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Breaking : People injured after explosion in Instanbul - Turkey - reports

Turkiye under terror attack since 1985
and Turkiye lost tens of thousands of citizens and over $500 billion

Our so-called NATO Allies USA,France,Germany,UK,İtaly,Greece,etc support PKK/YPG terror organization to kill Turkish People and to destroy Turkiye's territorial integrity

PKK listed as a terrorist organization by the US, and EU

still Sweden support PKK terrorism against Turkiye

Supporters of the PKK/YPG terrorist organization held a demonstration in Sweden’s capital on Saturday under Police protection

imagine if ISIS -AL QAEDA terror attack in New York or Paris or London or Berlin
and ISIS -AL QAEDA terrorists held a demonstration in Istanbul under Police protection

this is the hypocrisy of Our so-called NATO Allies
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terrorist carrying the explosive.

New york times did not surprise again, the state of turkophobic editorial is now pathetic.

The youngest of the 6 citizens who lost their lives is 3 years old and her name is Ecrin.

Really saddened this happened. Did PKK carry out the henious attack? I have met a few Kurds in Turkey and they are very patriotic. Turkey needs to crack down hard on PKK.

PS. I am soon going to Turkey with family inshAllah to view my appartment in Izmir.
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Terror Attack perpetrated by PYD/YPG, the Syrian branch of the separatist terrorist organization PKK/KCK

After the attack, the counter-terrorism and intelligence units scrutinized hundreds of hours of footage from 1,200 different security cameras

Syrian origin terrorist Ahlam Albashir arrested who carried out the attack,



I wonder if it's a coincidence that Turkiye police have given her a sweatshirt with the word "New York" :lol:.

That woman can't carry out that attack alone, so the interesting part is who is behind her, how she got explosives.
Its not secret

terror state USA gave 40,000 trucks of weapons to PKK/YPG Terrorists in Syria

that means USA killed 3 years old Turkish girl in Istanbul yesterday

Syria-Instanbul is a long way.

And Syria-Turkiye is a well watched protected border.

So it must be something more.
Terror Attack perpetrated by PYD/YPG, the Syrian branch of the separatist terrorist organization PKK/KCK

After the attack, the counter-terrorism and intelligence units scrutinized hundreds of hours of footage from 1,200 different security cameras

Syrian origin terrorist Ahlam Albashir arrested who carried out the attack,
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She looks more African than Syrian...
Syria-Instanbul is a long way.

And Syria-Turkiye is a well watched protected border.

So it must be something more.

She entered Turkiye illegally through Afrin-Idlib 4 months ago

Terrorist Albashir and a Man with the appearance of a married couple, rented the house of a Syrian national in Istanbul and started working in a textile workshop.

He had given her the bomb package and that he was preparing to flee to Greece.

Female terrorist arrested who carried out the attack

Efforts continue to arrest Male terrorist

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Observe that the sweatshirt says "New York" and not "Washington".

For people inside Turkiye state with access to real true information American politicians must be a bad joke.

Real center of decision making of USA state is New York (likely bankers of Wall St in their The Hamptons mansions).

What would you choose? Who really rules USA?



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Someone has to say it.

It's admirable how Türkiye discloses the truth in hours and accuses officially USA devils.

In West Europe you can't even dream about it.

We dont know a shit yet about the truth of Madrid March 11 2004 Atocha Bombing, or about July 7 2005 London attack.

A lot less we know something about August 11 2017 Ramblas Barcelona terrorist attack or about 2017 Manchester bombing.

And if you try to find some information, you only will find a lot of filthy Western undercovers inventing stupid lies nonsenses and delivering it to massmedia, bots, and internet trolls. Protecting their American master and conspiring against their own people.
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