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Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

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It's good suggestion but there aren't any chances of this happening
Ham to bas dua hi Kar sktay hain
There are more chances of this happening than Iran KSA war trust me. :)

Watch the video I posted.
Perhaps @Imran Khan is the product of some Right Wing Sunni Exrtremist Group, supported & sponsored by the state.

You do know, that these grouips were created by Pakistani Establishment to Counter Iran and specifically for Jihad in Afghanistan during 1980's. Sipah e Sahaba, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Lashkar e Jhangvi al Alami, .......call them by any names, but after 1990' these Terror Groups were involved in a lot of Rampage in Pakistan, particularly in Sectarian Conflicts.

Most of the linchpins of these Terror Organizations were eliminated systematically, once their true reality surfaced. After that most of these groups drifted Towards AL QAEDA other Terrorist groups.

When Pak Army entered FATA/Tribal areas, these same groups once reared up by Pakistani Establishment, launched an all out assault on Pakistani Military. Suicide Bombings, Targeted Killings and repeated attacks were the order of the day.

AND NOW LAST REMAINING ENEMY IS IRAAANNNN! So peoples like @Imran Khan are many. One of the guy working for Sipah e Sehaba works in my Office, in Government Job. All the time he barks about Killing as many Shias and Pakistani Military as possible!
once again nuke iran solve problem
Well said! Also - considering the export path of the ships leaving the Persian Gulf towards East -note that the explosion has happened on south-side of the oilers, facing the Arab states of the region! Why should Iranian submarines or frogmen go to the other side of the ship and attack it ! This was a Stupid plot against Iran to escalate the current precarious situation, and it will be believed by only real morons.

US recon planes picked up iranian speed boat removing an unexploded limpet mine off of one the ships

Clearly this was Iran, as it had exact knowledge of how to remove and without any apprehension quickly dismantled the mine without a specialized bomb removal squadron.

If it was another state actor who placed it, those soldiers wouldn’t go near that thing without a specialized bomb squad.


because Iran is not saddam or assad. The US wanted wars with Assad and Saddam (The deep state was begging Obama to attack assad before the Russians entered). they don't want a war with Iran. They want to try the old failed tactic of coercion. scaring Iran into surrendering. where as before Iran would simply ignore it as "psycological warfare" it seems Iran is comfortable enough to now take active measures against intimidation to really make the US think twice about this policy.

as soon as the US ratcheted up tensions with their CNN army on tv supposedly parading to intimidate Iran. 4 oil tankers were damaged, Iraqi embassy staff was evacuated and the US carrier decided not to enter...… Is this the action of someone who wants war?

Iran cannot afford to stand idly by while its tankers cant export oil. And its enemies tankers are sailing right by Iran and taking Irans share of the export market with direct collobaration with the US. IRan simply cannot ignore this. it has to take serious measures. and we are seeing it
Well said! Also - considering the export path of the ships leaving the Persian Gulf towards East -note that the explosion has happened on south-side of the oilers, facing the Arab states of the region! Why should Iranian submarines or frogmen go to the other side of the ship and attack it ! This was a Stupid plot against Iran to escalate the current precarious situation, and it will be believed by only real morons.
Propaganda that's why

US recon planes picked up iranian speed boat removing an unexploded limpet mine off of one the ships

Clearly this was Iran, as it had exact knowledge of how to remove and without any apprehension quickly dismantled the mine without a specialized bomb removal squadron.

If it was another state actor who placed it, those soldiers wouldn’t go near that thing without a specialized bomb squad.
How convenient for those planes to be there. Go watch more fox news
Plausible deniability: Iran sent a group of experts to investigate the mine to find the source of the attack (U.S wold do the same). Upon arrival they identified the mine type, a known one and took it for investigation.

I mean the ship was attacked 6-7 a.m and the mine was removed 10 hours later? If that group planted the mine, realizing it does not explode, they would go back 7-8 a.m and clear it up. Not 4 p.m when everyone is already there and looking.
So either the group went to sleep after the op and returned 10 hours later to cover it up, a sign of huge incompetence.
Or, they wanted to learn who carried out the attack, getting the evidence before the Americans.
Or something in between.
US recon planes picked up iranian speed boat removing an unexploded limpet mine off of one the ships

Clearly this was Iran, as it had exact knowledge of how to remove and without any apprehension quickly dismantled the mine without a specialized bomb removal squadron.

If it was another state actor who placed it, those soldiers wouldn’t go near that thing without a specialized bomb squad.

Your Zionist colours are showing, everyone on my end of the political spectrum can tell this was a blatant false flag. Anyone above room temp IQ can tell this was a false flag with nothing to gain.

The Zio-Americans have a history of starting wars based on false flag attacks on ships

-Gulf of Tonkin
-USS Liberty (attempted)

They also tried to do one before with Iran, remember Sahand?

You're literally some bad actor coming on this forum telling Iranians to "trust the plan".
The message is clear if I'm asked:
Iran is the police of the Persian gulf and is brave enough to go out openly, 10 hours after the attack, collect the evidence and avoid environmental impact of a leaking ship near its coast.
The freedom to do this with the Americans filming it, is a clear attack against Trumps "U.S power" approach.

It is even a good tactic because Iran can fabricate the mine to be of U.S or Israeli origin and put pressure on them in this situation. In future attacks there would always be the question whether this is a false flag op or not.
I can't wait for that unwanted war! :cheesy:

You are the dumbest person on this planet if you are excited that a war might happen. When war starts Americans wont be targeting just your military but men women and children who have nothing to do with it. They have the ability to launch a devastation far from their land and all iran can do is defend at most with no means to be aggressive at all. Anyways hope they pin you on the first line if you are that excited for a meaningless death.
So is india. Your point being??

LOL india does not have a battle hardened well funded proxy army fighting in iraq...syria...palestine...and lebonan

against the evil jews which most arabs are either friends and scared to fight :p

Pakistan supported Arabs fully and fought wars for Arabs and their allies but Arabs didn't supported Kashmir fully and never gave us Military assistance against India in our wars. So I think Arabs will now have to support Kashmir fully first and then Pakistan should support Arabs fully or Pakistan should persue it own self interests and set foreign policy accordingly.

Like how pakistanis supported jordanians by sending in troops killing the Palestinians :p
Lol, they tell us arabs are incompetent losers but now they can pull off two sophisticated attacks oil tankers for false flags .... :D

It's definitely Iran and this time right near Iran's coast. Iran can't export much oil now because of US sanctions so they threatening rest of oil export in region too.

Don't peddle lies.
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