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BREAKING: The IDF enters a state of alert for The next 24 hours #IsraelAlert #Soleimani

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Like you hung the Arabs before your started LOVING them and following their god and revering the guy whose armies ripped through your civilization raping your mothers?


Behram jaan, get a set transplanted. Nation wide.

Cheers, Doc

The way u keep mentioning our god makes it obvious ur hatred. REMEMBER THIS IS A PAKISTANI FORUM AT THE END OF THE DAY. And you are no more than an Indian Rat. And theres a thing called Blasphemy Law in Pakistan. And this Site is Pakistani. So you know what is the punishment for this crime according to Pakistani Criminal Code? It goes as far as a death penalty. As for PDF, this warrants ur permanent expulsion from here forever.
We were in Iran moron.

We left 100 years after Al Qadisiya. At the earliest.

Most accounts put our landing in India around 970 AD. That's 300 years.

Uninformed and balless. A potent combination.

Cheers, Doc
So you stuck around for a 100 years for your mothers to be properly rapped before you decided to head on over to India? Good for you my Indian "friend".
Get this Indian piece of shit out of here!
So you stuck around for a 100 years for your mothers to be properly rapped before you decided to head on over to India? Good for you my Indian "friend".

But we did not start ever LOVING the rapists.

Or calling those who led them the Sahaba.

Forgetting our own Prophet and LOVING the Arab whose armies raped our women and calling him Prophet.

Forgetting Ahura Mazda and his Atash and following a big black rock and worshipping Allah.

I'd say you need to look for your balls.

Coz your forefathers definitely lost theirs.

Cheers, Doc
But we did not start ever LOVING the rapists.

Or calling those who led them the Sahaba.

Forgetting our own Prophet and LOVING the Arab whose armies raped our women and calling him Prophet.

Forgetting Ahura Mazda and his Atash and following a big black rock and worshipping Allah.

I'd say you need to look for your balls.

Coz your forefathers definitely lost theirs.

Cheers, Doc
Good for you Pajeet!
@Bahram Esfandiari @Shapur Zol Aktaf @padamchen @Xerxes22

Guys..every time you fight each other you empower the Semites (Arabs and Jews). You all have Persian blood .It does not matter what religion you have now. You share the same ethnic background . Arabs and Jews are joining hands and Aryan people are fighting themselves...That is what we were doing 600 years ago and we know what was the result.

We are in cross roads now and we "Aryan people" have to unite against a dark enemy at our gates. I consider "Padamchen" a fellow persian even if he considers himself a 100% indian which he should..he was borne there..but he is Persian blood.

"shahpour" i read your text about what Israel did during the shah.100% facts...I was there and we used to see them coming to our facility from time to time.
@Bahram Esfandiari @Shapur Zol Aktaf @padamchen @Xerxes22

Guys..every time you fight each other you empower the Semites (Arabs and Jews). You all have Persian blood .It does not matter what religion you have now. You share the same ethnic background . Arabs and Jews are joining hands and Aryan people are fighting themselves...That is what we were doing 600 years ago and we know what was the result.

We are in cross roads now and we "Aryan people" have to unite against a dark enemy at our gates. I consider "Padamchen" a fellow persian even if he considers himself a 100% indian which he should..he was borne there..but he is Persian blood.

I'm gone for good this time.

Though I have still not insulted Allah or Muhammad.

I hope a spark has been lighted.

If not, its ok. I have work elsewhere.

Ushta te.

Cheers, Doc
@Bahram Esfandiari @Shapur Zol Aktaf @padamchen @Xerxes22

Guys..every time you fight each other you empower the Semites (Arabs and Jews). You all have Persian blood .It does not matter what religion you have now. You share the same ethnic background . Arabs and Jews are joining hands and Aryan people are fighting themselves...That is what we were doing 600 years ago and we know what was the result.

We are in cross roads now and we "Aryan people" have to unite against a dark enemy at our gates. I consider "Padamchen" a fellow persian even if he considers himself a 100% indian which he should..he was borne there..but he is Persian blood.

I tried to reconcile with him a long time ago but he is insufferable!
Why are Iranians so antisemitic? What drives this intense hatred for Zionists (read:Jews)?

Get your heads checked
Are you an idiot or just plain stupid? Are you blind to greed, inhumanity and murderous intent of the Zions?
Americans are killed daily in Afghanistan and other parts of the world. Not the first nation. They had wars with Saddam twice not first and by the way they warned them before launching that rocket it claimed no soul. Iran is hesitant and scared while Pathans don't give a shit. The truth is they became deer in the headlights inside Iraq. They have this fear of Americans that doesn't exist elsewhere except in their militias
Just like the Dutch forces in Bosnia?-" they became deer in the headlights"
Yet today you love Allah.

And Muhammad.

And revere the same guys who raped our mothers and wives and sisters and took them as concubines and spat into the holy Atash?

