing every US armed forces instillation going up in flames, would be a good wake up call ;)
Stopped reading at "Iran has been doing "shit" against the Americans"...


Cut the bs
Stopped reading at "Iran has been doing "shit" against the Americans"...

View attachment 682854
Cut the bs

So all those dead and maimed American troops in Iraq during the occupation didn't matter? How about the dead soldiers in Beirut? or the continued attacks on US armed forces logistical convoys? Or the attack on Ayn Al-Assad despite America's OPEN insistence that any attack, no matter how small, would have caused a direct American reaction of which there was none?

Hajj-Qassem's murder was a treacherous play by a despotic administration hellbent on bullying Iran into submission, diplomacy is not what America wants with Iran. All his death has done and will do is further solidify Iran's stance against America in the region and the world for decades to come. U.S. will not win this ill-fated confrontation with Iran, it's too big, too bloated, too internally divided, too spread out and isolated. But hey, better to believe in demonstrably obvious delusions of grandeur rather than face facts right?
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Stopped reading at "Iran has been doing "shit" against the Americans"...

Yeah, cause we all remember what happened the last time US marines ran into the IRGC in the Persian Gulf.

US got humiliated so badly they could never show their face to the Iranians again, hence now they have resorted to drones to avoid getting embarrassed by Iran even more. Of course Iran has kept humiliating the US, who can forget the time when they hacked and reverse engineered an RQ-170, and then Obama publicly begged for his drone back on national TV. IRGC laughed so hard they mailed a pink toy drone to Obama at White House address. And then RQ-4 got shot out of the sky, taking out most expensive US drone worth hundreds of millions of dollars with a single cheap missile.




Next few years should be fun, now that Obama's puppy Biden is about to get elected :)
And Iran can do the same with Saudi imports of Amerikan weapons.

Both actions are declarations of war. The UN allows Iran to export weapons to Venezuela. Not sure the range limit, Iranian member would know. Iran seeks to adhere to UN resolutions. Maduro getting some weapons from Iran is in accordance with UN security council resolutions.
Iran is not a party to 300 km range limit
Iran is not a party to 300 km range limit

This is what the order should be

1st: ADS (3rd Khordad, Iranian made S-200s - get Russian permission, etc)
2nd: Subs (10-20)
3rd: Kowsars (50-100)
4th: 10s of 1000s of light tanks - something like EE-9 Cascavel - made at 100K USD a piece - no electronics - inexpensive - liscense built in VEN
5th: then if Maduro is daring, buy some title post - license built in VEN
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