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Breaking: Pentagon announces partial withdrawal from Afghanistan – 2,500 troops to remain


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
The US will withdraw 500 troops from Iraq and thousands from Afghanistan - leaving around 2,500 soldiers in each country - before President Donald Trump leaves office, Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller has announced.
In a press briefing on Tuesday, Miller said the troop withdrawals will take place before January 15, 2021.
"I celebrate this day as we continue the president's consistent progress in completing the mission we began two decades ago," Miller told reporters, adding that the withdrawal decision was a "collaborative" one between Trump and senior US military leaders.

While Trump is still contesting the presidential election results, which have yet to be officially called despite major news outlets declaring victory for Democrat Joe Biden, it appears he will partly fulfill his campaign promise to withdraw troops from the Middle East before likely leaving office.

Miller said talks with the Taliban remain "ongoing." The Trump administration previously signed an agreement with Taliban leaders promising a full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by mid-2021 if they upheld agreed-upon counterterrorism measures.

This peace deal remains the goal, Miller said on Tuesday.

Modi and Rss "s##tflakes" thought Trump was gonna destroy Pakistan. But after talking to IK, Trump listened to Pakistan. Modi failed to make a positive impression on Trump, despite being an Uncle Tom.
This is very true. There was much celebration amongst Indians that Trump had won and he would sort out Pakistan. And it looked like that when on assuming office he launched a tweet tirade against Pakistan. Then he began pulling back on aid etc. This had the Indian in expectant ecstasy.

But then Trump talked with Imran Khan while Melanie eyed Prime Minister of Pakistan. And that was it. IK and Trump became budsdies. Rest is history ....

Italy and Germany still have US troops occupying our countries.

Iraq tried to push the troops out 10 months ago, and trump threatened Iraq with sanctions worse than Saddam years and worse than ever they have seen (North Korea sanctions). trump and bush are no different.

If US troops are not leaving Japan after 75 years, Iraq is on a waiting list to kick out the Hindutva rapist goons. Nobody wants an "army" of rapist thugs in your country.

The attack Iran story that is circulating in the NYT is the NYT working with trump to shore up the McCain 'bomb Iran vote' of Christian zionists for 2024. If trump loses this election in 2020, being scorned by the deep state in not having more pro-trump events, trump could bite the hand that feeds it, and try to pull out most troops from Iraq and Afghanistan to get more support from the far Reichers for 2024.

trump wants to leave office with doing the bidding of Christian zionists and far Reichers. Both are MAGA; far Reichers more so. Christian zionists want to bomb Iran. Far Reichers want the troops home. So the news is there to get out the vote for 'trump 2024'.
First of all THANK YOU TRUMP! Just another of the promises he has fulfilled over his first term.

Because when you leave a vacuum that huge with 0 warning you get Iraq. You want an Iraq on your border?
Afghanistan isnt Iraq.. Taliban have targeted ISIS all these years... and we dont want Iraq on our border even tho India is creating Daish e Pakistan (ISIS PK)
First of all THANK YOU TRUMP! Just another of the promises he has fulfilled over his first term.

Because when you leave a vacuum that huge with 0 warning you get Iraq. You want an Iraq on your border?
Afghanistan has been wrost than iraq and yamen, we been thru what no other country felt.
This is very true. There was much celebration amongst Indians that Trump had won and he would sort out Pakistan. And it looked like that when on assuming office he launched a tweet tirade against Pakistan. Then he began pulling back on aid etc. This had the Indian in expectant ecstasy.

But then Trump talked with Imran Khan while Melanie eyed Prime Minister of Pakistan. And that was it. IK and Trump became budsdies. Rest is history ....

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when modi visited US, trump had to stand between his wife and modi, he was worried about that guy's intentions. :D
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