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BREAKING : US Embassy will be evacuated in 72 HOURS..

McCarthy says Afghan withdrawal is an 'embarrassment' but Biden blames Trump's deal with the Taliban and says he 'can't make Kabul fight': INCREASES troop deployment for evacuation to 5,000
By Christopher Eberhart For Dailymail.Com13:12 BST 14 Aug 2021 , updated 22:03 BST 14 Aug 2021

  • President Biden has defended the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, and insisted: 'One more year, or five more years, of US military presence would not have made a difference'
  • The withdrawal was blasted by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy as an 'embarrassment to our nation'
  • Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell called for airstrikes against the Taliban on Friday
  • US Embassy will be evacuated in 72 hours, with some staffers already at Kabul airport, according to reports
  • News of the evacuation broke shortly after the Taliban took the northern Afghan stronghold of Mazar-i-Sharif, and now controls the territories to the North, South and East of Kabul
  • US Embassy staff in Kabul will destroy 'sensitive' materials, which a Department of State spokesperson said was 'standard operating procedure' to avoid propaganda efforts
  • The first two waves of 5,000 Marines and Army soldiers arrived to help evacuate Kabul and the rest are expected to reach the city by Sunday evening
  • Officials said two Marine battalions and an Army battalion were deployed to the Embassy
  • The Taliban has moved within seven miles of Kabul and tightened their grip around the capital
  • Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said, 'Afghanistan is in serious danger of instability'
  • He said he's engaging with Afghan and international leaders, and consultations are 'urgently ongoing and the results will soon be shared'
  • President Joe Biden was on his way to Camp David in Maryland on Friday but didn't speak to reporters and hasn't made any public comments Saturday
President Biden has defended the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan even as the Taliban take over whole swathes of the country - and has blamed predecessor Donald Trump for a deal that left the warlords 'in the strongest position militarily since 2001'.

He also announced that he was increasing the number of US troops being deployed to protect the withdrawal from the US embassy to 5,000. :suicide::suicide2:

The US Embassy in Afghanistan will be evacuated in 72 hours under the protection of the military, and some staffers have already arrived at the Kabul international airport, according to reports.

The president has been slammed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for the 'complete mismanagement' of the Afghanistan withdrawal, with US defense officials warning it could be just a matter of a couple days before the Taliban seizes control of Kabul, a city with more than four million people.

McCarthy said: 'The White House has no discernable plan other than pleading with the Taliban. :yes4:😄:omghaha: The bungled withdrawal, reminiscent of his failed withdrawal from Iraq, is an embarrassment to our nation.'

'President Biden must continue to provide the close air support necessary for the Afghan government to protect themselves from the Taliban and make sure al Qaeda and ISIS do not gain a foothold due to the Biden administration’s disastrous policies.'

But Biden hit back in a statement from Camp David on Saturday afternoon, insisting that he could not force the Afghan army to fight. :omghaha:😄

He said: 'One more year, or five more years, of US military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country. And an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.'

He also hit out at predecessor Trump for the deal with the Taliban that led to the recent withdrawal. :omghaha:

He said: 'When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001.

'Shortly before he left office, he also drew US forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.

'When I became President, I faced a choice—follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our forces and our allies’ forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict.

'I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.'


them kuffars never learn

Pakistan Strategic Forum


Update on Afghanistan USA's only intrest now on Afghanistan is safe return of US embassy staff in Kabul. They have basically delivered the message to IEA, don't do anything with our Embassy staff, the city of Kabul is yours after that.

And they’ve backed this up with bring in Apache Gunships. 72 hours is a relatively short period of time in the grand scheme of things to prevent unnecessary bloodshed on both sides.
Counter offense is coming soon taliban will be defeated

Shukria better grab her gay fashion designer and quit Kabul. Times-a-wastin'...

BTW - did you see the face of the Bhartiya folks on that clip?

Chehra sab kala patthar ban giya...
They have suffered a strategic defeat. Soon they won't have an iota of influence left in Central Asia.

China is already boxing them in and moving 1000s of troops and equipment and creating buffer zones inside their territory. Their intellectuals (a few left) are crying about a possible war with China in less than 5 years for which India is ill prepared.

This will be the legacy of Modi and Doval.
Shameless Indians on this forum are still busy inventing victories out of this...I've heard many ridiculous explanations...all kinds of mental gymnastics explaining how the victory of Afghan Taliban is bad for Pakistan.

In any case...let them live in their delusions...whether or not they accept reality should not be our concern. What Pak should be doing now...is capitalize on this fast.

