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BREAKING: United Nations: Potential ‘crimes against humanity’ in China’s Xinjiang

So this bbc report was lying?


So this Xinhua report was lying?

U.S. returns to UN Human Rights Council​


China’s detention of Uighurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic minorities in the northwestern region of Xinjiang may amount to “crimes against humanity”, the United Nations Human Rights Council said in a long-delayed report that was finally published late on Wednesday.

The 45-page report (PDF) called on Beijing to immediately release “all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty”, clarify the whereabouts of those whose families have been unable to locate them and undertake a “full review” of its laws on domestic security and repeal all discriminatory laws.

The UN revealed in 2018 that some one million people were being held in a network of detention centres across Xinjiang, and UN Human Rights chief Michelle Bachelet called for “unfettered” access to visit the region and assess the situation.

Bachelet, whose term came to an end on Wednesday minutes after the report was published, was finally allowed into China in May. Following the tightly-choreographed visit, which drew criticism from human rights groups and other experts, she announced she would not seek a second term.

“Serious human rights violations have been committed” in Xinjiang “in the context of the Government’s application of counter-terrorism and counter-“extremism” strategies,” the report said.

“The extent of arbitrary and discriminatory detention of members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim groups … may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity.”

Beijing at first denied the camps’ existence but later said they were vocational skills training centres necessary to address “extremism”.


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In 3...2...1...and we will quickly start seeing posts that are basically this


Have you heard about the story of the boy who cried wolf?
How come the terror regime of Israel that is displacing the inhabitants of Palestine using terror methods is not being introduced as a 'potential crime against humanity'?????

They have multiple times but you are too ignorant to even bother knowing about it.

10 years ago all fudged so called "China's Human rights" issues were about Tibet, they hit the western headlines on daily basis, now they are all about Xinjiang, Tibet magically almost totally disappeared from their headlines, so so called Tibet human rights issues are all fake or all fixed?
Why you quit in the first place and call it biased? now you return just for bashing China?

Oh sure...yes we returned just because of China :rolleyes1:

Another example of the Chinese always thinking the world revolves around them...

The chairman is Argentinian BTW..you know that country that supposedly hates the US and loves China

Federico Villegas, President of the 16th cycle

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It's time for the UN to investigate all the real war crimes and killings that the US, Australia and NATO have committed in recent years in countries such as Afghan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. It's time for the UN to investigate the real widespread human rights violations such as racial violence, hatred and discrimination against colored minorities esp Asians that are happening in the US and the West.

UN, don't pretend you are blind on these real human rights violations and don't tell me you are only selective against non-white countries.
10 years ago all fudged so called "China's Human rights" issues were about Tibet, they hit the western headlines on daily basis, now they are all about Xinjiang, Tibet magically almost totally disappeared from their headlines, so so called Tibet human rights issues are all fake or all fixed?
Don't worry once they realize it's not cutting it Xinjiang will also disappear from the headlines.... To be honest with you the moment I see the source is a western or one of their cronies - FLUSH.....
To be honest with you the moment I see the source is a western or one of their cronies - FLUSH.....
LOL it explicitly says:
Source: Al Jazeera

The source for the Aljazeera article is the UN Human Rights page with the report...the PDF link is in the OP article which you didn't bother reading.

Again more ostrich with the head in the sand being displayed...
No, the source is the UN Human Rights page with the report...the PDF link is in the OP article.

Again more ostrich with the head in the sand being displayed...
Then why you quit and why you returned now? Why you call it "biased"?
One year ago was in the thick of this fudged Xinjiang issue, the perfect timing, still , why you quit and why you returned? Why you call it "biased"?

No, Trump called it biased. Biden thought differently obviously.

the perfect timing,
LOL! The timing of the announcement was Feb 8, 2021 just a few days after being sworn in on Jan 20, 2021.

Ah the things that Chinese members spin in their minds over and over and over. Yes, Biden was primarily elected just so we could get voted back to the Human Rights Council, and get that Uighur report done!
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