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BREAKING: The IDF enters a state of alert for The next 24 hours #IsraelAlert #Soleimani

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Why are Iranians so antisemitic? What drives this intense hatred for Zionists (read:Jews)?

Get your heads checked

Stop reading too much into germanic chronicles . Those were enacted by white Christians.
Shapur all I am wondering is why am I not banned from this place

Would save me from reading civilizational subliminal millennial revisionist brainwashing like "Muhammad did not directly attack Persia. "

Best to concentrate on the Kurds. Cousins over blood brothers.

They have their priorities clear, their heads straight, and an appetite for a fight

Cheers, Doc
All what I mentioned are facts, our ties with arabs are old (especially those of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Eastern Arabia). That being said, our road and rail networdk to mediterranean will be buit through Iraq, Syria (and Lebanon). We need to reach mediterranean. In addition we need partnership with Yemen which will give us, in addition to strategic Hormuz strait, control over the strategic Bab-al-mandab Strait. These countries are all potential export market for Iranian goods as well.

Now with the Kurds, before supporting them in any form, they first must MENTION/ADMIT that they are Iranic. Secondly they MUST end all their claims, thuggery and separatist terrorism againt Iran. And finally they MUST stop being puppet of enemies of Iran. If they follow these steps, then we can talk to them.
All what I mentioned are facts, our ties with arabs are old (especially those of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Eastern Arabia). That being said, our road and rail networdk to mediterranean will be buit through Iraq, Syria (and Lebanon). We need to reach mediterranean. In addition we need partnership with Yemen which will give us, in addition to strategic Hormuz strait, control over the strategic Bab-al-mandab Strait. These countries are all potential export market for Iranian goods as well.

Now with the Kurds, before supporting them in any form, they first must MENTION/ADMIT that they are Iranic. Secondly they MUST end all their claims, thuggery and separatist terrorism againt Iran. And finally they MUST stop being puppet of enemies of Iran. If they follow these steps, then we can talk to them.

Why should the Kurds do anything you want them to?

They are on their way to nationhood. And are willing and able to spill blood for it.

The way we see it, it is you who needs to work with them, because they are tge occupying force in the way if your vilayet e faqih design, no?

You either work with them.

Or work with the Turks.

Right now everyone is fighting everyone.

Cheers, Doc
Now here is the real enemy of "Persians " as they say get to know your enemy's weak points..!!!,..

Israelis stealing from Wahhabis...lol

Hard to kick the habit of stealing other people's belonging..like ..LAND!!!.lol

Israeli Tourists Stealing Every Carriable Objects from UAE Hotels: Report

Israeli Tourists Stealing Every Carriable Objects from UAE Hotels: Report
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli tourists are stealing every carriable object such as lamps, towels, and paintings from Emirati hotels, a report said.
A month has passed since the start of flights between Tel Aviv and the United Arab Emirates, and there are already reports that Israeli tourists are stealing from hotels everything they can carry, Israel’s Yediot Aharonot reported on Tuesday.
The newspaper quoted a businessman as saying, “Many years ago I came to the United Arab Emirates and do business there .. Last month I arrived at the hotel I was staying in and I was terrified when I saw in the hotel lobby, Israelis open their bags before checking out and are being searched for Stolen items from the rooms”.
The manager of a hotel overlooking the Burj Khalifa said, “We host hundreds of tourists from all over the world and there are quite a few tourists who cause problems. Recently, we were stopped by Israeli tourists who came to the hotel and took with them everything we could carry, such as towels, tea and coffee bags, and even lamps".
The newspaper added that it asked the hotel manager to provide examples of the thefts carried out by the Zionists, so he said, “A family with two children wanted to check out and we found that there are things missing in the room. When the hotel lobby representative asked to explain the loss of these things, the guests started screaming … An argument, they agreed to open the bags, to find there were ice buckets, hangers, and face towels .. When we told them that we would inform the police, they decided to return the things and apologize.
Get some professional help before you blow yourself up.
sorry, but thats the habit of Sunni extremists, not Shiites, or even Shiite extremists. tell me the last Shiite who did a suicide bombing...i'm waiting..
The Iranian tards in Baghdad are the reason why ISIS succeeded.

That said, Iranians contributed 2% against ISIS. All fighters were Iraqi and the most effective force was ISOF which has nothing to do with Iran.

Iran is a cancer to Iraq in every way, be it economically, militarily (spawning militia's that create problems) and tourism wise as well as your poor rats are flooding Karbala and turning it into a shithole without even using hotels.

Iranian gas we don't need, again the pro-Iran rats in Baghdad could use Iraq's case.

The problem of Iraq is it has too many uneducated Shias who view Iran as friendly, if we had different people in power you'd be crying right now like you did in the 80's. Take your useless old expired Soleimani fame out of my face, no one gives 2 fucks about him or any other IRGC donkey that can be blown up when needed.
You attacked a lawless Iran in the 80's which didn't even have a proper government yet with a huge army backed by the entire West+US yet failed to advance even further than 1 province bordering Iraq lol. From 1982 to 1988 most of fighting occurred in Iraqi territory.. you even went desperate and resorted to chemical weapons lol. Anyway, back to now... Iraq is paying for its crimes by being a Iranian province now. Karma exists for sure.
sorry, but thats the habit of Sunni extremists, not Shiites, or even Shiite extremists. tell me the last Shiite who did a suicide bombing...i'm waiting..
Beirut 2020. Now bugger off Khomeini bot.
Why should the Kurds do anything you want them to?

