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Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

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Iran is closer to pakistan geographically than arabs
I know.

The current UAE government can't trusted and I believe it was an evil regime too. But they are more trust-able than Iran.
The verbal threats never matter they are just results of changing world Dynamics. UAE can be trusted. No problem in that. Only thing that cannot be trusted is USA and Pakistan needs to unite Muslims against USA offensive policies in the region. War in region should be avoided.
Sorry but in Syria it is Russia which gave most support to Assad so why no war against Russia? And why target Iran only?

Russia supports Bashar yes. But Iran has also spent around $100 billion to keep Assad afloat. They have recruited 10,000s of shias from around the world to fight for Bashar. Irans support is very significant.

Because people don't want a nuclear war.
Pakistan should support Arabs because they always helped Pakistan and are providing jobs to hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis
Who cares for Palestine
If Pakistan starts supporting Arab full fledgly than they would support Kashmir
Pakistan supported Arabs fully and fought wars for Arabs and their allies but Arabs didn't supported Kashmir fully and never gave us Military assistance against India in our wars. So I think Arabs will now have to support Kashmir fully first and then Pakistan should support Arabs fully or Pakistan should persue it own self interests and set foreign policy accordingly.
Russia supports Bashar yes. But Iran has also spent around $100 billion to keep Assad afloat. They have recruited 10,000s of shias from around the world to fight for Bashar. Irans support is very significant.

Because people don't want a nuclear war.

Sorry but Iran did very little compared to Russia and actual hate should go towards Russia than Iran. Shia and many Sunni fought ISIS in Syria the rest are factions like pkk and ypg who are also terrorist in Syria because Pakistan considers them terrorist. Now coming to FSA they are good but the factions of Al qaida are terrorist as well so I cannot asses fully who to blame in Syria but yes Muslims got killed in Syria because of Russia USA NATO GCC Iran and many other countries.
In Libya Muslims got killed because of whom? Why Sunni in Libya are being killed and who is killing them?

You mean Yemen war
But I think in 2015 Pakistan refused to join them
No I mean when Arabs asked us to fight war with Israel and we fought but Arabs in return never helped against India. Don't you remember?
This will help remember.

A made in Germany sub laid the mines:



Jews filming their own false flag on 9/11:

Who is dancing in the streets again over more false flags now blamed on Iran.
No I mean when Arabs asked us to fight war with Israel and we fought but Arabs in return never helped against India. Don't you remember?

Saudi Arabia fought against Isreal?
But here at this forum we are told by Iranian and some Pakistani members
Saudi equals to yahoodi
Saudi Arabia fought against Isreal?
But here at this forum we are told by Iranian and some Pakistani members
Saudi equals to yahoodi
There are many things that are said on forums. Saudis are Muslims and good Muslims. I think Iran and Saudis should get to table and talk on Yemen and then both GCC and Iran should help Pakistan fight Kashmir and and then we all should fight to make Palestine free again. Don't you think this is a good suggestion?
We Muslims should also demolish dollar and establish our own trade currency?

Sorry but I am not a supporter of war anywhere until there is no escaping war.
Iran isnt stupid, this is classic propaganda. Hit your own vessel and blame it on the enemy. Used countless times, from the Japanese to the Americans.
Well said! Also - considering the export path of the ships leaving the Persian Gulf towards East -note that the explosion has happened on south-side of the oilers, facing the Arab states of the region! Why should Iranian submarines or frogmen go to the other side of the ship and attack it ! This was a Stupid plot against Iran to escalate the current precarious situation, and it will be believed by only real morons.

As Iranian officials said:

People are denying this because it is not true. The Iranians stated it is not true.

I know quite well about false flags. but do you seriously believe an Iranian official will publicly come and say " yeah it was us" ?

you give subtle clues. like your media being the first to report it. having senior officials who are normally diplomatic give out open threats, and Iran openly saying if we cant export oil no one can.

the americans and Saudis and UAE have plotted to take Iranian oil off the market, and pump out oil of their own to try to offset it. this policy depends on Iran sitting on its *** and seeing its export capacity be limited to the "grey" market while its enemy nations are going right thru Irans door taking away Irans revenue.

Iran is the major power of the region and the guarantour of security for the Persian gulf and straight of hormuz ( as much as the US wants to think its them). Iran simply cannot sit by and let this happen.

if Iran cant export oil, expect many more arab tankers and oil infastracture to get blown up. Btw. on totally unrelated news, the houthis magically got their hands on a serious cruise missile that hit a Saudi air port (but can also probably hit vital oil infastracture and possibly desalination plants)

let the escalation begin.
I know quite well about false flags. but do you seriously believe an Iranian official will publicly come and say " yeah it was us" ?

you give subtle clues. like your media being the first to report it. having senior officials who are normally diplomatic give out open threats, and Iran openly saying if we cant export oil no one can.

the americans and Saudis and UAE have plotted to take Iranian oil off the market, and pump out oil of their own to try to offset it. this policy depends on Iran sitting on its *** and seeing its export capacity be limited to the "grey" market while its enemy nations are going right thru Irans door taking away Irans revenue.

Iran is the major power of the region and the guarantour of security for the Persian gulf and straight of hormuz ( as much as the US wants to think its them). Iran simply cannot sit by and let this happen.

if Iran cant export oil, expect many more arab tankers and oil infastracture to get blown up. Btw. on totally unrelated news, the houthis magically got their hands on a serious cruise missile that hit a Saudi air port (but can also probably hit vital oil infastracture and possibly desalination plants)

let the escalation begin.


Why such an extreme comment? No country on earth should get nuked, unless they use one in an unjustified manner.

Perhaps @Imran Khan is the product of some Right Wing Sunni Exrtremist Group, supported & sponsored by the state.

You do know, that these grouips were created by Pakistani Establishment to Counter Iran and specifically for Jihad in Afghanistan during 1980's. Sipah e Sahaba, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Lashkar e Jhangvi al Alami, .......call them by any names, but after 1990' these Terror Groups were involved in a lot of Rampage in Pakistan, particularly in Sectarian Conflicts.

Most of the linchpins of these Terror Organizations were eliminated systematically, once their true reality surfaced. After that most of these groups drifted Towards AL QAEDA other Terrorist groups.

When Pak Army entered FATA/Tribal areas, these same groups once reared up by Pakistani Establishment, launched an all out assault on Pakistani Military. Suicide Bombings, Targeted Killings and repeated attacks were the order of the day.

AND NOW LAST REMAINING ENEMY IS IRAAANNNN! So peoples like @Imran Khan are many. One of the guy working for Sipah e Sehaba works in my Office, in Government Job. All the time he barks about Killing as many Shias and Pakistani Military as possible!
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