How did that happen?

Cheers, Doc
Iranians must be free to select their religion as long as it does not damage the unity or territory of Iran. After 1000 year, shia Islam (or as enemies of Iran call it majusi/magianism hidden under Islam) is integrated into Iran. Its theology mainly was contributed to by persians (for at least 80%) and it helped to revive Iran during the safavids (after timurid and mongol genocides) and even some myths in it about Imam Hussein marriage with a sassanid prinses is a witness to that influence. Not to forget that Muhammad himself did not invade or declare war upon sassanid Iran.

War played an important role of spreading christianity in Europe. Charles the great campaigned against the Saxons to his east, Christianising them upon penalty of death and leading to events such as the Massacre of Verden. Baltic states became Christian by sword. However nowadays Europe or many European nations do not even care that much about Christianity. They just accepted it as a component of Europe. They dont declare war upon christianity.

Now Irans ties to its Arab-muslim neighbours somehow resemble ancient Irans ties with Arabs.
Just replace phoenicians with todays Lebanese/hezbollah: In the wake of creating the navy, Persians hired Phoenician rowers and sailors, but later recruited from other subject peoples.

Replace Lakhmids with todays Southern Iraqi Shias: The Lakhmids (Arabic: اللخميون‎) referred to in Arabic as al-Manādhirah (المناذرة) or Banu Lakhm (بنو لخم) were an Arab kingdom of southern Iraq and East Arabia, with al-Hirah as their capital, from about 300 to 602 AD. They were generally but intermittently the allies and clients of the Sassanian Empire, and participant in the Roman–Persian Wars.

And replace this historical event in Yemen with todays Irans support to Houthis (with their base in Sanaa):
The Siege of Sana'a took place when the Sasanian under military officer Vahrez besieged the Aksumite city of Sana'a in 570.
In the late sixth century, Sasanian Empire of Persia and the Ethiopia-based Axumite Empire fought a series of wars over control of the Himyarite Kingdom in Yemen, Southern Arabia. After the Battle of Hadhramaut and the Siege of Sana'a in 570, the Aksumites were expelled from the Arabian peninsula. They had re-established their power there by 575 or 578, when another Persian army invaded Yemen and re-established the deposed king on his throne as their client. It marked the end of Ethiopian rule in Arabia.
I tried to reconcile with him a long time ago but he is insufferable!
We can all have disagreements which is great it is healthy but when confronted with such a dark force ahead of us..we should always keep the bigger picture in mind..God bless you and all Persian .
Iranians must be free to select their religion as long as it does not damage the unity or territory of Iran. After 1000 year, shia Islam (or as enemies of Iran call it majusi/magianism hidden under Islam) is integrated into Iran. Its theology mainly was contributed to by persians (for at least 80%) and it helped to revive Iran during the safavids (after timurid and mongol genocides) and even some myths in it about Imam Hussein marriage with a sassanid prinses is a witness to that influence. Not to forget that Muhammad himself did not invade or declare war upon sassanid Iran.

War played an important role of spreading christianity in Europe. Charles the great campaigned against the Saxons to his east, Christianising them upon penalty of death and leading to events such as the Massacre of Verden. Baltic states became Christian by sword. However nowadays Europe or many European nations do not even care that much about Christianity. They just accepted it as a component of Europe. They dont declare war upon christianity.

Now Irans ties to its Arab-muslim neighbours somehow resemble ancient Irans ties with Arabs.
Just replace phoenicians with todays Lebanese/hezbollah: In the wake of creating the navy, Persians hired Phoenician rowers and sailors, but later recruited from other subject peoples.

Replace Lakhmids with todays Southern Iraqi Shias: The Lakhmids (Arabic: اللخميون‎) referred to in Arabic as al-Manādhirah (المناذرة) or Banu Lakhm (بنو لخم) were an Arab kingdom of southern Iraq and East Arabia, with al-Hirah as their capital, from about 300 to 602 AD. They were generally but intermittently the allies and clients of the Sassanian Empire, and participant in the Roman–Persian Wars.

And replace this historical event in Yemen with todays Irans support to Houthis (with their base in Sanaa):
The Siege of Sana'a took place when the Sasanian under military officer Vahrez besieged the Aksumite city of Sana'a in 570.
In the late sixth century, Sasanian Empire of Persia and the Ethiopia-based Axumite Empire fought a series of wars over control of the Himyarite Kingdom in Yemen, Southern Arabia. After the Battle of Hadhramaut and the Siege of Sana'a in 570, the Aksumites were expelled from the Arabian peninsula. They had re-established their power there by 575 or 578, when another Persian army invaded Yemen and re-established the deposed king on his throne as their client. It marked the end of Ethiopian rule in Arabia.
Man I admire your command of History..excellent..:wave:
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So you stuck around for a 100 years for your mothers to be properly rapped before you decided to head on over to India? Good for you my Indian "friend".
Get this Indian piece of shit out of here!
The Issue arose when one User was calling Iranians Anti semite and asked why we hated Zion.
Then this guy joined in and said that was a muslim thing to do or watever, As if Zion is not the enemy of all Iranians regarding their background. I, at that point hadnt realised about his background and assumed he was an Indian hating on Iranians and loving on zion. So i went after him assuming he's just a typical indian. I think zion has done enuf crap on Iran for all Iranians from any background to consider it an enemy.
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Are you an idiot or just plain stupid? Are you blind to greed, inhumanity and murderous intent of the Zions?