They are on their way to nationhood. And are willing and able to spill blood for it.

The way we see it, it is you who needs to work with them, because they are tge occupying force in the way if your vilayet e faqih design, no?

You either work with them.

Or work with the Turks.

Right now everyone is fighting everyone.

Cheers, Doc
Kurdish autority and army are weak and corrupt. They can't have a country because they are landlocked, no access to the sea. Only Iran can provice them access to persian gulf, Caspian sea and the route to Europe passing thourgh Armenia and Georgia, in the case that they would separate from any country.

However the reality is that they acted as a runaway slut betraying their own father (Iran). They deny any association with Iran or Iranism, however claim and steal our history and culture as theirs. In addition, Barzani-Jew has a wish and dream of becoming slave of Israel (something like aliyev, but 1 leven higher) to attack Iran and steal a chunk of Iranian lands.

If they want any support in any way their leaders should stop with the extreme hate and bias against Iran. They are the ones who needs us, they are the weak corrupt army of barzani and communist ocalan who get killed very fast and easy by regional powers. If they beg us and follow the 3 conditions which I mentioned, maybe we can help them somewhere if our interests unite. Till then they will suffer as they're suffering now in Syria and Iraq (recently barzani killed protestors in Iraqi Kurdistan). They never suffered in Iran because we treated them well, because their true land is Iran.

These tribal barzani thugs are the ones who wanted to separate Iranian lands with backing of Soviet Union after the world war 2. We hanged their gangster leader (qazi mohammad) and made barzani flee to soviet union. From there he imported soviet revisionism against Iranian culture and history, brainwashing and controlling millions of Kurds and sending them towards misery (which automaticly goes hand in hand with anti-Iranian course in the region).
Kurdish autority and army are weak and corrupt. They can't have a country because they are landlocked, no access to the sea. Only Iran can provice them access to persian gulf, Caspian sea and the route to Europe passing thourgh Armenia and Georgia, in the case that they would separate from any country.

However the reality is that they acted as a runaway slut betraying their own father (Iran). They deny any association with Iran or Iranism, however claim and steal our history and culture as theirs. In addition, Barzani-Jew has a wish and dream of becoming slave of Israel (somehow like aliyev) to attack Iran and steal a chunk of Iranian lands.

If they want any support in anyway their leaders should stop with the extreme hate and bias against Iran. They are the ones who needs us, they are the weak corrupt army of barzani and communist ocalan who get killed very fast and easy by regional powers. If they beg us and follow the 3 conditions which I mentioned, maybe we can help them somewhere if our interests unite. Till then they will suffer, as they're suffering now in Syria and Iraq (recently barzani killed protestors in Iraqi Kurdistan).

These tribal barzani thugs are the ones who wanted to separate Iranian lands with backing of Soviet Union after the world war 2. We hanged their gangster leader (qazi mohammad) and made barzani flee to soviet union. From there he imported soviet revisionism against Iranian culture and history, brainwashing and controlling millions of Kurds and sending them towards misery (which automaticly goes hand in hand with anti-Iranian course in the region).
Sometimes i think why instead of prostituting themselves to America or Israel they do not join their closest blood cousins (Iran) ? We can help them create a powerful and large army, fund them, train them, help them in establishing crucial state structures etc

They would have become something like Hezbollah but one against Turkey with direct land acces to Iran. They would have been much more powerful than the sorry monkey state they are in right now.
all civilian air lines please dont fly

Last time Iran shot down a civilian airliner inside its own air space

whole and entire plan backfired
Sometimes i think why instead of prostituting themselves to America or Israel they do not join their closest blood cousins (Iran) ? We can help them create a powerful and large army, fund them, train them, help them in establishing crucial state structures etc

They would have become something like Hezbollah but one against Turkey with direct land acces to Iran. They would have been much more powerful than the sorry monkey state they are in right now.
Tribalism, betrayal and hate towards Iran and Iranian ethnicities. They know what it means to be supported by Iran, however they are blinded by tribal racist hate.
Sometimes i think why instead of prostituting themselves to America or Israel they do not join their closest blood cousins (Iran) ? We can help them create a powerful and large army, fund them, train them, help them in establishing crucial state structures etc

They would have become something like Hezbollah but one against Turkey with direct land acces to Iran. They would have been much more powerful than the sorry monkey state they are in right now.

Maybe because they are done with Islam. Of your variety, as well as the other they are fighting actively.

Cheers, Doc
Maybe because they are done with Islam. Of your variety, as well as the other they are fighting actively.

Cheers, Doc
You seem to be a very dumb doc, doc. Iranian national interests will remain unchanged regardless of the government in charge.
You seem to be a very dumb doc, doc. Iranian national interests will remain unchanged regardless of the government in charge.

We are not discussing Iran now Darius. We are talking about the Kurds.

Different nation.

Different interests.

Shapur thinks it's tribalism and race.

Yet they work with other Persians.


Cheers, Doc
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