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BREAKING: Pakistan row,India considers proposal to manufacture F-16 fighter jets under Make in india

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M'well, I believe this to be an accounting problem!

If we suppose that Pakistan values Pakistani lives more than the US does/
which fits both culturally and historically as the US' war record shows ... /
those billions could be financial compensation for lives lost to drones.

Why then would you thank a merchant for providing items at the right cost?
Why would that buy your loyalty even assuming, which I'd dispute as quite low,
that your loyalty could be bought at all?

The relationship between Pakistan and America is a business one, that's all!

Good day to you, Tay.

What kind of business?

do you really think your gonna build f16's in india? think about it, a plane pakistan knows inside out, and back to front.
would the usa even let you. the f16's are apart of foreign policy and 10 billion is not as important as influence. the f18's ok yes you can have that. the rafale too if you have the money.

but what's wrong with the thread?
do you really think your gonna build f16's in india? think about it, a plane pakistan knows inside out, and back to front.
would the usa even let you. the f16's are apart of foreign policy and 10 billion is not as important as influence. the f18's ok yes you can have that. the rafale too if you have the money.

The F-16 IF it ever comes will be for China.

Pakistan is well covered by Mirage 2000, Mig 29K, Mig 27, Jaguar, Mig 29 UKB, Mig 21 and Hawk (upgraded to drop bombs).

Su 30MKI and F-16 (speculative) for China.
India has been negotiating deal for MMRCA for the last 10 years. Still no jet in Indian colors!

At this pace, India will start manufacturing F-16s in next 25 years. By that time, USAF will be retiring F-35 and F-22 for newer generation platforms. So all the best to India and its planners and its cheer leaders here on this forum.

The F-16 IF it ever comes will be for China.

Pakistan is well covered by Mirage 2000, Mig 29K, Mig 27, Jaguar, Mig 29 UKB, Mig 21 and Hawk (upgraded to drop bombs).

Su 30MKI and F-16 (speculative) for China.

Oh! I thought you were a regional super power buying weapons to defend against China? What else do you have in this list for a war with China? C-130J?
For the price of one uber plane and the evaluation, less than half a billion $ together ...
Pakistan's security is insured for 30 years! Tadadam!

That's what was intended but not very open by me.... hoped that somebody is gonna get the point.... Here you are and gotcha.... Pak should go and evaluate anything costly or even do some letter exchanges (fire a shot in dark and wait for response for point accuracy) and see India going full throttle while burning money to stop the deal .. end results we are good with whatever we have yet and they are busy and milked. . . . :D
How did Pakistan earn it exactly? :)

By executing War on Terror. :)
The F-16 IF it ever comes will be for China.

Pakistan is well covered by Mirage 2000, Mig 29K, Mig 27, Jaguar, Mig 29 UKB, Mig 21 and Hawk (upgraded to drop bombs).

Su 30MKI and F-16 (speculative) for China.
the mig 21 and the mig 27 are being scrapped.
i think the mig 29 ukb is the only worry for them. thats why they yanks sold them the apg 69-v9's radars too. they will see you before you see them.
Very interesting point! Who's got Nawaz Sharif's phone number? Waz? Webbie?
Here's my plan : we find the worst piece of crap available as long as modern, maybe
by holding an evaluation of fighters without any intent to buy, I heard it's being done!
We select the most expensive aircraft with the least efficiency and buy a single unit!
India immediately responds by getting a production line allowed to run on forever &
equips the whole IAF with junk worst than anything it could have produced locally
at an exorbitant cost thus making it unable to fight properly for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the price of one uber plane and the evaluation, less than half a billion $ together ...
Pakistan's security is insured for 30 years! Tadadam

Tsssssk, Tay.

I agree, the exact reason why the reaction was way over the top, the present govt needs to get its act together, the congress were quite good at it, but sucked in other departments.

This is all media BS though - paid news, that does not amount to much, nothing in reality, the defense acquisition is well planned with long term acquisitions queued up.

By executing War on Terror. :)

:D of course.
the mig 21 and the mig 27 are being scrapped.
i think the mig 29 ukb is the only worry for them. thats why they yanks sold them the apg 69-v9's radars too. they will see you before you see them.

The scrapping is not any time soon. It will be completely scrapped only when replacement arrive.

You think 50 upgraded Mirage 2000 with Thales RDY 2 radar and 62 Upgraded Mig 29 UPG with Phazotron-NIIR Zhuk-M2E slotted-array radar and 45 Mig 29K cannot take down 78 F-16 with pulse Doppler radar that pakistan has ? :cheesy:

i.e 157 modern IAF fighters vs 78 F-16 ? :P
The F-16 IF it ever comes will be for China.

Pakistan is well covered by Mirage 2000, Mig 29K, Mig 27, Jaguar, Mig 29 UKB, Mig 21 and Hawk (upgraded to drop bombs).

Su 30MKI and F-16 (speculative) for China.
you forgot the mighty LCA - or LCA is for china as well? -
Can we have the words BREAKING removed from thread titles when they get a day old ?
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Very interesting point! Who's got Nawaz Sharif's phone number? Waz? Webbie?
Here's my plan : we find the worst piece of crap available as long as modern, maybe
by holding an evaluation of fighters without any intent to buy, I heard it's being done!
We select the most expensive aircraft with the least efficiency and buy a single unit!
India immediately responds by getting a production line allowed to run on forever &
equips the whole IAF with junk worst than anything it could have produced locally
at an exorbitant cost thus making it unable to fight properly for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the price of one uber plane and the evaluation, less than half a billion $ together ...
Pakistan's security is insured for 30 years! Tadadam!

Tsssssk, Tay.

Tay, the proposal comes from the US OEM, and not related to RM or GOI.
First proposal MMRCA, when for F-18 sh the US ready to shift the whole line, under MII if the minimum order of 200 and India will promote F-18 SH.

What is good for Pakistan does not means good for India, and to understand the whole procedure of the procurement, I will explain you later, then you would understand no one person whether PM, Defence Minister could take the decission single handedly.

If you take the news positively, then the article suggested make in India, but does not means purchased by IAF, because all three IAF, GOI, RM have zeroed on Rafale.

do you really think your gonna build f16's in india? think about it, a plane pakistan knows inside out, and back to front.
would the usa even let you. the f16's are apart of foreign policy and 10 billion is not as important as influence. the f18's ok yes you can have that. the rafale too if you have the money.

Why not make in India by Tata Aerospace, sold to third country and why do you think make in India means in IAF inventory.

And what inside out.
In case of the F-16INS proposed for MMRCA its was thoroly evaluated by IAF, all its technical spec., validation, AOA, Engine Thrust, so does that means you know all inside out, or Singapore Airforce F-16 block 52 in India all year long practicing with IAF, give me a break.

E.g in case of MMR , you have the brouchure specs, then detailed technical are tested specs, but what OEM makers don't tells you the internal specs like Attenuation losses in MMR. The users have fare idea about that, but could not disclose due to OEM users contract but the question is Does the MMR are same in case of both in PAF or proposed for India. For rest it dosen't means much, because the real question is the strategy and the tactics deviced by the respective forces.

Good day
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