- According to reports China is ready to recognize the Afghan Taliban as the legitimate government in Afghanistan...even if they take it by force(which is looking more and more likely).
- Afghan Taliban are not the greatest fans of India at the moment due to Indian support of the other side throughout this war over 20 years. So any booming trade between the two countries(Afghanistan/India) or any other shenanigans(Indian sponsored terrorism) has a very low chance. Due to this...I don't expect India to invest large chunks of money in Chahbahar port.
- China offered Iran a part in OBOR. With Indian investment in Chahbahar on a downward trend and an increase of Chinese investment in Iran...along with China taking an interest in Afghanistan(in terms of infrastructure/development project)...both of these countries can be pulled in towards expansion of CPEC/OBOR in the overall scheme of things.

1) This would mean Afghanistan's tilt towards China & Pak...ending any Indian designs completely for the foreseeable future. Iran's tilt towards China...would also lessen the effects of any Indian plans(e.g. Kulbhushan). 2) In addition Pak can continue to fence(and complete it) the border along Afghanistan and Iran with just a few entry points for trade and ppl's movement through legal means. 3) On top of that...under the whole FATF requirements...kick into high gear and try as much as possible...as fast as possible to digitize the economy. This would make it immensely hard for India or any foreign entity to sponsor terrorism inside Pakistan shutting down ways for funding. 4) Better equip/train FC and install sensors along with UAVs to patrol/monitor the western front...and up the final push by PA and PAF to uproot TTP/BLA/etc. and bring this WoT saga to its end.

Over time...with development of Afghanistan and with economic integration through Chinese OBOR...it has the potential to forever secure the western front...in the sense that India wouldn't be able to use Afghanistan as a second front for Pak.

I really do hope Pakistan(leaders) have the vision to really push for(with China's help) economic integration and development of Afghanistan. In just 50 years time(which seems like a lot...but in the grand scheme of things is not that big) it would have the potential to end the seeds of animosity between Afghanistan/Pakistan(and their ppl) that India had worked so hard to sow through propaganda. It would also end the whole wanting access to the sea(by claiming Pakistan's land). ^This in my opinion is of paramount importance. For Pakistan to fully concentrate on the eastern front...it must first secure its western front...and this is the last push...let's hope we make it to the finish line.
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I'd say its a smart decision, in the heat of moment Taliban and American troops may end up clashing with one and another, I don't want any American to die in Afghanistan so these War hungry Politicians have no excuse to send more young troops in Afghanistan to die or get extreme PTSD, take the staff and those who helped America and leave ASAP, I hope Taliban will not attack as they Promised in Peace talks.
'The Beast of War' (1988) is a GREAT movie about the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan--made when the war was winding down. I have watched this movie again and again and is one of my favorites. The end scene has been especially haunting --- **spoiler alert**. Watch and ponder some parallels which might come in the next few days/weeks...

Shukria better grab her gay fashion designer and quit Kabul. Times-a-wastin'...

BTW - did you see the face of the Bhartiya folks on that clip?

Chehra sab kala patthar ban giya...
That Indian ex-military officer on the left looks like the definition of “Gobsmacked”. Literally didn’t change his face the whole time like his entire life is flashing before his eyes.
'The Beast of War' (1988) is a GREAT movie about the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan--made when the war was winding down. I have watched this movie again and again and is one of my favorites. The end scene has been especially haunting --- **spoiler alert**. Watch and ponder some parallels which might come in the next few days/weeks...

Reminds me of verses from Ripplings often quoted poem.

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When HE CLOSES a door it can’t be opened, and when HE OPENS a door it can’t be closed…..
thats Allah's will bro, what do you think of Erdogan's Afghanistan policy ?
first trying to beg Joe Hidden for some F35 by claiming to be willing to do NATO the favor of being the guardian of Kabul X . and then claiming he is willing to recieve the Emir Hibatullah (as if the Emir would want to), then packing up his bags and sending airplanes to evacuate turkish citizens from the Kabul Airport...
I think a humanitarian Norwagian or Cuban Supporter of Palestine don't make him less of a kaffir in the eyes of Allah swt, we should make that distinction between the humanitarian motive and the muslim motive, the muslim should not support kuffars against another muslim then hide behind the support of another muslim to cover up his first deed. that is the very meaning of believing in some part of the book and disbelieving in another part.
Turkey should realize by now how weak the US is. Erdogan should stop playing with islam. because Allah swt dont like Hypocrites. Allah swt grants victory to his true servants the mujahedines, not those who play all sides and support kuffars.
Erdogan must learn islam from Taliban.

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