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BREAKING: The White House is set to move ahead with the sale of 50 F35 fighter jets to the UAE.

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Feb 22, 2017
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United States
UAE could get up to 50 F-35s in $10B sale


WASHINGTON — The U.S. State Department is backing the sale of as many as 50 F-35 joint strike fighters to the United Arab Emirates in an arms deal worth an estimated $10.4 billion, according to multiple reports.

The news came as the Trump Administration informally briefed Congress on its plan to sell the advanced F-35 fighter to the United Arab Emirates on Thursday. It follows week of speculation and behind-the-scenes debates about how to structure an F-35 deal with the UAE without cutting into Israel’s qualitative military edge.

If the sale is permitted by Congress and the UAE opts to buy the full number of F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variants covered by the deal, it would have parity with Israel, which has 50 F-35 “Adir” jets under contract, although it is considering buying 25 more. (The quantities and values of such deals often change from initial estimates.)

Amid reports the Trump administration is fast-tracking the F-35 sales, key Democratic lawmakers are continuing to urge a deliberate approach, citing concerns for Israel’s security and the security of the warplane’s sensitive technology.

“This technology would significantly change the military balance in the Gulf and affect Israel’s military edge," House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., said in a statement. "The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is a game-changing stealth platform boasting advanced strike capability and unique sensor technology. The export of this aircraft requires very careful consideration and Congress must analyze all the ramifications. Rushing these sales is not in anyone’s interest.”

The consultations came days after Israel said last week it will not oppose the U.S. sale of “certain weapon systems,” widely considered to mean the F-35. That followed an agreement between Israel and the U.S. to upgrade its capabilities to preserve its edge.

Engel said he plans to weigh the U.S. legal obligation to maintain Israel’s military superiority in the region, as well the question of whether the sale would drive demands from other Middle Eastern nations to buy the F-35 in exchange for normalized ties with Israel. (The Trump administration recently brokered such a pact between Israel and the UAE.)

“Israel currently has exclusive access in the region to the F-35, which has guaranteed its military edge over the last several years. As Congress reviews this sale, it must be clear that changes to the status quo will not put Israel’s military advantage at risk,” Engel said.

“This technology also must be safeguarded from our greatest global adversaries. With Russia and China active in the region, the American people will require unimpeachable assurances that our most advanced military capabilities will be protected.”

For decades, the State Department has informally consulted with the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees before formally notifying Congress of sales, which affords lawmakers a chance to block them. Though lawmakers typically consider such deliberations sensitive and rarely speak publicly about them, Engel broke the news Congress had been informally notified.

Assistant Secretary Bureau of Political-Military Affairs R. Clarke Cooper told reporters on Wednesday the department plans to honor that process.

Though Reuters has reported there is a goal to have a letter of agreement between the U.S. and the UAE by Dec. 2, Cooper said “there are no dates associated with the work that’s being done.” He declined to provide specifics of a potential deal and the State Department declined to comment on Thursday.
F-35 prime contractor Lockheed Martin referred questions to the State Department.

Israeli opposition would be fatal to the deal in Congress, where Israel enjoys strong support. Two key Democrats introduced legislation earlier this month that would place restrictions on F-35 sales to Middle Eastern nations to address their concerns about both the Israel’s security and the security of F-35 technology.

On Thursday, Engel invited colleagues to join him in legislation, “to ensure that the sale of these types of weapons adhere to our most important national security goals.”

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It'll be very interesting to see if Congress approves this. It's the same amount of jets that Israel has initially ordered.
FIFTY (50)? Oh my... :eek:

I was shocked by that number too when I read some of those tweets early this morning. Originally the count was predicted at 24 AND 20 EA-18G Growlers since the entire package of the F-35's potency includes the Growler's EW attack capabilities which interestingly enough, is not part of Israel's arsenal but is the way the US uses the F-35 in most cases. So it'll be interesting to see if the Growler also ends up in this package deal.
It'll be very interesting to see if Congress approves this. It's the same amount of jets that Israel has initially ordered.
Usrael is not opposing it .. so Congress will no doubt approve this deal..
I was shocked by that number too when I read some of those tweets early this morning. Originally the count was predicted at 24 AND 20 EA-18G Growlers since the entire package of the F-35's potency includes the Growler's EW attack capabilities which interestingly enough, is not part of Israel's arsenal but is the way the US uses the F-35 in most cases. So it'll be interesting to see if the Growler also ends up in this package deal.
You are right..why the Growler when the F-35 can take that role..Better go with the best..and stealth on top of that..
i can see the mirages going to sudan or other african allies of the gulf states
You will see a good number of the Mirage-9 going to Egypt..since it is the only Country in the Area that operates the Mirage 2k and has the infrastructure to absorb new ones..
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50 F35 fighters to the UAE ... the cost of the deal is $ 10.4 billion, at a rate of $208 million per fighter..

The deal includes training, facilities, ammunition, spare parts and maintenance for a very long period (warranty).. The GCC and UAE's ammunition, which is known to take only the best, raises the price of Gulf deals in general, because It takes full options and all logistical matters..

As for the F-35 plane per se.., its price is less than $100 million..

So, what raises the price of the deal is the package that comes with it..


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You are right..why the Growler when the F-35 can take that role..Better go with the best..and stealth on top of that..

I meant it the other way around, bro. The F-35's potency is greatly enhanced by the Growler and that's the way the US even uses it in teams regardless if the Growler is a Navy bird, it still operates with all three branches' F-35 squadrons. Hence why the EA-G18 was part of the UAE's initial order, wasn't it? I believe you even opened the thread on that and there are some other really nifty US equipment on that shopping list like some of the more recent and potent UCAVs including maybe another version of the Global Hawk. Also state of the art comms and command centers for all this unmanned technology.
I meant it the other way around, bro. The F-35's potency is greatly enhanced by the Growler and that's the way the US even uses it in teams regardless if the Growler is a Navy bird, it still operates with all three branches' F-35 squadrons. Hence why the EA-G18 was part of the UAE's initial order, wasn't it? I believe you even opened the thread on that and there are some other really nifty US equipment on that shopping list like some of the more recent and potent UCAVs including maybe another version of the Global Hawk. Also state of the art comms and command centers for all this unmanned technology.
Yes Bro..I understand you fully.. but most probably Usrael objected to that, simply because it is and edge in the EW that it does not have itself.. maybe the UAE upped the Ante, so if Usrael opposes something it won't be the F-35.. And there is the possibility of it coming later anyway..But there is something to compensate Usrael for that..maybe it can keep the US THAAD battery it has, get the F-15EX and some other enhancements to its existing weapon systems with more up to date tech..

Unprecedented Battlefield Access

The F-35’s advanced stealth and built-in electronic warfare capabilities enable unprecedented battlefield access without the need for dedicated electronic attack aircraft support.

The F-35’s survivability, electronic attack, electronic protection, situational awareness, advanced targeting and unprecedented Combat ID will make the entire air wing better. Research indicates that adding more F-35s in a high threat environment is far more effective than adding more single-mission, electronic attack support aircraft. The electronic warfare suite on the F-35 gives improved emitter location capability over legacy aircraft.


Here is a good read bro..

The APG-81 radar is used for F-35’s offensive EW capability. It has a large aperture (~1,676 T/R modules) and is fully integrated with ASQ-239. The older APG-77 radar in F-22 had 10W T/R modules, so if APG-81 used 16W T/R modules (being conservative) – you’ll have around 26.8 kW peak power (way more than ALQ-99 jamming pods carried by Growler). Either way it shows just how powerful the F-35’s radar is.


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