Just like the Dutch forces in Bosnia?-" they became deer in the headlights"
apparently he thinks i shud get my head checked since there is no ill intentions from child murdering zion. Anyone old enuf to remember how the zionist soldiers used to smirk back in the 90s when they were planning to occupy and eventually steal Lebanese land and putting their settlers in them (like palestine). NO HARM FROM ZION. Then it got is guts kicked.

But zion is so innocent isnt it? No ill intentions towards anybody. I shud get my head checked
My my. Aren't you Bangladeshi?

Get help. You're literally all over the place
My my wasnt my father born as a pakistani. My my Wasnt my great great grandfather started living in British East India company. My my Wasnt My Ancestors were From Persian lands. My my isnt pakistand About only 80 years old. My my isnt Bangladesh 50 years old. My my who AM I ? Who are my Ancestors, MY MY MY.
apparently he thinks i shud get my head checked since there is no ill intentions from child murdering zion. Anyone old enuf to remember how the zionist soldiers used to smirk back in the 90s when they were planning to occupy and eventually steal Lebanese land and putting their settlers in them (like palestine). NO HARM FROM ZION. Then it got is guts kicked.

But zion is so innocent isnt it? No ill intentions towards anybody. I shud get my head checked

My my wasnt my father born as a pakistani. My my Wasnt my great great grandfather started living in British East India company. My my Wasnt My Ancestors were From Persian lands. My my isnt pakistand About only 80 years old. My my isnt Bangladesh 50 years old. My my who AM I ? Who are my Ancestors, MY MY MY.

hey didn't know that ! that's cool :) UAE and Bangladesh are almost the same age
Iranians must be free to select their religion as long as it does not damage the unity or territory of Iran. After 1000 year, shia Islam (or as enemies of Iran call it majusi/magianism hidden under Islam) is integrated into Iran. Its theology mainly was contributed to by persians (for at least 80%) and it helped to revive Iran during the safavids (after timurid and mongol genocides) and even some myths in it about Imam Hussein marriage with a sassanid prinses is a witness to that influence. Not to forget that Muhammad himself did not invade or declare war upon sassanid Iran.

War played an important role of spreading christianity in Europe. Charles the great campaigned against the Saxons to his east, Christianising them upon penalty of death and leading to events such as the Massacre of Verden. Baltic states became Christian by sword. However nowadays Europe or many European nations do not even care that much about Christianity. They just accepted it as a component of Europe. They dont declare war upon christianity.

Now Irans ties to its Arab-muslim neighbours somehow resemble ancient Irans ties with Arabs.
Just replace phoenicians with todays Lebanese/hezbollah: In the wake of creating the navy, Persians hired Phoenician rowers and sailors, but later recruited from other subject peoples.

Replace Lakhmids with todays Southern Iraqi Shias: The Lakhmids (Arabic: اللخميون‎) referred to in Arabic as al-Manādhirah (المناذرة) or Banu Lakhm (بنو لخم) were an Arab kingdom of southern Iraq and East Arabia, with al-Hirah as their capital, from about 300 to 602 AD. They were generally but intermittently the allies and clients of the Sassanian Empire, and participant in the Roman–Persian Wars.

And replace this historical event in Yemen with todays Irans support to Houthis (with their base in Sanaa):
The Siege of Sana'a took place when the Sasanian under military officer Vahrez besieged the Aksumite city of Sana'a in 570.
In the late sixth century, Sasanian Empire of Persia and the Ethiopia-based Axumite Empire fought a series of wars over control of the Himyarite Kingdom in Yemen, Southern Arabia. After the Battle of Hadhramaut and the Siege of Sana'a in 570, the Aksumites were expelled from the Arabian peninsula. They had re-established their power there by 575 or 578, when another Persian army invaded Yemen and re-established the deposed king on his throne as their client. It marked the end of Ethiopian rule in Arabia.

Shapur all I am wondering is why am I not banned from this place

Would save me from reading civilizational subliminal millennial revisionist brainwashing like "Muhammad did not directly attack Persia. "

Best to concentrate on the Kurds. Cousins over blood brothers.

They have their priorities clear, their heads straight, and an appetite for a fight

Cheers, Doc
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